Thursday, November 30, 2023

"Fantasy - Miles Davis (with Easy Mo Bee) "

 Miles Davis loved him some Hip-Hop with his always old lookin greasy Black sorry crusty muh fuckin ass!

But this shit before his soon passin and shit?!

That muh fuckah blew thah muh fuckin future!


And thah muh fuckin future wasn't quite yet


Big ups Mister Davis!

Our Father's speed!...


"As We Bop - Caldwell Plus" III

Bad ass muh fuckin shit! 

Lift off!


Anothah free muh fuckin vacay!

Shit and in thah muh fuckin 80's!?

my young future radio personality's ass was hooked!

But yo broke ass ain't gonnah be able tah pay thah muh fuckin



Old G, ZJ, MurderoUS... Henry Kissinger Dead at 100! And It's About Time!

Ding-Dong! The bitch/bastard witch is blessedly


I mean, God damn!

I can only muh fuckin deduce, "Only the good do die young!" Fuck! Anyway...

Thee Holy fuck! Shit! I thought that sorry ass muh fuckin evil ZJ was dead already God damnit!

Just an evil elite muh fuckah,

Sans conscience!

Didn't give ah fuck about



Happy fucked up 

Trails muh fuckah!

And you can definitely


my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!...


Skipping...(While listening to "Avenue - Paul Taylor")

 Taking the bus 

To forever fuss!

Lust is a



That too 


Please, hand me that cold brew!?

Thank You!

Oh, no...Bro'esses and Bro's!

"Cheers", To 

Them evil



The MinUScule elite

 I mean it blows my muh fuckin old Black broke ass mind!

We outnumber them evil degenerates some 


Some ill shit like that!?


How thee Holy fuck them evil elite degenerate sorry ass muh fuckahs still runnin things up in


And how thah fuck,

Aren't they all murdered???!!! ...



 I'm having these feelings daily of 

"Thee Holy Fucks"!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is 57!

God damn!

At least five more years muh fuckah!


And US knows five more years is past expedited 

Agenda 2030;

Now known as:

Agenda 2025 and shit! Anyway....

Thah muh fuckin arduoUS, LaborioUS...banality of it


God damn!

Can ah niggah get at least ah muh fuckin fifteen-minute break without botherin my ol Black broke ass with some Stupid shit?!

Before my old Black muh fuckin ass



With sugah on top God damnit!?...


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Explosive Vile Raining Non-Human Defecation

 Shit! Yah start conversin with othah muh fuckUS? 

It makes yah undahstand some basic ass shit!

Yo ass ain't thah only muh fuckin one goin through some

Real ass muh fuckin



Ye! Thine Clock Still Dost US Tell?

 I guess it 's all about 



Damn shame!



Were made tah be



The Winter Months IN US

 He had awakened for work in darkness! 

He smiled wryly! 

Because he had went to sleep in darkness!...


"Beet Bloody Tequila Martini/BBTM (Infused with vitamins)" 'Only at The Vitamin Dive Bar, Indianapolis, Indiana! Come Rejuvenate With US?!' @ June 2024 US IN II

 "How can you possibly say that this is nutritious? I mean the alcohol is obviously doing serious damage to the liver?"

Oh! Alcohol! Ain't nobody in this Vitamin Dive Bar scared of that mother fucker! Shit! If all else fails?! We got Yellow Dock and all the other natural shit we possess for you mother fucker! "Only at The Vitamin Dive bar! Come rejuvenate with US!"...

Inhale...Exhale...Oh...US Are Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 I mean shit! Maybe anothah muh fuckah came up with thah breathin technique?! Shit, ah niggah can't even tell yah! And don't give ah fuck about who thah fuck did what?! Fuck that shit! But what ah niggah can tell yah, I learned about thah shit by this niggah named, "Dr. Weil"! Talkin bout ah niggah ZJ!? Anyway...he wrote about this breathin technique where you inhale deeply! And to inhale deeply thah diaphragm should expand also! Getting the air around you deep into your upper lungs and especially your lower lungs! Hunh? For real?!


