Monday, July 8, 2024

RighteoUS Inhalation and RighteoUS Exhalation: Oh! It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 Shit! Old! Tryin tah think of this memory on thah fringes and shit! Tryin tah capture it jUSt how I witnessed it that day, back in thah day!

I'm goin tah say about 2002 some shit! I was livin downtown Indianapolis. USed tah live in these joints collectively were called "Zender Properties"! I don't know if they still own them joints or not? Ovah those years I had rented from them in total, four years some shit?! Anyway...

I was workin at this Insurance company on like, Michigan and Meridian! I lived on 13th and Penn! And yeah, my Black ass oft times would walk tah work! Unless I wanted tah go home for lunch?! Anyway...Worked in their call center. I "Captured Claims"! What-thah-fuck-evah! Shit Fuck that! Nevah thah fuck again! Fuckin brutal! Eight Hours up in that bitch was ah fuckin straight grind! So you need somethin so yo broke ass can cope with some shit at thah present time tah pay thah fuckin rent and othah shit! Anyway...

Start workin in that bitch! Aftahwhile they know yo ass ain't no muh fuckin narc. So they speakin freely and shit! Shit, my Black ass didn't have any connections and shit! The niggah I USed tah cop from always wanted yo Black broke muh fuckin sorry ass tah sit down and talk and shit! Niggah I've bought thah shit! Shit, yo sorry ass gonnah give me a lil money back for this muh fuckin consultation and shit!? Othah than that, ah niggah wannah go home, got six slim fine liquid ladies chillin in thah fridge! Start hittin this shit! And Monday, ain't no thing!? But thah niggah always wanted tah talk about some shit! So, fuck it! I quit coppin from thah niggah! Shit! Ah muh fuckah got things tah do! Like get my Black ass home and get high! Like take these God damned work clothes off! Get my ass in ah hot ass showah! Brush my muh fuckin teeth! Put on gym shorts with ah big ass XL t-shirt and white ass footies! Shit! Lets, roll this bitch! And let's go on ah cheap ass muh fuckin vacay!...

Where thah fuck was I goin with this muh fuckin memory?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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