Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Harris Faulkner"?

 Thah first name tells US all 

US needs tah fuckin know, that muh fuckah 's ah MTF!

"Well, your name is Meredith! And maybe that's all we need to know!"

I mean, shit!



That's ah muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Disturbing footage shows zombie drug addicts flooding Alberta bus station waiting room - New York Post"

Funny ass absurd shit!





(Peace! More to come...)

Broke US vs evil Rich Sorry Ass Nasty Muh Fuckahs!

 US wannah keep fallin trap tah this conjured

Race bait bullshit!

Race ain't got dick tah do with any of this evil conjured sorry ass shit!

US bettah quit this fucked up cycle these evil degenerates got US goin through and shit!

CaUSe them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs gettin 



US are 


Slowly and

Methodically being thah fuck

Starved tah 


And US 're still undah that conjured race-bait evil muh fuckin fucked up


But I mean, shit! 

Just because you sorry evil degenerates stirrin thah muh fuckin US


Doth not mean, y'alls funky nasty asses ain't gonnah get what you have woefully have


And righteoUSly have biblically

Sought and ultimately tah y'alls sorry asses' demise, have now unreturnable evilly


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"GMA's Rachel Scott - ABC News"

 Trump tore that sorry ass muh fuckin MTF nigger ah



Still laughin at that muh fuckin fucked up shitshow!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Katie Ledecky still untouchable in 1500m freestyle...- yahoo! Sports"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Provin thah fuck


MTFs will always beat thah fuck out of 

Biological muh fuckin


Thah Holy fuck's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


It's like that old muh fuckah said tah thah Tommy Lee Jones character in "No Country for Old Men" and shit,

"You can't stop what's comin! Now, that's vanity."

God damned skippy!

Pray! And say,

Fuck it!

Our Father's speed!...

 (Peace! More to come...)

Brother Albert and Brother Chauncey!

 my old Black sorry broke ass missUS those two muh fuckUS!

Brother Albert was ah straight up Christian through and through, though he witnessed some shit in 'Nam no muh fuckah should have witnessed!

Brother Chauncey was jUSt thah muh fuckin opposite! He also was ah Christian! But... He was hardened by thah same shit he witnessed in 'Nam no muh fuckah should have witnessed!

They both instilled in me some kind of fucked up righteoUSness! 

And I dig thah shit out of that righteoUS fucked up shit!

But I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass missUS them two muh fuckUS all thah muh fuckin same, like nobody's muh fuckin business!

God damn!

Love you both! Shit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Burdock Root!

 If US took that sorry ass muh fuckin COVID vaccine!?

This is jUSt one of thah joints US should be takin!

500mg BID for thirty days! On an empty stomach!

And thank an old ass niggah later!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Activated Charcoal

 If yah ah drinkah! Like my old Black sorry broke ass?!

Aftah US is through drinkin, smokin...whatevah thah fuck... whenevah!

Take at least 500mg BID of thah shit!

But if yah eat subsequently, wait at least two hours and take thah shit!

Take thah shit on an empty stomach!

And thank an old broke Black ass muh fuckin niggah later!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

O-Lymp-dick's News

 "DJ in Opening Ceremony Scene Compared to 'Last Supper' Files Complaint After Receiving Death Threats - VARIETY"

God damned skippy!

Muh fuckah looks like that malfeasant girl muh fuckah in "Willy Wonka" that turned blue and shit that ate that blueberry or whatevah thah fuck, forevah gum that kept gettin fattah and fattah!

Bout ready tah explode from thah muh fuckin hypertension that done said,

'Fuck it! Somethin's gots tah give!'

That fat evil sorry ass muh fuckah?!

Fuck that muh fuckah!

Explode God damnit!

Fuck yah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Real US Equality

 I remembah my late Brother Chauncey said tah me on many occasions,

"Meredith, listen man! Mothah fuckah puts pressure on your ass! You must apply in kind, equal or even more pressure on that ass! Fuck it! They have to feel some shit! You can't just sit up there and take that shit! Not if you want to survive that shit!?"!

God damned skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's US evil elite Killing Time!

 Thah crux of thah muh fuckin mattah is,

Them evil degenerates have tah start gettin murdered!

Ain't no way out of this safely and righteoUSly save for killin them sorry ass clueless evil elite degenerates!

Muh fuckUS wannah talk that judicial court shit!?

How thah fuck that shit work!?

If thah judiciary tah thah highest fuckin level doth been compromised!?

How thee Holy fuck 

US gonnah get any righteoUS ass


US thah fuck ain't,




Thah fuck 's wrong with US!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Et Vous, evil elite?!

 I mean, shit! Think about it?

Them evil degenerates honestly think they are


When y'alls evil asses cause so much vileness within 


Ain't no-muh-fuckin-body thah fuck


Especially you evil sorry nasty ass degenerates!

US'll be comin for y'alls stank sorry muh fuckin asses 

Real soon!

Can't wait!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Venezuela: Disturbios Civiles, Muy Importante A Los Estados Unidos!

 Since them evil elite muh fuckahs murdered President Hugo Chavez in 2013, that country has been unstable as fuck!

Them evil muh fuckahs done put more hurt tah them Venezuelan muh fuckahs by election voting manipulation, downright cheatin and shit!

Now them Venezuelan broke ass muh fuckahs done took it tah thah muh fuckin streets and shit!

But let US not forget!

What US is witnessin in their muh fuckin Venezuelan shit!

Oh! That shit 's comin tah 

US this

November and shit!


And it ain't gonnah be nothin nice for you evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Tom Selleck"

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass loves his "Jesse Stone" shits!

But God damn! 

They had an article about this old ass muh fuckah!

Lookin like walkin muh fuckin 

Death and shit God damnit!

Agin horribly as fuck!

Lookin like shizit fo show!

And if US didn't know?

On the QT,

Old Tom boy is an OG Hollywood


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Modern Day Doctors Ain't Worth Shit No More!

 So my old Black sorry broke ass goes tah this specialist and shit!

The sports medicine, osteopathic or whatevah thah fuck!

Well I was told, by the chiropractor I started goin to after he took his x-rays, my two sorry ass hips are arthritic as fuck! But my right hip is more fucked up than thah left!

This muh fuckin specialist sittin back in his chair. Feet propped up on thah othah chair, that I wasn't sittin in and shit! Actin like his sorry ass done seen too many God damned patients in one day and shit! Or maybe, he jUSt has ah don't give ah fuck type of shit goin on! Anyway....

States to me in his bored fucked up manner, "Well, after doing those simple movements that I manipulated with your hip. I would say also, the ball and socket is not performing correctly. So, we can go about this in three different ways. I can refer you to physical therapy which will ease the pain? I can start a regimen of pain meds? But ultimately, you're going to have to have hip surgery. But we need to take our own x-rays so that we can have them on file. So, what is your decision of the three?"

'Well can we start with x-rays then I will make that decision?'

"Good. I'll set that up. And Raina will be in with the paperwork. You take it downstairs to the first floor where the x-rays will be performed. And we'll reach out to you in about a day of so."


He goes out of the examination room. I take off the paper shorts they gave me so he could do these motor function manipulation tests. Put on my regular clothes and wait.

Raina comes in. Hands me the paperwork. Escorts me out of the business side and into the familiar waiting room and shit! 

"Now when you go down to the first floor. Get off of the elevator. Make a left and the x-ray department will be clearly marked. Can't miss it. And hand them those forms that we provided you with."

'Okay. Thank you.'

Get into the elevator. Get to the first floor and shit. And head straight out thah muh fuckin main door. Got into my vehicle! And went thah fuck home! 

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Linearly Speaking of The Near End Times

my Wife knows The Holy Bible KJV better than most! Especially me! But... 

my Wife thinks I'm crazy and shit!

I try talkin tah her about this evil shit that's transpirin, witnessin and shit!

Oft times, she doesn't say shit! And thah othah muh fuckin times she laughs and shit!

I said to her today,

"I'm just sayin. When this shit goes south hurriedly and horribly? You shall ask me, 'What are we going to do?'! Then in turn, I shall ask you, 'What do you think we should do?' Then if you say, 'I don't know? What do you think we should do?' Then! I don't give one fuckin fuck! Because. 'This is what we are going to do!' Fuck that shit! It's fuckin time tah listen tah my old Black sorry broke 'crazy' muh fuckin ass about this evil Biblically fallen US bullshit! So we shall survive this evil shit!" 

And she nervously laughs!

But my old broke Black sorry muh fuckin ass is serioUS as fuck!

And thah fucked up shit about that shit! She didn't laugh or scoff anymore!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The O-lymp-dicks Apologize For The Opening 2024 Paris Ceremonies/evil Rituals?

 Spent hundreds of millions of dollahs in marketing and advertising!

Had ovah six years tah plan and begin production of thah sorry muh fuckin shit!

Paid thah greatest evil minds tah cosign and be onboard with that sorry ass Luciferian shit!...

Now them evil muh fuckahs wannah apologize because they show nuff bullied

Our Father

For the whole firmament tah witness!?

And thah evil ritualistic shit didn't turn out the way them evil muh fuckahs hopefully planned!?...

I mean, shit!

Talkin bout some sorry ass muh fuckin evil degenerate muh fuckahs!?



Cram that apology up your evil sorry muh fuckin evil asses!

And, of course,

Fuck you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Foods That Are Becoming Too Expensive To Buy Due To Skyrocketing Prices"

 Thee Holy Fuck!

Beef, Chicken, Pork, Bread, Milk, Fresh Fruits, Nuts, Butter...

God damn!

Them evil muh fuckahs are muh fuckin 


US broke sorry ass muh fuckUS tah


Kindah fuckin sorry ass US shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Can Kamala's knitting-obsessed topless modelling stepdaughter help her to the presidency? - The Telegraph"

Ella Emhoff! Male? Female? Don't fuckin know!? And don't give ah fuck! But if one wants tah call one "female", shit! Gots tah call some shit out and shit!

 Lookin miserable as fuck in 99% of thah muh fuckin images they show of "her" entitled young muh fuckin ass! Lookin like "she's" gonnah kill the whole muh fuckin sorry ass evil family and thah whole muh fuckin US and shit!

I mean, shit!  Ah niggah's old and bout ready tah die! Fuck it! 

Thee Holy fuck! Gonnah have ah muh fuckin photo of "her" holdin up ah knitted bikini top while showin thah world her hairy nasty ass underarm pits! 



Thah young bitch got hair in "her" pits and shit!?

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass still even shaves my pits and pubes every three days or so! And I'm ah muh fuckin biological male God damnit!

That shit's gross as fuck!

Ain't no muh fuckin future interested relationship, male or female, muh fuckah wannah see or smell that rank swampy smellin God-awful nasty ass shit!

But, shit!

Kam's ah muh fuckin biological 

Dude and shall not be thah muh fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin biological parent and shit! So...

Shit! Kam's old 'Black' sorry broke muh fuckin ass can't even begin tah know?!

But in my old Black sorry ass muh fuckin opinion?  

You, young "female" muh fuckah! 