Shit works! 

But check it!?

Do thah shit in different environments!?

Breathing in its essence!

my muh fuckUS!

After thah muh fuckin which!

Often times yo ass will get thah fuck out that muh fuckah!

I mean like!

Yo ass attuned in thah very essence in that muh fuckin environment!

Bein at one in that shit! Lungs transmittin some ill ass shit intah thah muh fuckin brain synapses through thah pure sense of...



"If Not Now?! Then...When?!" II

 And that shit is cool muh fuckin shit all day long my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Quite copacetic in


But God damnit!...

US are quick tah check one of 


But shit!

US show thah fuck slow at 

Checkin them evil sorry ass 

Degenerate muh fuckahs!

Thah fuck wrong with US!

"Well, you're one of US too!"



"Beet Bloody Tequila Martini/BBTM (Infused with vitamins)" 'Only at The Vitamin Dive Bar, Indianapolis, Indiana! Come Rejuvenate With US?!' @ June 2024 US IN

 Four ounces "Clamato" juice

Two tablespoons Lime juice

Three ounces Tequila

One tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

One tablespoon Olive juice

One Tablespoon Beet Root Powder

Two teaspoons L'Arginine powder

One teaspoon Tumeric

1/2 teaspoon Milk Thistle powder

1/2 teaspoon Dandelion Root powder

Salt and/or Pepper to taste

Put all in martini shaker

Shake vigorously

Add ice cubes

Shake vigorously

Pour/Strain into favorite martini drinking vessel

Put three Queen Anne olives to top


The Long Historical Human Exchange Rates

 I mean God damn!?

Look at Demi Moore (MTF) in thah muh fuckin movie "Ghost" and shit!?

Then look at Michael J. Fox (FTM) in thah muh fuckin "Back to The Future" franchise and shit!?

Same kind of body type!

Same kind of hair cut!...

Them evil CIA muh fuckahs been at this ill ass shit for ah long ass  muh fuckin time!


Them some evil Hollywood/CIA/Luciferian muh fuckahs!...


FlUShing And EPO Benefits


Niacin 200mg and Evening Primrose Oil 500mg on an empty stomach!

At least three times a week!

Don't get thah Non-Flushing Niacin shit!

Fuck no!

Ain't no fun in that shit at all!

Take thah muh fuckin regulah

Flushing kind!

Yo broke ass be itchin and shit! Skin turnin ah lil red! Shit last for about twenty to thirty minutes! But if yah have thah time!? Take ah hot ass muh fuckin showah! While thah fucked up flushin effects happenin! Washin thah dirt away from this muh fuckah! Get out that muh fuckah! Effects kind of mitigated!

And aftah that shit has run its course!

Yo broke ass will feel muh fuckin

Rejuvenated like ah muh fuckah!

And your skin will have ah fucking


Shit you not my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...


"Everything Is For A Better Reason"

 I ain't gonnah find ah spot in time before 06Dec2023!

But that's cool!

My wife said tah me thah othah day,

"Damn niggah! Yah got more than enough on that shit to write your book like you've been talking about since we got married! And from what I've read, a good fifty or more!"


So, I've been readin some of my old blogs!

Smilin and shit!


She's right!

It is the time tah start gettin serioUS about what I have always desired to do,

Write novels and short stories until I



Tuesday, November 28, 2023

"Jimmy Carter, 99, Makes Rare Appearance At Late Wife Rosalynn Carter's Memorial Service"

Talkin bout laughin my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass off!

God damn!

Them evil muh fuckahs wheelchaired out ah muh fuckin



"Gayle King Celebrates Thanksgiving with her Niece in Their Annual Swimsuit Photo Shoot - People"

 Thah fuck done happened tah 



"Thanksgiving annual swimsuit photo shoot"!

