Sunday, July 7, 2024

my Old Black Ass Is About To Die! And Just Tired of This Straight Up, Bullshit!

Quit fuckin! 

Or USe some muh fuckin birth control God damnit!

"Oh! My religion is against all birth control!"

That just means yo nasty ass religion likes it raw, no mattah thah sorry ass consequences! Anyway...


Quit fuckin!

Thah kindah muh fuckin shit!?

 Irritates thah dogshit out my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Them evil propagandists' minions writin articles and showin pictures, or videoin some shit while 'reportin!

Showin all these muh fuckin sorry ass distended bellied children in these third world countries fuckin starvin and shit!

Thinkin this US Black broke ass muh fuckah gonnah feel some type of guilt!?



I ain't fucked no-muh fuckin body tah bring about ah starvin lil muh fuckah because my broke Black sorry broke ass just Loves me some fuckin!

Thah fuck wrong with US broke muh fuckUS?! Pretestin ah patient today! Askin questions about her medical health! Forty-years old! Got thirteen children! Now pregnant with thah fourteenth! Lost six tah INDCS! And still talkin that muh fuckin bullshit,

"God is good! God has blessed me!"

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with US!? Anyway...

How thah fuck them muh fuckahs starvin and shit!

But them sorry ass broke muh fuckahs still got thah muh fuckin strength and muh fuckin time, with their lazy asses, tah be obviously, fuckin! 

And makin more broke starvin lil muh fuckahs!?

"Well with your help?..." Fuck you! That's their muh fuckin sorry ass broke problem! They keep gettin help! So shit, they can keep their broke ass absurdly fuckin! And makin more broke ass muh fuckahs! Kindah fuckin shit!?

my Black sorry broke ass is supposed tah feel sorry for that absurd muh fuckin stupid shit?!



I ain't thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

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