Shave them damn Godawful fuckin hairy nasty sorry ass underarm 

Pits! Then kill whoever and whatever yo ass be mad about! I mean, shit! At least you'll do thah shit properly smellin 


I mean, shit!

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Creationism. Stop That US Shit...For A Tic or Two!?

 US muh fuckUS wannah jUSt complain like nobody's business about in-fuckin-flation and shit!

"I have a family! My wife and I work hard, everyday! We are going to be blessed with our sixth child! But this inflation stuff is making it very hard on not only our family but all of the other American families in the US!"

I can dig that shit! But...

my old Black sorry broke, one child havin, ass got some advice for US! 

That shall help US!

Quit muh fuckin, 


God damnit!

Or, shit!?

Start USin some type of muh fuckin 

Contraceptives and shit!

I mean, shit!

Problem thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

"There is no sleep for the weary."

I'm startin tah dig that shit! Didn't undahstand back in thah day what Mommy was tryin tah convey tah me with my young sorry Black ass! But my old Black sorry broke ass is finally pickin up what she laid down for me so long ago!

I mean, shit! 

my old Black sorry broke ass USed tah find comfort in supplements tah sleep and shit!

You know, like I've written before: 5HTP, Skullcap, Magnesium...fuck them Valerian Root and Melatonin shits! Them two shits ain't worth dick tah me! Anyway... But thah righteoUS supplements that I had researched and USed and shit ain't been workin for me lately. 

So I go tah thah muh fuckin doctah! I think I wrote about this shit before? Prescribin me Trazadone and shit! 

Does it put my old Black sorry broke ass tah sleep!?



Does it give my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass

Peaceful sleep?!



So, fuck that shit!


Or shit?! Alas...maybe I shall soon die, jUSt feelin and bein sorry muh fuckin woefully

Tired and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Masonic, Karl Marx: The Revered Zionist Jewish Nigger!

 They talk about this muh fuckah like ah muh fuckin God some shit!

Talkin bout he's Jewish and shit!

Cracks my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass up!

Thee Holy fuck!

Have US witnessed thah pictures of that revered Jewish sorry ass muh fuckah!? With that kinky ass combed afro, broad ass nose and shit?!

I mean, shit!

That's ah muh fuckin niggah through and fuckin through!

Who, pitiably hated his own God damned muh fuckin race,

US niggUS!

Don't give ah fuck!

What thah fuck is an old bout tah die sorry broke ass niggah missin and shit?!

Fuck that sorry ass muh fuckin nigger!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Deagle Population Forecast 2025," And The End Is Here!

 Depopulation is real my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

I mean, shit! Them evil muh fuckin degenerates' tellin and showin their plan for US tah witness and shit! Live and in muh fuckin colah God damnit!


Muh fuckUS still kickin muh fuckin rocks and shit!

And research who's gonnah be hit thah hardest!?  

US is like numbah three and shit @ 67 percent culled and murdered!

God damned skippy!

But maybe my Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass 's missin some shit or some shit!

But I ain't seen shit about 

Russia in this depopulation forecast?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Muh fuckahs talkin that shit that these muh fuckahs were "giants" and shit!

I mean, shit!

What thah fuck is ah "giant"?

Shit, if I'm ah five foot and undah muh fuckah then ah muh fuckah that's seven feet tall would be ah muh fuckin giant and shit!

These scholars and shit talkin bout muh fuckahs ovah ten feet tall and shit!?


Were they different? Sure. Over ten feet tall and shit?!



Not from thah shit my ol Black sorry broke ass has been researchin and shit!

CaUSe if them muh fuckahs were here before and aftah thah muh fuckin Biblical 

Flood! We'd still have muh fuckin Nephilim tah muh fuckin witness!

Or shit? Maybe them evil muh fuckahs got them muh fuckahs hidden in those innumeroUS DUMBs and shit!

Or maybe, them Nephilim muh fuckahs are in the othah three-quarters of this firmament US have not yet witnessed and shit?!

But whatevah thah case maybe? If them muh fuckahs were evah here? Them muh fuckahs are still fuckin in this here inescapable 

Our Father's given

Holy Beautiful muh fuckin



"There is nothing new under the sun."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Opening Ceremonies of O-lymp-dicks

 What thah Holy fuck was that shit!?

Talkin bout some evil demonic ritual sorry ass show for US tah all fuckin view!

I mean shit!

What them evil degenerates gots tah do,

Come knockin on US's fuckin doors and say,

"Hi! So glad to bother you. We have to kill everyone in this household. Standard procedure of course. Please comply. We don't want this to get any messier than what it is already going to be." So US can wake thah fuck up! But at that point thah shit's too fuckin late and shit! Bye-bye US! Alarm 's been goin thah fuck off! 

Ye, still US celebrates their fucked up public evil rituals and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with US!?

Fuck it!

Let their evil games begin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 26, 2024

"Heartz of Men - 2pac" III

"Give me that bass line, I'm feelin bomb"!

Ain't no-muh-fuckin-body bettah than 

'Pac in thah rap game!

That muh fuckah wasn't scared of this fucked up verbiage US muh fuckUS call, open communication!

That muh fuckah poured his heart out in that righteoUS evil elite conjured shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I'm So Very Fucking Weary!

 God damn!

I feel fuckin tired all of thah fuckin time!

Thah doctah prescribed my old Black broke sorry ass 

Fluoxetine for depression and Trazadone tah sleep!

That shit ain't muh fuckin workin!

Still can't muh fuckin sleep! And still fuckin depressed, not as bad, but still...

Just feel fuckin tired all thah God damned fuckin time!

my Old Black sorry broke ass is of course


But this mental fucked up shit is gettin old as 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

"Rhythm & Soul - Spoon" III

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Rockin that muh fuckin shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

"First opening rainfall in more than 70 years."

 Get thah fuck out that muh fuckah!

These evil elite muh fuckahs got weather modification technology and shit!

And it thah fuck rains on opening day!?

I mean shit!?

French muh fuckahs thought thah muh fuckin price tag for clear skies was ah little bit too fuckin steep and shit?! Shit! Them evil muh fuckahs made it 44 degrees IN Indianapolis in 2012 for thah muh fuckin "Super Bowl XLVI" God damnit! IN February!? Anyway...

Somethin 's thah fuck afoot! 


(Peace! More to come...)

If my Old Black Sorry Ass Was Fluent In French?

 God damn! I would have had ah muh fuckin field fuckin day!

my old Black sorry broke ass would have bought ah ticket ovah tah gay


And would've interviewed every muh fuckin French person that would've talked tah my old Black broke sorry ass while these ill ass games are goin on!

I mean, shit! It wouldn't be nothin nice! Nothin nice at all what them French muh fuckahs would have been spittin! But it would've been hilarioUS as fuck! God damn!

Would have gone viral and shit!

Fuck ah muh fuckin duck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The "Olympics" Ain't Shit No Fucking More! II

 Them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah make athletes eat this plant-based nasty ass conjured shit!

Athletes ain't goin for that tired ass shit!

Them muh fuckahs be like.

"Where're the chickens!? Where're the eggs!... I need protein God damnit! Not this grotesque merde!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The "Olympics" Ain't Shit No Fucking More!

 Lady Gag-Gag?! "Snoop Dogg"?! "Celine Dion"?! "Taylor Swift"?!...

Forgive an old ass broke niggah?!

But, I mean shit!

What thah fuck sport did them sorry ass muh fuckahs compete in?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mais Non!

 Thah Holy fuck!

Have US seen Macron's wife!

Now fuckin Macron is 46 years old!

His muh fuckin wife is 71 years old!

Talkin bout some nasty ass groomin goin on!

God damn!

Ain't no fuckin way!

Shit that ugly muh fuckah's not even ah fuckin MILF!

His evil sorry French ass married ah muh fuckin 

GIL/Grandmother (used tah be Grandfather) I Love!

Fuck that 'F' muh fuckin nasty ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Kam-A-LA Harass II

 Muh fuckahs sittin up there with fuckin excuses about old Kam not havin any children and shit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass wondahs thah fuck, "Why?"! I mean, just kiddin and shit! Anyway...

Shit, my broke Black ass shall tell US, "Why?"!

CaUSe muh fuckin sorry ass biological males shall not evah be able tah


(Peace! More to come...)

"NASA Reportedly Considering Rescuing Stranded Astronauts Using SpaceX Spacecraft - Futurism"

Ain't no muh fuckin outer fuckin space! 

Supersilly "Willy Wonka" evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!


 Thee Holy fuck! So...

From thah fuck where God damnit?! 

The Michoud Assembly Facility in N'awlins?! 

Area 51in Nevada?!

One of thah many DUMBs y'all evil muh fuckahs created all in the US?!

Or from their homes with their families and shit?!...

I mean 


Don't give ah fuck!

But most fuckin definitely

Not from muh fuckin

Science fiction generated

Outer fuckin space!



(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Plausible Deniability?

 Thee Holy fuck!

That shit jUSt means:

I know!

But anothah muh fuckah gonnah take thah muh fuckin fall for some ill ass evil muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Kam-A-LA Harass

 Muh fuckUS kill my old broke sorry Black muh fuckin ass!

Like in Mexico, with old MTF evil Sheinbaum! Still laughin at that absurd shit! Anyway...

Mexican women came out strong and voted for that MTF ZJ evil ass muh fuckah!

Old evil Kam might pull this shit off? I hope thah fuck not but, US done gone fuckin nuts!

I mean, women gonnah vote for old Kam and shit in droves because they think they lookin at ah muh fuckin woman!

Shiiiought! Again, like evil Sheinbaum's ass, Kam is ah muh fuckin biological 


These evil muh fuckin degenerates laughin their sorry asses off at US supersilly muh fuckUS!

The queen of England was ah biological dude! Michelle Obama ah biological dude! Jill Biden ah biological dude! Barbara Bush ah biological dude!...

Yeah! Them evil muh fuckahs get down like that and shit!

And if Kam gets voted in?!

Muh fuckin women will still not have ah biological female as muh fuckin president of


Now, ain't that some sorry ass shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"Generationwhy - ZHU" III

 Predictive programmin at its finest!

Some sorry ass muh fuckin shit! And it took ah niggah! Like thah Boston Massacre muh fuckin "Tea Party"! Crispus Attucks thah first niggah tah die for US in significant US history! Shit, my old Black sorry broke ass went tah "Crispus Attucks High School" IN Indianapolis!

God damned skippy!...


US shall still be fine my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Maputo - David Sanborn & Bob James" III

 Do US undahstand how many times I've rolled around US IN I465 listenin tah this righteoUS shit!

Shit, even went tah Louisville ah few times pickin up "Krispy Kreme" tah this muh fuckin shit!

Nevah get tired of this righteoUS music shit!

Still, tah this muh fuckin day!

Chills my old dyin ass out!

For real!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

PFB, Be Old Black Ass me!

 I've got fucked up skin! Always have! my muh fuckin skin is oily and fucked up as fuck!

Shit my old ass with, still tah this day, shavin and shit? 

Next day,


Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae 

Be like,

"Old niggah?! Really?!"

