Wednesday, July 17, 2024

US 's Hell Bound! Unless...

 Muh fuckUS livin in US,

So they hollah that tired ass shit durin stupid hackneyed marches and shit!

Them sorry ass muh fuckUS wants tah 


What thah fuck "I" wants tah do!

But still call thah muh fuckin

IMPD when muh fuckUS done

Jacked their ride!

Or broke IN US's homes and shit!

Civility has tah have muh fuckin rules!


Or fuck it!

What's thah muh fuckin point!?

I mean, shit!

This firmament without 



Fuck that noise!


my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

That sounds like sorry ass 

Hell tah me!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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