Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Muh fuckahs talkin that shit that these muh fuckahs were "giants" and shit!

I mean, shit!

What thah fuck is ah "giant"?

Shit, if I'm ah five foot and undah muh fuckah then ah muh fuckah that's seven feet tall would be ah muh fuckin giant and shit!

These scholars and shit talkin bout muh fuckahs ovah ten feet tall and shit!?


Were they different? Sure. Over ten feet tall and shit?!



Not from thah shit my ol Black sorry broke ass has been researchin and shit!

CaUSe if them muh fuckahs were here before and aftah thah muh fuckin Biblical 

Flood! We'd still have muh fuckin Nephilim tah muh fuckin witness!

Or shit? Maybe them evil muh fuckahs got them muh fuckahs hidden in those innumeroUS DUMBs and shit!

Or maybe, them Nephilim muh fuckahs are in the othah three-quarters of this firmament US have not yet witnessed and shit?!

But whatevah thah case maybe? If them muh fuckahs were evah here? Them muh fuckahs are still fuckin in this here inescapable 

Our Father's given

Holy Beautiful muh fuckin



"There is nothing new under the sun."...

(Peace! More to come...)

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