Shit! An old ass niggah shall keep tryin?!

"Good luck with that shit!"

And an old ass niggah appreciates that righteoUS 

Human truthful shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US IN 65N Highway!

 So an old ass niggUS goin home from work and shit!

Muh fuckahs goin 30 miles per hour on thah muh fuckin highway?!

First lane, second lane and third lane, muh fuckUS got hazards on creepin thah fuck along and shit!

my old Black ass can dig that shit!

But God damn muh fuckUS!

Get thah fuck ovah in thah first or second thah fuck lane! God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Some of US got tires that will hold thah muh fuckin road at 50 or 60 miles per hour in this rain fuckin blanket comin down!


Thah fuck!


And these propagandists' minions talkin bout how many deaths have been caUSed by "Road Rage" and shit! I mean, shit! I ain't thah fuckin one! I mean, fuck it! But shit! Get thah fuck ovah with your 30 miles an hour ass in thah othah two lanes fuckers! Muh fuckah! God damn!

Thah fuck's an old broke ass niggah missin and shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Obsession Confession - Slash" III

 Like "Guns N' Roses" Slash!?

Thah fuck!

Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Why thah fuck was that bad ass muh fuckah dealin with such lowly

Pedestrians of music sorry ass muh fuckahs like Axl Rose some shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kick, Push - Lupe Fiasco" III

US gots tah keep,

"Kick, Push/ Kick Push/ Kick Push/ Kick Push/ Coast"!

Oh, US shall be fine my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Get By - Talib Kweli" III

 And US are allowin these evil muh fuckin leaders of othah muh fuckin countries tah be beggin from US broke assUS and shit?!

Kindah fuckin US shit?!

And US taxpayin broke muh fuckUS...

Are jUSt tryin tah pitiably fuckin

"Get By"!?

Thee Holy fuck's wrong with 


God damn!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Stuck In This Heavenly Beautiful Eden?


Take a two seater 

to outer space;

Breakthrough the face 

of this firmament's 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Without Me - Halsey"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

"And if they laugh then fuck them all"!


RigteoUS ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Old Dyin Words To Thy Youths

 Just remembah you young muh fuckUS!

When yo ass gets old?

Check thah fuckin nose hair, eyebrow hair and ear hair on ah daily!

Why thah fuck an old ass niggah is bald on thah top of my head,

But thah nose, eyebrow and ear hair is out thah fuck control! An old ass niggah has not ah fuckin clue! Anyway...

And wear some fuckin readers while checkin yo old ass shit out!

All I've got!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bibi In Front of US's Congress? The Fuck?!

 What thah Holy fuck!

Shit US broke ass taxpayin muh fuckUS can't even get ah call-back from any of those sorry ass Fed muh fuckUS!

evil Bibi ain't paid one muh fuckin US tax God damned cent!

And thah fuckin Fed gives thah sorry ass muh fuckah thah fuckin Congress' 


Like Zelensky, beggin and shit!

Fuck those evil sorry ass whores!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

"Hungary to block EU funds for member states until Ukraine allows Lukoil Transit - REUTERS"

 God damned skippy!

US backin these evil degenerates and shit!

With Biden gone,

All evil homo Zelensky can do is just keep

Suckin innumerous evil

Global no muh fuckin


Cause sorry ass evil degenerate whore

Zelensky, loves suckin

Whoevah thah fucks foreign muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"NBA Commissioner Adam Silver" Is In Fact: An evil Underground Alien!

 That ugly ass ZJ don't look like any God damned one of


Only tribal similarities and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

French Tennis Muh Fuckahs! The French Sons.

 Got niggah French tennis players:

Gael Monfils and

Arthur Fils!

Gael gots everything tah do with thah Isle of Man! (See y'all muh fuckUS in 2025!)


My Son! That muh fuckin French muh fuckah reminds my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass of ah crackhead! De tout façon!...


Still Gaelic!

Thah Holy non-evil-fuck is goin on?!

Fils is Son!?

Thah fuck is my old Black sorry broke ass missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Global O-lymp-ic Absurdity

 Got these part-time Americans livin in US's shit!

Feeds lil muh fuckUS and their muh fuckin families off this life in US!

Creates their whole brand in


Then goes thah fuck

Home tah play against


Kindah fuckin absurd muh fuckin 

US sorry ass shit!?

US currently?!

I mean, shit!

US ain't an example for this firmament, for even muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Grover Cleveland vs Benjamin Harrison/Donald Trump vs ?

 Thah only othah time in US History ah muh fuckah shall take office with non-consecutive presidential terms. Aftah loosin ovah some cheatin bullshit! 

Cleveland, shit! Thah electoral college fucked 'im back then! 

Today? Just plain old-fashioned manipulation of votes/cheatin and shit!

But what struck my old Black sorry broke ass was thah parallel with what was goin on then, and what thah fuck is goin on 


Harrison was ah globalist!

Cleveland was an American!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Weekend at Bernie's - 1989" And Old Pedo Joe

 Talkin bout some cinematic predictive programmin shit goin thah fuck on!?

Shit, that old nasty pederast muh fuckah has left and is forevah with his evil father!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!

Can't make this evil Fed fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sodas At Beer Prices

 Muh fuckUS done gone stone cold muh fuckin crazy and shit!

my old broke Black ass lookin at thah menu and shit! I don't evah ordah soda, sweet tea... no shit like that! But I still check thah prices out and shit!

$3.29 for ah fuckin large fountain drink!? That's muh fuckin AAL bar beer prices and shit!

"Well it is replenishable at no charge. And it is 32 ounces." Shit jUSt keeps on gettin bettah, even comin closah tah muh fuckin diabetes!

No muh fuckin one of US needs tah muh fuckin replenish that carb loaded, HFCS infused...diabetes bout ready tah happen sorry ass shit!

I mean, shit?! At least beer is natural sugar and shit! 





"There you go playah! That'll be $3.75."

But at least I'm gettin ah very slight buzz happenin and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The US Secret Service: Horribly Overpaid evil elite Minions.

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS talkin and writin that bullshit that thah

US Secret Service failed horribly in their job!


There's training in US Secret Service shit! And

Then there's real and live

US Secret Service shit! Like with Trump and shit!

And them muh fuckahs didn't sign up tah protect no muh fuckin sorry ass 

US president or whoevah thah fuck ex-president!?



Ovah eighty percent are there for thah federal taxpayers funded,

Half of ah mill, muh fuckin US monetary absurd Fed



My half million dollah makin ass promised my spouse today I would get home

Safe and shit!

I didn't sign up for this real ass,

US fucked up shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Planning a vacation? Here's all the places that locals don't want you - INDEPENDENT"

 God damned skippy!

US shall

Fuckin shit,


US shall fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Kamala Harris Is Like Barack Obama

 I've suggested some shit about Obama and shit!

But look at old ass Kam's lips and gums?!

Again, eithah some good ass green!

Mentholated cigarettes!

Or muh fuckin crack will do that tah those dark ass purplish lips and gums tah ah niggah!

And me thinks,

Like evil Obama, evil

Kam smokin all muh fuckin 


Especially that muh fuckin off-whitish


(Peace! More to come...)

"Biden drops out of the 2024 presidential race, endorses Kamala Harris - Yahoo News!"

Them some lazy evil sorry ass muh fuckahs! "I mean? How can we help his old ass?! He's too far gone!" Uhm! Them some evil sly ass muh fuckahs! Them evil minions muh fuckin know thah president of this here US ain't runnin ah God damned thing! Got evil puppet strings connected all ovah those old ass joints and shit! Anyway...

 So old Pedo Joe had tah evilly go! Even his pedophile old ass wasn't evil enough for them evil sorry ass muh fuckin degenerates! Some scary sorry ass US shit right there my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! Ah known evil pedophile ain't good enough for their sinister ultimate plan! I mean, shit!?

Bring on Kam! Sorry ass MTF, married tah ah ZJ, evil black ass muh fuckah!!

Y'alls only evil muh fuckin option though, God damnit!

But I mean, shit!

Y'all evil lazy degenerates got some work tah do up until November!

But y'all's evil slothful asses will take thah least labor-intensive way out!

Fuck it!


Voter ballot innumeroUS manipulations!



CaUSe it worked all of thah othah muh fuckin

US presidential voting times!

They're just some evil lazy sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Don't even want tah work on successfully ruling this

Firmament! Just bully and cheat our evil agenda through!

I mean...shit!

Now, that's some lazy sorry scary ass muh fuckin US shit!

Can't make this Fed fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Genesis 3:9-11 - KJV

 my old Black ass has read that Adam and Eve bullshit ovah and fuckin ovah!

I mean, shit! Tired of this sorry ass evil bullshit soft-fuckin-shoe! Anyway...

Coerced by ah muh fuckin Serpent my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Eve, got coerced by thah 


And Adam got coerced by thah


Serpent, dick, tree, bush and whatevah othah allegorical Biblical fuck!

Eating, fucking and sucking from thah tree of mothah fuckin 

Knowledge!? Eve,

Fuckin and suckin that serpent/dick!

And like Adam

Fuckin and lickin that straight dick clit!

Then that Adam serpent/dick impregnates Eve bringin about othah lil future nasty ass muh fuckUS!

Creating US!

Why thah fuck they hidin and shit!?

CaUSe thah muh fuckUS got caught fuckin and suckin each othah! That's why! Straight up!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is tired! Real fuckin tired! 

And woefully muh fuckin weary!

Fuck it!

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck is an old ass about tah die broke sorry niggah missin and shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mark 13:7-8 KJV

 1-3+7+8 = 1-18



Our Father's speed!,,,

(Peace! More to come...)

Ye! And Woe Be Unto US!

 Shit, I know!

Them evil Fed muh fuckahs about ready tah drop 

US! Fuck Trump! All of these evil leaders muh fuckahs are against every single one of US!

Thah muh fuckin fucked up evil US fix is in full effect!

Get prepared my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


CaUSe those evil degenerate muh fuckahs know

Them evil idiots time has run thah fuck out!

Now, in panic mode and

Unpredictable as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 20, 2024

"38-year-old diagnosed with stage 4 cancer weeks after finishing half-marathon - GMA"

 I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass wondahs,


Kindah fuckin absurd shit?!

Don't take anothah muh fuckin shot of



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"SMOK - Spaceman 20k" Disposable Nicotine Vape (Dark Grapefruit)" III

 I mean, shit!

Thah muh fuckah is just like ah regulah 

Rig and shit! Got different levels of wanted pulls and shit!

LED screen tellin my broke Black ass how much battery time,

Soft, Normal or Boost mode and shit!

But without thah hassles of buyin coils, buyin vape juice...

And if thah shit gets actually 

20k pulls?!

I mean, shit!

Throw them rigs thah fuck


And return tah



(Peace! More to come...)

"Tate McRae" II

 No muh fuckin propagandists' minions,

Tate Rosner McRae!

Dad's of Scottish descent!

Mom's, Rosner, ah muh fuckin Canadien ZJ!

