Tuesday, July 30, 2024

O-Lymp-dick's News

 "DJ in Opening Ceremony Scene Compared to 'Last Supper' Files Complaint After Receiving Death Threats - VARIETY"

God damned skippy!

Muh fuckah looks like that malfeasant girl muh fuckah in "Willy Wonka" that turned blue and shit that ate that blueberry or whatevah thah fuck, forevah gum that kept gettin fattah and fattah!

Bout ready tah explode from thah muh fuckin hypertension that done said,

'Fuck it! Somethin's gots tah give!'

That fat evil sorry ass muh fuckah?!

Fuck that muh fuckah!

Explode God damnit!

Fuck yah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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