Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Brother Albert and Brother Chauncey!

 my old Black sorry broke ass missUS those two muh fuckUS!

Brother Albert was ah straight up Christian through and through, though he witnessed some shit in 'Nam no muh fuckah should have witnessed!

Brother Chauncey was jUSt thah muh fuckin opposite! He also was ah Christian! But... He was hardened by thah same shit he witnessed in 'Nam no muh fuckah should have witnessed!

They both instilled in me some kind of fucked up righteoUSness! 

And I dig thah shit out of that righteoUS fucked up shit!

But I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass missUS them two muh fuckUS all thah muh fuckin same, like nobody's muh fuckin business!

God damn!

Love you both! Shit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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