Okay! my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is pickin up what's been laid thah fuck down and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"SMOK - Spaceman 20k" Disposable Nicotine Vape (Dark Grapefruit)" II

 Okay? So when my old Black broke ass hits thah shit!

There's this hum that my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass hears, all around my cranium and shit! And mostly in my muh fuckin left ear!

I mean, shit!

That can't be good?

But shit! my old Black ass is broke!

And I have about 19, 666 hits tah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"SMOK - Spaceman 20k" Disposable Nicotine Vape (Dark Grapefruit)"

 I mean, shit! When an old broke ass niggah needs ah hit! He needs ah righteoUS hit! For less money and shit!

20,000 hits! For $20!?

What's that?! A penny ah hit some shit?! my old Black sorry broke ass 's


And thah shit hits righteoUSly!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 my old Black sorry broke ass is ah muh fuckin beer drinkah! Straight up!

But thah MissUS for some God damned reason, when she gets in thah mood,

Loves Bourbon!

She doesn't drink often! I mean, shit! She ain't like me when it comes tah my daily alcohol beer intake! Fuck! No! Anyway...

She was in thah mood thah othah day and offered me two fingers! Shit, my old Black sorry beer drinkin ass said, 'Fuck! Yes!'

Sweet JesUS!

Aftah them two fingers were ghosts! I told her, "I'm cool!" I was! Feelin good in thah muh fuckin hood! But fuck that shit! Ah, niggah's broke! Ain't got time nor money tah be or get broker! Fuck that noise! But

God damn!

Made my old Black sorry broke ass undah-fuckin-stand why these rich ass evil White men drink this expensive bourbon and shit!

I mean, shit!

Liquid muh fuckin crack!

"Just say, No!" The next muh fuckin time! (Smile)

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Tate McRae"


Yeah! Didn't know who thah fuck she was also until my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass read some shit!

Comparin her tah "Britney Spears" and shit! Well, she's more attractive than old tired ass Britney!

But lookin at thah muh fuckin jawline, the shoulder tah hip ratio is all fuckin off and me thinks thah muh fuckah done had some facial reconstructive surgeries...! 

In my old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin opinion!

I mean, shit!

They got that ass early with female hormones, countered with male hormone blockers...!

So, shit!

Just anothah muh fuckin evil elite marketed young "female"

"Pop Star"

MTF like Britney and shit!

Hence; where thah comparisons generate, plus with no real singing talent of course!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Places IN US, One Shall Not Go! Ever!

 Muh fuckUS think they can go intah any US state, city, town...and US should be safe!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can dig that righteoUS shit!

But, God damn!

I mean, shit!

Not one of US can tell my old Black sorry broke ass, that everywhere US goes in US's own varioUS places US calls home,

That US feels safe no mattah where US goes in that place US calls home!?

"Well! I do! We still open the windows at night to let the fresh air in! Rarely lock the doors! The children walk a half mile to school alone.... You know? The way it should be."

Then US ain't talkin thah same muh fuckin shit! my old Black sorry broke ass talkin bout 

US broke muh fuckUS' limited chosen places of


Not the evil elite "Hamptons" and shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fed evil Infused Chaotic Absurd Propaganda Ad Nauseam

 I mean, shit!

Can't believe dick about what these evil elite propagandists' minions muh fuckahs reportin on and shit!

Now them evil minions talkin psyop foul with thah muh fuckin Trump 'assassination' attempt?! evil muh fuckahs tryin tah make an evil conditioned "Conspiracy Theory" ah muh fuckin "Non-Conspiracy theory"! Kindah fuckin absurd evil shit?!

Tellin on their own sorry ass God damned selves! 

Some fucked up misdirection, confusion lead...

Modern day 

US evil

Propaganda fucked up shit!


Maybe my old Black sorry ass jUSt needs tah quit readin, watchin, listenin...tah this show nuff,

US end,

To an US brighter


And maybe, just start laborin, livin, lovin, prayin and writin!

And fuck all thah rest of this absurd evil shit

US bein sucked thah fuck into!?

Just so them evil degenerates can continue to, with much hearty laughter, 

Slaughter most of


While manipulating, training and transforming future evil


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Niacin 500mg Flushing! Fuck, 500mg Non-Flushing!

 Shit! That shit kicks thah fuck in!

God damn!

Skin feelin all muh fuckin prickly and shit!

Heat kindah goin through my body, warming

Yet, uncomfortable.

Skin turning a reddish brown light skinned color....

But after that 


Flushin shit is through!


US shall feel like ah 



(Peace! More to come...)

"McDonald's new $5 Meal Deal isn't going as planned - The Street"


"We at McDonald's had no idea how little disposable income we as Americans have! Like all of you in America, we at McDonald's got USed to that COVID money! So we came up with a plan to give back! The $5 Meal Deal is through thah roof! We just wish more of our customers would choose from our overpriced other delicious menu items every once in a while."

Yeah! Some sorry ass evil muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fucked Up US Nation!

 Muh fuckUS think this shit is some muh fuckin 

Human game and shit!

Ain't no muh fuckin game!

Get fucked in yo lil ass from age five tah age ten ever so often forcibly!

Then hollah at ah niggah!

Still havin gastrointestinal, stoolin problems from that ill ass nasty shit done tah me when I had no muh fuckin voice!

I hate men!

Includin my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass self!

I mean, shit!

Old broke ass niggUS tired and shit!

And I'm soon tah 


But US still shall be fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"I spent 4 hours and 20 minutes in the state fair's new weed lounge. Here's how it went - Los Angeles Times"


I mean, shit!

Again, don't believe dick that's comin out of thah muh fuckin US state of sorry ass pitiably lost,

New some-bitch


(Peace! More to come...)

Even the evil elite Hates Old Ass Pedo Joe!

 CaUSe for eight muh fuckin years that sorry ass muh fuckah was undah ah niggah!

Now, his sorry ass is ovah ah niggah!

And that niggah he's ovah,

Bout tah take his job ovah!

I mean, shit! Talkin bout some righteoUS cruel evil shit!

Can't make this Fed shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

Global Tech Outage!?

 Thee Holy fuck!

I mean, shit!

Where's all these muh fuckin overcasts filled


Clouds and shit!?

What thah fuck is an old ass niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

"Biden has COVID-19 and he isn't alone....- USA Today"

 Lyin sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Kindah fuckin duplicate shit?!

US gonnah let these nasty evil elite simpletons 


US thah fuck down


Just before ah major 

US election?!

I mean, God damn!

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Back IN The Day IV

 Tee was thah shit! He didn't want tah hear about yo crisis! Your baby momma drama!...None of that shit! He worked 8-5! Aftah five he turned his work phone thah fuck off! Delivery only! And. if yo broke ass didn't like his product? Then cop from anothah muh fuckah! He smoked his own product! And stood behind its effects on him!

"Tell me Hop? How ah muh fuckah gonnah tell yo ass bout some shit if that same muh fuckah don't know its effects?!"

'Shit Tee?! Kindah fucked up! I couldn't even begin tah tell yah?!'

"That's what I'm talkin bout! You, see? That's what I like about you, niggah! Because that's just true modern day sorry ass salesmanship! Don't give ah fuck! As long as yo sorry ass buys intah what I'm falsely sellin! The shit's cool! But when muh fuckahs find out what yo sorry ass falsely mis-sellin, now muh fuckUS got some valid muh fuckin complaints! And maybe even plannin about yo evil sorry ass niggardly righteous demise!"

'I can dig that shit.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Back IN The Day III

 "Three will set you free!"

God damned skippy!

Cause I wrote off thah shit for eight fuckin hours non-stop!

The next day

Called Tee!

'Can ah niggah get an O-Z more and shit?'

"My niggah! That's what I'm talkin bout! That'll be one hundred and sixty dollahs upon delivery!"

Then it was my turn,

'My niggah!'

"And you know it! See you in twenty!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Back IN The Day II

 'In that case Tee, I'll take a half if you 've got it?!'

"My niggah! And give me your take on thah shit whenever! But shit man. I've been smokin since age nine some shit! Just remember with this shit!"

'I get it. Three will set you free! Hit thah shit three times and wait! After an hour, maybe hit thah shit again!'

"My niggah, again! But check it Hop! After that three! Yo ass is set for thah whole muh fuckin day! So hollah at ah niggah aftah chiefin and shit! Yo ass is honest and solid about thah product! But thah shit was dangerous tah me! I was like, fuck! But good ass shit! Look at the red and purplish hairs in that muh fuckah! Shit! I'm telling you! You won't be disappointed. And that'll be one hundred and twenty dollahs my niggah!"

'You mean one-sixty?'

"One-twenty. You see? I already told you. You're honest. But hollah at ah niggah about thah product!"

'Can do!' ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just For A Tic, Or Two?

 I'm sure some of US have ah mind like my old mind!

It's like some of US niggUS in ah bad ass fucked up situation that doesn't know how tah

Shut thah fuck up! Niggah!

"Fuck you! Sorry ass worthless, old..."


(Peace! More to come...)

US Back IN The Day

 Membah that shit!?

Muh fuckUS would ask yo broke ass as ah snub some shit,

"I mean, shit? What we talkin?!"

Like, let's cut out all thah muh fuckin bullshit!

You buyin thah shit or not,

"It's eighty for ah quad Hop! And you won't be disappointed. Trust me?!"

That's all ah solid sellin green niggah had tah say in thah first muh fuckin place!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Can Do A 180 At Any Time! Until US's Time Shall Be evilly Expired!

Our Father!

US gots thah muh fuckin time tah turn this shit around my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! God damnit! Shit! Them evil elite muh fuckahs are dumb! Fuckin stupid degenerate pieces of shits!

Kindah fuckin sorry ass US absurd shit?!

my old Black sorry ass be smilin at this Fed fucked up shitshow!

Gigglin and laughin even!

I mean, shit!

Fuck it!

This shit's all in thah God damned

The Holy Bible KJV for

Fucks sake! It's ah cautionary tale of US stupid muh fuckUS doin thah same fucked up evil muh fuckin thing ovah and ovah again! God damnit!

If US righteoUS would jUSt stay muh fuckin righteoUS in these fucked up evil lead sorry ass repetitive cycles, 

The Holy Bible shall become obsolete! 

Thah signal has been muh fuckin blarin for thah past 25 years some shit! US thought "Prince" with his funky ass "1999" was about thah end of thah world and shit! 1999 was thah muh fuckin year that would change as US knew this firmament! Flip them 999 up in 1999, made ah old niggah started understandin some shit!

Thah year 2000!

Commenced this tired ass muh fuckin

New World Order!

And US sorry broke assUS still got time tah stop this evil ill ass

Global World, about completed,


Keep prayin Sonshines!








Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Proper US RighteoUS Footballer

 He had noticed that anything that he did was about

USer error.

The soccer ball became one with him.

Error no more.

He didn't have to look at it to understand that it was a part of him like his hands, his feet, his legs, ...the soccer ball.

Dribbling around, in between...other players were not the problem.

The problem came in getting a







(Peace! More to come....)

Say? When!

 In seven fuckin days!

