Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump/Vance (T/V) 2024

 Smart ass muh fuckin 


Gettin some Young US Men up in thah muh fuckin

White HoUSe!

Mothah fuckah gonnah have tah be aired out and shit, from thah 

Formaldehyde and mothball smells up in that tired ass bitch!

Don't give ah fuck!

And thah muh fuckah ain't too bad on thah muh fuckin eyes eithah! So Trump's ass done picked up some White women votes, some gay votes, Black women votes...but most of all 

Young US voters... I mean Vance ain't but 39 some shit! Kamala 59! Anyway...

Like 96% percent of politicians are fuckin busted! Male! Female! Or whatevah thah Holy fuck!? Includin Beiden and Trump!

So shit!

It was ah God damned good ass

Well thought out




(Peace! More to come...)

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