Monday, July 22, 2024

Sodas At Beer Prices

 Muh fuckUS done gone stone cold muh fuckin crazy and shit!

my old broke Black ass lookin at thah menu and shit! I don't evah ordah soda, sweet tea... no shit like that! But I still check thah prices out and shit!

$3.29 for ah fuckin large fountain drink!? That's muh fuckin AAL bar beer prices and shit!

"Well it is replenishable at no charge. And it is 32 ounces." Shit jUSt keeps on gettin bettah, even comin closah tah muh fuckin diabetes!

No muh fuckin one of US needs tah muh fuckin replenish that carb loaded, HFCS infused...diabetes bout ready tah happen sorry ass shit!

I mean, shit?! At least beer is natural sugar and shit! 





"There you go playah! That'll be $3.75."

But at least I'm gettin ah very slight buzz happenin and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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