Shit! my old Black sorry broke ass maybe gets 21 hours of sleep!

my old Black ass ain't evah undah-fuckin-stood


Fuck that noise!

Ah niggah's up!


Tired as fuck!

Always fuckin 


But, shit!

Fuck it!

Ah old tired broke Black ass muh fuckah gots tah go tah work!

What thah Holy fuck!?

I guess it's anothah secretive old sorry ass mystery 


Well, old ass gone muh fuckUS or old ass livin muh fuckUS, still ain't told US monkey broke assUS shit!

But I've been finally pickin up what y'all cruel sorry ass muh fuckUS laid down!

I mean, shit!

This old ass niggah

Be at,


But my old broke Blacks sorry ass already knows what y'all been spittin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An US UbiquitoUS Choice

 One has to give back to this


You see?


If one acts


Sanely and


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 It's fascinatin tah my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass about movement.

Watch some shit, stayin stoic as fuck!

Then, all of thah sudden thah muh fuckin shit

Gesticulatin out of fuckin

Control and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US 's Hell Bound! Unless...

 Muh fuckUS livin in US,

So they hollah that tired ass shit durin stupid hackneyed marches and shit!

Them sorry ass muh fuckUS wants tah 


What thah fuck "I" wants tah do!

But still call thah muh fuckin

IMPD when muh fuckUS done

Jacked their ride!

Or broke IN US's homes and shit!

Civility has tah have muh fuckin rules!


Or fuck it!

What's thah muh fuckin point!?

I mean, shit!

This firmament without 



Fuck that noise!


my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

That sounds like sorry ass 

Hell tah me!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I mean, shit!

Thah only muh fuckUS be left in 

Cali are






Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Die Hard" and "California."

 Shit! Muh fuckin

"John McClain" said thah shit in one-word witnessin some shit goin through thah airport catchin his ride,


God damned skippy!

US needs tah

Get thah fuck out that 

New Som-bitch!....

(Peace! More to come...)






(Peace! More to come...)

"President Biden renews call to ban AR-15 rifles after Trump Assassination attempt - USA Today"

 Pedo Joe! Good lawd!

Talkin bout makin ah bad sorry ass muh fuckin

Presidency worse!?

God damn!

Who thah fuck is handlin this old clueless dumb nasty ass muh fuckah!?

I mean, shit!

"Hey! Waterboy!? You're fired!"

Thah fuck's wrong with them evil idiots?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Revelation 7:1-4 KJV

 Four fuckin corners!?

I mean, shit!

This bitch is flat as fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Parties Have Dummied Up

 Ain't none of these political muh fuckahs tellin thah muh fuckin 






Some scarry ass evil muh fuckin 

US shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 15, 2024

"Senor Samurai - Chi" II

 US wannah chill US's assUS out my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

Do what US 

Do tah 

Break thah fuck away!

Then listen tah this shit with 'phones or 'buds in!?


Shall be 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

my Old Black Broke Sorry Muh Fuckin Ass Shall End IN US!

 When US lets this US Fed fucked up shitshow start washin ovah 



Our Father!

Me thinks, them evil degenerate muh fuckahs are in ah US shitload of muh fuckin 



Can't wait!!!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"17 Days - Prince" (US has to listen to this shit with 'buds in! (Smile))

 "Called you yesterday/ Didn't answer your phone..."

"Let the rain come down! The rain come down!..."


US done fucked up!

But US shall be fine my 

Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"California hits 'very high' COVID levels as virus in wastewater jumps significantly - Los Angeles Times"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Don't believe dick comin out of California! Now, them's some fucked up muh fuckUS! New York and Chicago, runnin two, three respectively! Fuck! 

Propagandists' minions ain't shit!

Wastewater infused with money makin


So muh fuckUS in Cali' drinkin muh fuckin

Wastewater with electrolytes and shit!?

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck's an old ass muh fuckin niggah missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Trump/Vance (T/V) 2024

 Smart ass muh fuckin 


Gettin some Young US Men up in thah muh fuckin

White HoUSe!

Mothah fuckah gonnah have tah be aired out and shit, from thah 

Formaldehyde and mothball smells up in that tired ass bitch!

Don't give ah fuck!

And thah muh fuckah ain't too bad on thah muh fuckin eyes eithah! So Trump's ass done picked up some White women votes, some gay votes, Black women votes...but most of all 

Young US voters... I mean Vance ain't but 39 some shit! Kamala 59! Anyway...

Like 96% percent of politicians are fuckin busted! Male! Female! Or whatevah thah Holy fuck!? Includin Beiden and Trump!

So shit!

It was ah God damned good ass

Well thought out




(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash," "Lovely Day - Bill Withers" and Other Shit!

 Durin these difficult times

US calls


US gets lead thah fuck astray!

Oh, not about thah betterment of thah pitiful broke ass muh fuckin




But from US's own muh fuckin sorry ass broke ass shit!

These two songs and some shit, got me through those troubled sorry ass muh fuckin broke ass

Parenting times!

With my old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin self!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

At The Direction of The Modern Day USA?!

 Don't US wannah 


Humanly, peacefully


I mean, shit!





(Peace! More to come...)

Manufactured US

  my old Black ass didn't know it could snow in US Summer!

Cuss this Firmament's ill


Nature if 

US wannah pop with ah psychedelic corporate


But this is some 


Human geo-engineering sorry ass evil


(Peace! More to come...)

"Operation Missed Target" @ July 2024

 "We've reviewed your career, Master Gunnery Sergeant. And we find it to be outstanding! Just what we've been looking for, a True US Soldier! No wife. No kids. No siblings. Both parents have passed. No Human connection other than the Marine branch which you have served so finely and proudly, Master Gunnery Sergeant! Still! With "The United States Marine Corp's,"  prestigious, "Marine Rifle Expert, Sniper Qualification!" I even heard that you could shoot a fly off a pile of shit at three-hundred yards?! Is that true?"

"I don't know about all of that sir. But I would come close." 

"Outstanding! Because that is all that will be required of you. To come close. And we have an opportunity for you! Once achieved! You'll be set for life...."...


 my old Black sorry broke ass gottah 

Love-Hate type of relationship with them shits!

Love thah smell of 'em!

Love thah taste of 'em!

But hate chewin them shits!

God damn it's ah muh fuckin




Like chewin on heavily infused banana


(Peace! More to come...)

Thine 'US' Lips Doth Not Lie!

 Obama! Thee Holy fuck!

Shame before 

Our Father and

US niggUS!

I mean, shit!

Them purplish Black ass lips on ah brown muh fuckah ain't thah fuck addin up and shit!

Three things that can cause that discoloration of ah niggUS lips:

Good ass Green!

Smokin "Newports", "Maverick - Menthol" or othah mentholated cigarettes!



Oh, shit! There in lies ah


Thah muh fuckin evil sorry ass muh fuckah does

All muh fuckin


"Because three! It's a magic number... - Schoolhouse Rock"! And "Disney" acquired that righteoUS US shit! 'All things youth shall be made evil'! evil sorry ass, petty muh fuckahs! For real! Anyway...

Just suggestin some shit....

(Peace! More to come...)

The Muh Fuckin US Is! What US Has Let It Be!

 Them evil muh fuckahs are fuckin with US!


No more!

And no muh fuckin less!

Lock downs again

Are comin tah US broke muh fuckin assUS soon!

"Why?! What's happening where they would do that?!"


It don't muh fuckin, 


US broke muh fuckUS,


CaUSe that's always been their evil plans time and time again!

And them evil sorry ass degenerates

Fail every God damned

Human Cycle!

evil idiots!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Spicey Tequila Bomb (Infused with vitamins)" 'Only at The Vitamin Dive Bar, Indianapolis, Indiana! Come Rejuvenate With US?!' @ August 2024 US IN III

 2ozs Tequila

One-ounce pickled Jalapeno juice

1tsp Lemon

1tsp Lime

500mgs Taurine powder

500mgs Moringa powder

Shake well with ice.

Pour into individually chosen drinking vessel!

Drop in a pickled jalapeno pepper! 


"Only at the Vitamin Dive Bar! Come rejuvenate with US!"...

Pedo-Joe Took Too Long! Trump said, "Fuck it!"!

 Trump said okay, he's gettin that sorry ass US

Old pity  muh fuckin vote!

Shit! My old evil ass got somethin bettah!

Even more muh fuckin

Sinister and shit!

Trump doubled down on Pedo-Joe's old sorry ass! And paid out big fuckin time!

I mean, shit! RFK Jr. is thah only US muh fuckin way for thah 

US-A! Anyway...

Can't make this Hollwood/CIA /Fed... fucked up cinematic shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

"Trump is fine, campaign says, after being whisked off stage... - AP"

 Fuckin evil 



Now it's your muh fuckin sorry ass evil turn


Can't make this Fed fucked up shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Alien: Romulus" (Expected Release Date 16Aug2024)

 Shiiiought! 'WEYLAND CORPORATION" et al in





my old Black sorry broke ass gonnah be in thah theater when this ill shit drops!

Just itchin tah witness in CIA cinema, what them evil muh fuckahs got in store for 

US near future,

Human Lab Rats, broke muh fuckin assUS!?

If US have kept up with thah "Alien" series CIA/Hollywood productions! Shit's been tellin US how 'Weyland Corporation', Federal and othah muh fuckahs of thah same, evil cold ass ilk! Observe and treat US like lab animals and shit! Don't give one good US fuck about US! But US bettah have that Fed /Corporation Pimps' money! God damned skippy!

And produced by "Ridley Scott"!

Come on my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

Gonnah be ah stone cold broke ass Cinematic CIA Human Enlightening Blast for US's sorry assUS!


Just ah suggestion some shit.



Can't wait!

See US at thah 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ruth Westheimer, Expert on Everything About Sex dies at 96"

Ding-dong! That sorry ass muh fuckah is dead!

 And ah noted, Zionist Talmudic Jew, obviously!

An expert on everything about sex!

Expert on everything about sex?!...

Shit that muh fuckah was ah nasty ass muh fuckah!

Dead at 96!?

That Baphomet shit with 96, up and down shit got my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass trippin! For real!

Just evilly blatant with some marketin Luciferian signage!

God damn!

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth II

 It's ah God damned shame US always gots tah define thah muh fuckin:


I mean what US talkin and shit:








Kindah fuckin absurd shit!

Yeah, muh fuckUS!

All that shit!

And when US opens US's God damned mouths,

I mean, shit,

Just speak that ill 

Beautiful muh fuckin fast fleeting 



(Peace! More to come....)

"Inside Eddie Murphy's Intimate Carribean Wedding to Paige Butcher - Newsweek"

 Thee Holy fuck niggah!

Thah muh fuckah done married anothah muh fuckin transgendered muh fuckah?!

"Nicole wasn't a transgender! What's wrong with you old niggah!?"

Shit, yo ass lookin at thah now first wife! Look at when them muh fuckahs first got married, when Nicole was 25 years old and shit! Thah muh fuckah had ah six pack! Square broad shoulders. Hips, at the time, didn't look child bearing. Angular jawlines. Then check thah neck!?

"But they both, Nicole and Paige, have children by Eddie! You stupid old fuckin nigger!"

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass completely undahstands that cogent dig! But shit? Do somethin for this ol Black stupid muh fuckin niggah one time?

Research ah company called "Moonbump"?! Now these foul ass muh fuckahs went "worldwide" in 2009! But them evil muh fuckahs in thah marketin ain't informed US when thah shit started! Worldwide in 2009 don't say dick about when y'all muh fuckahs weren't so "worldwide"! Anyway...

Now married with this Australian transgender! Look at this Paige ten to twenty years ago!? Shiiiought! Same manly characteristics and shit!

Membah back in thah day ah story broke out bout Eddie and Arsenio gettin caught with some transgender muh fuckahs? 

I mean shit niggah!

Me thinks Eddie loves the Trans ex-man!

But God damn! Tell muh fuckUS and shit!

I mean, shit niggah,

It's all the so-called sorry ass muh fuckin

Rage up in this bitch


Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Serena Williams Brings Bombshell Blonde and Bodycon to 2024 ESPYS - But Daughter Olympia Stole The Show - People"

 That ugly Black MTF muh fuckah can't have no muh fuckin 









Thee Holy fuck!

Ah biological male cannot muh fuckin



Children! God damnit!

And look at thah muh fuckin

Child, God damnit!?

She looks fuckin



(Peace! More to come....)

"Amanpour questions Hezbollah politician on risks of wider war - CNN"

 Thah fuck that ugly evil propagandist's minion talkin bout?!

Now, that's an evil ugly he/she muh fuckah!

And as always with this trans shit,

Aging muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

The CIA/Entertainment/News Shows Go, How Pedo-Joe Goes. And That Sorry Nasty Old Ass Muh Fuckah, Ain't!

 Ain't that some shit!

Four fuckin years!

Now every-muh-fuckin-body coincidentally got somethin negative tah say

About old nasty ass

Pedo-Joe! His age-related cognition 's woefully and righteoUSly


And ah muh fuckin


Y'all evil muh fuckahs, think?! Or 


my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 


And that old nasty evil degenerate is still sitting

President of


Kindah fuckin absurd US propaganda shit US believin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RFK Jr. Is The Only Way US Gets Back On Track!

 I mean, shit! Listen tah thah muh fuckah!? He was thah only one of thah three that said,

"The vaccine is harmful."!

These othah two evil idiot candidates, 

One with "Operation Warp Speed"!

And thah othah,

"Uh...the vaccines are safe for everyone! Did I say that right?"

Kindah fuckin absurd US shit?!

Can't make this Fed fucked up shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Well, that's not funny!" II

Thah fuck it's not!

Thee Holy fuck!

"Idiocracy - 2006"!

Othah than some stupid shit that went thah fuck ah lil too far and shit!

That's some predictive programmin for US's broke assUS!

And thah evil elite smilin thah fuck at US and shit!

CaUSe that muh fuckin CIA/Hollywood shit is thah real,

"Trickle-down Effect"!

US done got so muh fuckin stupid,

US got supersilly evil stupid nasty ass muh fuckahs runnin

US's shit!

I mean, shit! God damn!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

D.L. Hughley Drags George Clooney And Other "Cowards" For Switching Up On Pres. Biden - VIBE"

 Funny as fuck!

God damned skippy!

If yo sorry evil asses rollin with evil old Pedo-Joe!

Shit, keep rollin with that evil nasty ass muh fuckah!

Y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs have rolled old Pedo-Joe for thah last four fuckin fucked-up years!

I mean, shit! Fuck it!

Shit keep rollin with that old evil nasty ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

"GOP bill to fund legislative branch fails on House floor - The Hill"


Ain't ah muh fuckin one of US done got 

COLA in ah decade some shit!

All thah shit's that's happenin tah 


And them evil muh fuckahs worryin about their own God damned

Shameful sullied pockets!?

"Kill 'em all Drill Sergeant! Let God sort it out!"

God damned muh fuckin skippy!

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Embattled Biden Campaign Tests Kamala Harris' Strength vs. Trump - The New York Times"

 That's y'alls only evil muh fuckin option!

That's why that dumbass muh fuckah is thah Vice President tah begin with!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs knew that old ass pedo-Joe muh fuckah wasn't no God damned two-term president!

I mean, shit!

Kam's been groomed! And got thah LGBTQ vote, Black vote and ZJ vote tah back it up! 

Thah White muh fuckin votes?! Thah Hispanic votes?! Fuck! No! Anyway...

Unless...y'all stupid evil degenerates rethinkin bout some fucked up strategy and shit, that hasn't gone too muh fuckin 

US well!?

Like undah appreciatin and underestimatin thah 

White and Hispanic muh fuckin


Thah fuck's wrong with them 

evil idiots!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Subtle Parenting Guidance Is Planted Deep

 Mommy USed to say tah me all thah time,

"Meredith. Be careful who you ask to pray for you."

Shit! I didn't get that shit back in thah muh fuckin day!

She was talkin tah thah walls!

But shit!

my Black ass honestly can witness,

Mommy knew those walls would come







Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chicago Mayor: Brandon Johnson II

 That muh fuckah is like what happened in Mexico and shit!

All these muh fuckin Mexican women got their asses out and voted because ah muh fuckah named Sheinbaum is supposedly, female! Fuck whether thah muh fuckah's Mexican or not!

US niggUS are thah same muh fuckin way! I mean, shit! Look at sorry ass Andre Carson and shit! Dumber than ah muh fuckin box of rocks! But for some fucked up reason,

US IN niggUS votin for thah unqualified dumbass sorry niggah caUSe he's

Black! And thah son of RighteoUS deceased Congresswoman Julia Carson! Sorry ass muh fuckah can't hold ah candle next tah his Mother! Ever! Shit! I remembah livin downtown Indianapolis and shit! Grocery shoppin at thah 'Kroger' near 16th and Central! my cart passin Congresswoman Carson's! I genuinely said, "How you doin Congresswoman Carson?"

She looked at me and said, "Tired baby! Just tired! But, how are you doing baby?"

'Fine Miss Carson. Just fine.'

"I heard that! You have a good day?"

No congressperson can evah come close to

Congresswoman Julia Carson!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chicago Mayor: Brandon Johnson

Thee Holy fuck! 

Bein set thah fuck up!

You stupid ass muh fuckin nigger! Bein used! And yah don't give ah fuck!


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs couldn't pay my old Black broke sorry ass enough!



And thah ZJs behind this psychotic stupid ass muh fuckah!?

"Johnson's father, Andrew Johnson, also worked at the Elgin Mental Health Center." Why thah fuck them evil minions put that shit in thah shit?! Unless it's ah subtle maniacal testament?!

I mean, shit! His ass is ah black ass muh fuckah!

But that sorry ass muh fuckin nigger ain't

US Black muh fuckUS


Read thah muh fuckahs bio and shit!

Talkin bout some "Who shot John" nonsense!

Uh! That be this

Stupid ass muh fuckah!

And becomin mayor of one of thah biggest muh fuckin cities in

US?! With that


Thah fix was fuckin in way before yo stupid niggardly nigger ass was sorrowfully elected!

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Malachi 3:8-10 II

 This is what irks my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Ah Preacher, Bishop, Deacon, Reverend...and whatevah thah fuck!

Gets caught up in some rapin children bullshit!

And not one of those evil sorry ass muh fuckin 'church' leaders say dick about that nasty ass shit!?

Like Law Enforcement and shit!

Some kind of evil, sick, unwritten, and unseen covenant US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS ain't privy to and shit!? But yah don't dare tell on thah othah Brothah!

US talkin bout 'righteous' muh fuckahs!? That shit yo evil ass doin ain't fuckin righteously Biblical! Quite thah adverse! I mean shit! It's Biblical! But not no God damned Jesus inspired shit! Shit, y'all muh fuckahs are thah muh fuckin, "Wolves in sheep's clothing" and shit! On ah muh fuckin dais, speakin for Our Father?! Some cold ass muh fuckin shit! Diabolical! Fucked up!

Leadin their muh fuckin sorry ass flock tah muh fuckin

Damnation and ruinin innumeroUS souls!

These are some evil heartless muh fuckahs runnin these evil manmade churches!

US needs tah





Them evil ass havens!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Food Supply Chains

 my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass loves tah go grocery shoppin and shit! Lookin at thah labels on shit! Comparin sodium, carbohydrates, fats...fuckin fascinatin tah my broke ass! Anyway...

I USed tah go tah thah "Saraga" ovah here on thah westside of Indianapolis! Well, my wife asked me yesterday evening, 

"Hey? Why don't you go to 'Saraga' any longer?!"

'Shit! Too many damn rude ass Africans! And too many damn rude ass Asians! So, I said 'Fuck it'! And quit goin.'

"You right about it! But, let's try the one over in Castleton this Saturday?"

'Now, I can dig that!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"Ashes To Ashes - David Bowie" III


Predictive evil  

Programming muh fuckin shit!

But with some bad ass


God damn!

"I'm happy. I hope you're happy too?"

God damned skippy!

Why them evil degenerates up on

US's shits!

Oh, shit! my old Black sorry broke ass knows!




You lazy nasty ass elite muh fuckahs!


(Peace! More to come...)

From The Sick Ass Muh Fuckin evil elites' Historical Credo Pedo-Files!

 Let US evil elite take US's 

Children and



Nothing will go to 


Even the

Taste of 


Blood or




(Peace! More to come...)

Conjured, To Ensure Injured US Families' Dark evil Spell! Oh, It's Fucking US Spelling!

 It doesn't take much tah depress thah clutch!




The US 




Being an evil sorry ass muh fuckin

Diagnosis of:





(Peace! More to come...)

Nicolaism = Zionist Jews (The ZJs Shall Not Be Confused With The Real Jews: The Beta-Ethiopian Jews. Not Ever!)

 Zionist Jews don't have ah muh fuckin home!



"And? Why the fuck not?! Old Black sorry ass mother fucker!?"

Cause one



Where one


Shall call


(Peace! More to come...)

Malachi 3:8-10

 This is thah muh fuckin chapter and verses them evil muh fuckin churches live by!

The "church" ain't shit!

Them evil sorry no-count preachers and church leaders don't give two fucks about thah rest of The Holy


Nasty muh fuckahs fuckin boys and girls, fuckin thah parishioners, fuckin choir membahs and shit!

But can quote this Old Testament bullshit ad muh fuckin


And live by this ratchet Old Testament bullshit!

Kindah fuckin evil US done got 

US selves 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pedophiles Should Get Mandatory Double Life Sentences In US!

 "Isn't that kind of excessive?"





my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is

58 years old God damnit!

Still fuckin dealin with some shit from age five to ten!

So shit!

I mean, shit!

One takes ah life's soul!

One has tah muh fuckin pay for that now,




Corrupted, ...


Fuck it!

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with US?!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


And so hath shall evilly 


Live by thah muh fuckin


Happily die from thah muh fuckin 666 feet pedo evil

Fall !



Jill is yo sorry muh fuckin ass'


There! Is 

Our Father!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let Them Foreign Muh FuckUS Speak Their RighteoUS Grip!? In Their Own Dialect! While Witnessing!

 my old Black ass has been tah St. Petersburg, Russia!

Been tah thah Champs Elysee! Thah Arc de Triomphe...!

Seen "Big Ben" in thah muh fuckin beginnin!...

US assUS sure?

US don't want tah hit this


Type of




(Peace! More to come....)

my Old Black Sorry Broke Muh Fuckin Ass Is Just Another...Human Aged Body

 All of thah muh fuckin sudden!

my old Black sorry broke ass one day! Got out of bed!'

And fuck ah duck! my right hip said,

"Where thah fuck you goin old ass arthritic muh fuckah?!"

Didn't know what thah fuck my right hip was tryin tah tell me at thah time, save for,

"Do you feel me and understand!"



That's if yo ass talkin bout that phantom icepick bein stuck in my right hip, right now!

That's painful as fuck!?

"That's exactly what I am talking about!"

Well shit! An old ass muh fuckin niggUS listenin muh fuckah,


(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Inhalation and RighteoUS Exhalation: Oh! It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines! IV

 ...Anyway...I saw this dude named 'Dre aftah work and hollered, 'Hey 'Dre! Let ah niggah hollah atcha for ah minute?' He stopped in mid-stride, turned. 

"Yeah, Hop? What's poppin?"

Now 'Dre was ah light skinned niggah like me and shit! And had some Black purplish ass lips! So I knew tah ask him about thah best weed ah muh fuckah could cop! Plus, we'd take smoke breaks togethah and shit! Shit! US wants tah learn about thah skinny of where US works!? Be ah cigarette smoker! God damn yo ass hears some shit? US be like, "For real?!"! Yeah! For real! Anyway...

Most muh fuckUS don't undahstand that shit! Look at ah niggUS lips will tell yo muh fuckin ass whether them muh fuckUS smoke or not! White muh fuckUS get this cherry red plum like colah! But them muh fuckUS hittin thah muh fuckin same shit! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Inhalation and RighteoUS Exhalation: Oh! It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines! III

 And Bingo! Bango! my US's stank othah broke negro! 

Found it!...

But my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gotstah get in thah mood! And get anothah beer! Be back in ah sec or two!? (BIG SMILE)...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Runnin' Away - Sly & The Family Stone" II

 "Hee-Hee/ Hee-Hee/ Ha-Ha/ Ha-Ha/ You're wearin out your shoes..."

US are stuck!

Ain't goin no fuckin place!

What thah Holy fuck!

US needs tah quit muh fuckin runnin!

CaUSe, "You're wearin out your shoes..."

Fuck it!

Time tah deal with this 


Fucked up evil lead!

US has let evil







Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil US Implosion Spell Being Conjured, Live and In Human Color

 Can't US jUSt see these evil ugly elite muh fuckahs around this big ass bubbling 



Smilin, some fuckin ugly ass shit, while all them sorry ass muh fuckahs are 

Stirrin or watchin 

US broke assUS bein stirred?!

Waitin for thah time tah 




"Kill 'em all Drill Sergeant! Let God sort it out!"

God damned muh fuckin skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lawyer for megachurch pastor blamed 12-year-old for initiating 'inappropriate' sexual conduct - NBC News"

 Thee Holy fuck!

These muh fuckin churches ain't shit!

Don't stand for shit!

Not about shit!

Kindah fuckin sorry ass shit!?

God damn!

Them sorry ass evil shits ain't got nothin tah do with 

Our Father!



US needs tah get thah fuck out from them sorry ass muh fuckin

"Churches'" evil predators!

Ovah 70 percent in each one of those bitches!

"Wolf in sheep's clothing," 

That's muh fuckahs in thah church!

Not US







It's ah muh fuckin warnin tah 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

It's about these evil muh fuckin sorry ass "righteous" churches!

God damn!

Thah fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 8, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiastes 1:2

God damnit!

'Membah in thah muh fuckin movie,

"No Country for Old Men", that muh fuckah in thah wheelchair, told that Tommy Lee Jones character?!
"You can't stop what's comin. It ain't all waitin on you! That's vanity!"




(Peace! More to come...)

Some Fucked Up Manmade evil Cyclical Human Abhorrent Shit!

 Each and every one of 

US are 

Special my

Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Fuck ah 






(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Inhalation and RighteoUS Exhalation: Oh! It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines! II

 Okay! my Black ass USually puts markers in thah shit I'm writin tah undahstand that shits varyin from thah muh fuckin memory! Like, "Anyway..."!

God damnit! But I didn't put a marker?! Now I have tah reread thah shit! Tah try tah pick up thah 

Traces of thah


my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin assUS

Mind is on thah

Show nuff muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive - Fortune" II

 So thah only muh fuckin reason y'alls' muh fuckin asses are leavin 

US is becaUSe,

Thah othah shit is cheapah!?

Kindah fuckin sorry ass shit?!


This wasn't y'alls sorry no-count muh fuckin ex-pats' 








Selfish muh fuckin



And don't evah come





(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Inhalation and RighteoUS Exhalation: Oh! It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 Shit! Old! Tryin tah think of this memory on thah fringes and shit! Tryin tah capture it jUSt how I witnessed it that day, back in thah day!

I'm goin tah say about 2002 some shit! I was livin downtown Indianapolis. USed tah live in these joints collectively were called "Zender Properties"! I don't know if they still own them joints or not? Ovah those years I had rented from them in total, four years some shit?! Anyway...

I was workin at this Insurance company on like, Michigan and Meridian! I lived on 13th and Penn! And yeah, my Black ass oft times would walk tah work! Unless I wanted tah go home for lunch?! Anyway...Worked in their call center. I "Captured Claims"! What-thah-fuck-evah! Shit Fuck that! Nevah thah fuck again! Fuckin brutal! Eight Hours up in that bitch was ah fuckin straight grind! So you need somethin so yo broke ass can cope with some shit at thah present time tah pay thah fuckin rent and othah shit! Anyway...

Start workin in that bitch! Aftahwhile they know yo ass ain't no muh fuckin narc. So they speakin freely and shit! Shit, my Black ass didn't have any connections and shit! The niggah I USed tah cop from always wanted yo Black broke muh fuckin sorry ass tah sit down and talk and shit! Niggah I've bought thah shit! Shit, yo sorry ass gonnah give me a lil money back for this muh fuckin consultation and shit!? Othah than that, ah niggah wannah go home, got six slim fine liquid ladies chillin in thah fridge! Start hittin this shit! And Monday, ain't no thing!? But thah niggah always wanted tah talk about some shit! So, fuck it! I quit coppin from thah niggah! Shit! Ah muh fuckah got things tah do! Like get my Black ass home and get high! Like take these God damned work clothes off! Get my ass in ah hot ass showah! Brush my muh fuckin teeth! Put on gym shorts with ah big ass XL t-shirt and white ass footies! Shit! Lets, roll this bitch! And let's go on ah cheap ass muh fuckin vacay!...

Where thah fuck was I goin with this muh fuckin memory?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

"Boomers are leaving America to retire abroad in droves because the U.S. is just too expensive - Fortune"


Happy fuckin trails!?


Sorry ass clueless ex-muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"It was their dream home until the hoarder next door turned it into a pricey prison - Los Angeles Times"

 US don't get thah evil muh fuckin politicians' subtle messages,

"Either do something about it! Or shut thah fuck up about it!"

I mean, shit! Time for some "Dexter" righteoUS shit tah happen!



(Peace! More to come...)

my Old Black Ass Is About To Die! And Just Tired of This Straight Up, Bullshit! II

 ...I mean, shit!

How selfish does US have tah be God damnit!

For US tah witness US starvin and shit!?

Yet, keep fuckin and makin more lil muh fuckUS...that are goin tah starve too?!

Shit! That ain't fuckin

Nature! Fuck that noise!

That's muh fuckin selfish

Inhumane type of evil shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

my Old Black Ass Is About To Die! And Just Tired of This Straight Up, Bullshit!

Quit fuckin! 

Or USe some muh fuckin birth control God damnit!

"Oh! My religion is against all birth control!"

That just means yo nasty ass religion likes it raw, no mattah thah sorry ass consequences! Anyway...


Quit fuckin!

Thah kindah muh fuckin shit!?

 Irritates thah dogshit out my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Them evil propagandists' minions writin articles and showin pictures, or videoin some shit while 'reportin!

Showin all these muh fuckin sorry ass distended bellied children in these third world countries fuckin starvin and shit!

Thinkin this US Black broke ass muh fuckah gonnah feel some type of guilt!?



I ain't fucked no-muh fuckin body tah bring about ah starvin lil muh fuckah because my broke Black sorry broke ass just Loves me some fuckin!

Thah fuck wrong with US broke muh fuckUS?! Pretestin ah patient today! Askin questions about her medical health! Forty-years old! Got thirteen children! Now pregnant with thah fourteenth! Lost six tah INDCS! And still talkin that muh fuckin bullshit,

"God is good! God has blessed me!"

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with US!? Anyway...

How thah fuck them muh fuckahs starvin and shit!

But them sorry ass broke muh fuckahs still got thah muh fuckin strength and muh fuckin time, with their lazy asses, tah be obviously, fuckin! 

And makin more broke starvin lil muh fuckahs!?

"Well with your help?..." Fuck you! That's their muh fuckin sorry ass broke problem! They keep gettin help! So shit, they can keep their broke ass absurdly fuckin! And makin more broke ass muh fuckahs! Kindah fuckin shit!?

my Black sorry broke ass is supposed tah feel sorry for that absurd muh fuckin stupid shit?!



I ain't thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

MO-BO No Mo'!

 Keep hearin about evil "Michelle Obama" gonnah replace pedo Biden on thah Dems ticket?! I mean MO is Black! MO is a MTF transgender! And MO is married tah anothah niggah!

Now, evil Kamala! Kam is Black! Kam is MTF transgender! But Kam is married tah A Zionist Jew!

Now how thah fuck them evil nasty muh fuckahs gonna ignore old evil ass

Kam?! Them evil muh fuckahs don't know what thah fuck they doin! Fuckin evil nasty idiots!

I mean, shit! What thah fuck is an old Black ass muh fuckah missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Purchasing "Radler"?

 Add beer and whatevah thah fuckin juice, soda...US fuckin wants!? Buyin that shit in ah can or bottle don't make one fuckin bit of sense tah my old Black broke sorry ass! Not when US broke assUS can make that shit at home and stretch that muh fuckin

Cube tah last seven days,

Instead five!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"Well, that's not funny!"

 Shit! Fuck it's not! 

Funny as fuck!

When thah stupid ass evil one percent of US are runnin

US shit!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass don't know about US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?

But that shit be havin my old Black ass gigglin like ah muh fuckah!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let Me Get A Hit of Our Father's Beautiful Heaven for A Tick...or Two?

 Flying above the US current crowds, 

Scoping US however US allows.

Capitalism has caused injury proned

Priapism to the

Now, limped


The herbs of this Firmament's pure




Agenda'd  tah be





(Peace! More to come...)

"Runnin' Away - Sly & The Family Stone"

 Propagandists' minions talkin bout ol 

Sly is

"Crazy" and shit! 

Kindah fuckin shit?!

That muh fuckU'S, 

Fuckin brilliant!

That muh fuckah wrote some muh fuckin




Yo Sly!?

Shit muh fuckah!?

What dosages did yo old muh fuckin ass

Take back in thah day?!

CaUSe an old Black sorry broke ass niggah would like tah know before ah niggUS' 



Fuck that othah ill ass evil US bullshit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Je ne comprends pas!

 Mon Dieu! Paris?! Mais non!

And US's Olympic team still goin ovah intah that evil conjured sorry ass



Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"$5000 Threshold for Taylor Swift Concert Tickets"

 Beer wasted again!

Thah fuck?!

God damn!


Time tah


This bitch!

CaUSe US done lost US's sorry broke rabid ass muh fuckin minds!

Kindah fuckin absurd shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Breached dam caused major floods in central China - Reuters"

 Anythin out of muh fuckin China US should be leery of God damnit!

How many Chinese muh fuckahs they got up in that bitch?!


And have US seen all these muh fuckin 

Ghost Cities they've built all ovah China and none of those billions of people are livin in em?!

Kindah fuckin psyop shit goin on in that muh fuckah!?

I mean, shit! Them muh fuckahs filmin that shit in one of those sorry ass muh fuckin cities and shit!

Not, thah shit them propaganda China muh fuckahs that's bein broadcasted all across this

Firmament supposedly happenin in 

"Central China"!



(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 5, 2024

US Maritime Law and US Land Law

 Shit why do US think Epstein, Branson, Zuckerburg, al, buyin these islands and shit!? CaUSe thah fuck yo evil buyin island ass gets ah muh fuckin pedo pass! I own this lil small country! And that's what my happy rich ass says goes on in this bitch, which I own! Epstein ain't muh fuckin dead! Thah fuck's wrong with US?! He USed that sorry ass "Law of Return" bullshit and still fuckin lil boys and girls unbeknownst tah US and shit!

Then US has thah muh fuckin water!

Ghislaine Maxwell's, funded by Jeffrey Epsein, The TerraMar Project foundah ain't bein written, talked fuckin mo! Shit!

I mean shit! Them evil nasty ass muh fuckahs got ah big ass muh fuckin problem!

Traffickin them lil pitiful muh fuckUS






And in this muh fuckin case,

The evil Fed's muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Matthew: 5:37

 That's some solid ass US shit! Muh fuckahs talkin about how words are formed tah fool US broke

MassUS and shit!

I can dig that shit!

History = His Story,

Planet = Plan It...

Though an old ass Black sorry broke muh fuckah!

I picked up what yo kindred spirUSt broke ass jUSt laid down!

But US don't have tah beat thah fuck out of an old ass niggas head or some shit, like that!



But shit! Let me get this right!


'Shut thah fuck up!'

Othah than avowing

Yes or


(Peace! More to come...)

Do US Really Want To Survive The Revelation Biblical Human Aftermath?

 I mean, shit!

US were meant tah be 



Beings and shit!

I mean, shit!

US can hide in US's fallout sheltahs and shit when this Fed fucked-up shitshow goes

99 and shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass feels that shit!

But here in lies some speculative fiction shit! Shit yo family has ah Husband, Wife, Child Boy and a Child Girl! Now yo sorry broke assUS done survived some shit!

And this child boy and child girl shall be hormonal and shit! And subsequent grown in this now, Genesis environment!

I mean shit! Who thah fuck those sorry lil muh fuckUS gonnah fuck! And who thah fuck are they gonnah marry?!

"Well, it's about surviving at that point. After which, we'll be all right!"

And my ol Black sorry broke ass definitely undahstands that righteoUS shit!

But that's shit's 


my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass talkin bout


(Peace! More to come...)

MMA Takes Its Toll

 "Nate Diaz"! Bad muh fuckah! Watch thah muh fuckah fight, it's like watchin ah Pit bull! That muh fuckah 's goin tah give his entire being tah thah fight!

But God damn! Thah way that bad ass muh fuckah slurrin his words, pausin for ah long time before answerin and shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass thinks 

N-D done got finally beat by


And ain't no-muh-fuckin-body that cares about that muh fuckah! Done took him aside and said, 

"No mas!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil Elite Multi-Generational Sick Fucked Up Inbreeding II

 ...I mean shit!

Incestual evil elite historical families! Fuckin ugly, in and of itself!

Maybe that's why them evil elite busted ass muh fuckahs always 

Fuckin with US, 

Eatin US,

Drinkin US's pure Human blood,

Fuckin US's children,

Abductin US's children...!

CaUSe them evil petty muh fuckahs still can't believe aftah all this historical time,

US are still some 

Beautiful muh fuckUS!?

And them evil nasty muh fuckahs can't make not


Beautiful, let alone good lookin,


Awww! Stop bein thah fuck angry bout that shit!? God damn! 

I mean, shit! Can't keep fuckin 'round in thah same muh fuckin fucked-up gene pool,

And keep expectin ah muh fuckin different result othah than fucked up lookin?! Poor evil ugly fucked up lookin


Kindah fuckin ugly US shit!?...

(Peace More to come...)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

"The Man With 1000 Kids - Netflix"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Nevah thought of this shit! Evah!

Fucking evil absurd


And yet, anothah example of ah sorry ass muh fuckah that needed/needs ah 

Real fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Rain and Cookout Ain't Fuckin Possible!

Like my old Black ass wrote in ah previoUS blog and shit! I was goin tah barbeque today since it's thah 4th! Fuckin rainin! I'm thinkin, come oh now! Give ah niggah thirty minutes tah start thah fire and put thah ribs and brats on! I mean, shit! I 'cue indirectly! Put them shits on one side, fire and woodchips on thah othah! Cookin around 250 degrees. Brats pulled in ninety! Ribs pulled in four hours! And if I can get ah fifteen minute window aftah that? I cook thah hamburgers directly. Be done in ah quartah! Shit! Just give ah niggah ah thirty minute dry window God damnit! And ah quartah please!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mirroring Conjured Human Reality

 I've examined US close up 

Face to face;


Running to the dark side to

Embrace this evil


Ruining the 

Beauty of

Our Father's Heaven,

Our Father's space....

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"Bagel Biter"?

 Listenin tah this muh fuckUS' podcast!

That muh fuckah said this shit!

Beer wasted 


Wipin up thah muh fuckin keyboard right now!

God damn!

Give ah ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah ah heads-up and shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Stay Dickless

 Yo broke ass pours your heart out with this shit!

But don't nobody muh fuckin cares!


CaUSe the real

Human individual's

Truth don't pay


Unless them evil sorry ass worthless pieces of shit 

Say so!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Interstellar - Nora Van Elken"

 Speeding through my mind to try to find a fucking




The trans elephants in the US many sacred

Rooms it evilly


In fucked up sorry ass neon multi-colored kaleidoscopic


(Peace! More to come...)

US RighteoUS Vitriol!

 Fuck it!

I mean shit!? Aftah so long and shit!

Y'all evil elite lazy degenerate muh fuckahs gots tah



(Peace! More to come....)

Thine US's Imploding, Thy evil Conditioning That Was Done To US So Long Ago.

 my maniacal mind cannot begin to find, the


Kind way, the devolution's borderline senses a prison of priapism! An evil 


Revolution's maladies


Lost and US succumbed to an evil

Apparition with confections, with evil sweetened


An evil 


No US fears!

Let US say, "Cheers!"

And Toast the US evil


RighteoUS overdue


'Happy US Halloween! You sorry ass evil elite muh fuckahs!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Year 00000

 I spread my wings.

My soul beautifully sings






(Peace! More to come...)

US's Beautiful Piece Of Our Father's Firmament

 Got shit comin out now that thah core of thah earth has slowed?!

Thee Holy fuck!

CaUSe it ain't no muh fuckin evil sorry ass muh fuckin conjured scientific no-count Earth's


This bitch is flatter than flat, God damnit!


Thah Holy fuck's wrong with US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Those evil Sorry Ass Nothingness of evil elite Losers! US Forever and US For Real!

 Howevah this shit goes up or down?!

US God damnit!

Always comes out as thah muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Old Broke Ass Muh Fuckahs Need To Start Having Youthful Compassion!

 my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass hates when US old broke muh fuckUS start talkin bout these "Troubled and out of control youths!"!


And yo ass ain't fucked up not 

One time when yo sorry broke ass was

Their youthful age?!

Come ohn, naw!

my old Black ass was raised in an Apostolic/Pentecostal, two parent home and broke ass Family!

And my young Black ass still fucked up some shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"PERONI Nastro Azzurro" - 5%ABV IAL

 So I said tah my ol Black sorry broke ass self, since it's gettin ready tah be July 4th and shit! 

"What shall I treat myself while barbequing?"

Oh, shit! "PERONI" 12pk, $15.99! Ain't tasted that shit in ah minute! 


Got about four of 'em all frosty and shit! Took them out of thah freezer, put three in thah fridge and left the one not stored, in my right hand. Poured thah shit in ah tulip glass, straw colored with medium head even with an aggressive pour. Took the first mouthful. Sweet as shit! I don't remembah that?! Looked at the expiration date and ingredients: 04/2025 Water, barley malt, Italian maize, hops.

"Italian maize"?! As in Corn, muh fuckahs?!

This shit is just 




I knew my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass should have bought thah half case of


Would have saved me five fuckin muh fuckin US dollahs! Anyway...

Be safe my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. - Voltaire (Translated)" II

 Thee Holy fuck!

evil, slothful, nasty ass...muh fuckahs!





Job sorry evil nasty muh fuckahs!!!


(Peace! More to come...)


 Start researchin some shit! Come across some ill ass evil shit!

Start readin what thah fuck happens tah evil muh fuckahs sippin on this shit?!

"Altered reality; schizophrenia; long termed psychosis..."! 


"Ye" and most of these othah evil muh fuckahs, are on that


Sick ass no-good for nothin

Muh fuckahs!

Get ah muh fuckin 


God damn!

Thah Holy fuck's wrong US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nasty Ass evil elite Still Fucking Poking US With USCU

 Muh fuckin Dems in ah bad muh fuckin situation and shit!

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs thought thah Rodney King verdict and aftahmath was horrible!?


Fuck around and choose any evil muh fuckah othah than evil

Kamala Harris?!

Rodney King shit in every muh fuckin major US city?!...


Well maybe that's what them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah do?!


Oh Shit!

That's how them dastardly muh fuckahs will try tah create




And thah race-baitin shit done stuck its evil serpent head up once a-US-gain!

CaUSe them evil simpletons got ah three-fer against that evil muh fuckin sorry ass with not givin Harris thah evil nod!

That evil stupid Kamala is ah niggah, ah MTF and thah muh fuckah 's married to ah fuckin Jew!

God damn!

Can't make this Fed fucked up shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)