Thee Holy fuck!

Clothe and sit yo old ass

68 years old ass


God damn! Ain't nobody tryin tah look at that muh fuckin shit! Well...without gaggin some shit! Anyway....

And rock yo ass tah muh fuckin sleep!

CaUSe don't nobody want tah see yo old ass in ah muh fuckin swimsuit!

And my old Black broke sorry ass is 57!

And ain't nobody tryin tah see my old Black sorry broke ass in ah muh fuckin



God damn!


I know that's right!...


Quid pro quo: "Ozempic", "Mounjaro", "Trulicity", COVID Vaccine,...And Whatevah The Fuck! Pharmaceutical Companies Are Going To Pay The Steep Fed Vig!

 Look at thah cost thah muh fuckin feds sorry ass government threw money at these sorry ass vaccines and shit! Or shit! The cure for thah shit when yah get, COVID! Muh fuckah told me she took, "Paxlovid"! Have US researched that dastardly shit!? I mean! God damn! Gonnah give yah thah shit! Then sale yo sorry broke ass ah medication that alleviates the symptoms! Fuckin pimp shit there! And thah muh fuckin fed bought so many of these $1400 treatments and shit! So until them muh fuckahs run out!? Free tah thah muh fuckin sorry ass COVID recipients! Sorry for your muh fuckin luck! And here you muh fuckin go! Uhm! evil muh fuckahs! Anyway...

I'm startin tah notice all these muh fuckin articles about these "Weight Loss" weekly injections and shit! COVID VAERs shit! That are not favorable at thah fuck all tah thah muh fuckin pharmaceuticals! 


Shit! Cause those pharmaceuticals took that evil blood COVID money and shit!

Y'all evil pharmaceuticals were wrong tah make us fed evil muh fuckahs pay such an exorbitant price for that fake ass panacea! And for these mRNA infused COVID treatment medications!

Now shit!

US fed evil muh fuckahs gots tah get those ends back!

I mean shit fools!

We fed muh fuckahs write thah evil ass laws in this bitch!

That made y'all muh fuckahs some

Hellah ends in thah last muh fuckin three years

God damnit!...


Ghislaine Maxwell

 How thah Holy fuck this bitch/bastard still fuckin alive?!

CaUSe shit!

That muh fuckin ass goin through some muh fuckin terrible nasty ass


Programming and shit!

That muh fuckah will be singin in fed court just the muh fuckin way she's been

Programmed to have



Endless Human Searching



Belies these old tired






The evil elite Shall Never Control The RighteoUS!

 Can't yah feel it my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

Thah energy of 

US RighteoUS

Risin and shit!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs thinkin they 

Quellin some shit!

Fuck no you


Y'all stupid ill ass evil muh fuckahs jUSt makin




And with all that God damn money!? Fucking idiots!

History has informed US time and time again!

If yah gonnah do somethin tah 



Do it thah fuck quick!

If evil muh fuckahs,

Couper la tete!!!

And I don't mean



Just Fuckin ASK!?

 Anything US broke muh fuckin assUS want!

US can obtain!


"For real?!"

Yah damn skippy!


US has tah do is tah:


Seek and



Our Father!...


Monday, November 27, 2023

"Stephen Colbert"

"Hospitalized due to ruptured appendix."

Shot pushin ZJ!...




"Purple Haze - Abita Brewing"

At 4.2% ABV!


Yo sorry broke ass ain't goin anywhere fast!

But shit!

Enjoy that beautiful delicioUS

Slow ride

God damnit!...


Don't Say The Shit! Until You Research Or Ask About How To Say The Shit!

 Shit! I learned thah hard muh fuckin way!


I was a unit secretary at "Riley Children's Hospital" for a year and a half on nightshift near and in my graduating year in college.

Well, near shift change for thah nurses, some of the nurses would say,

"Hey Meredith? What we got?" Which meant surgeries that were going to be performed that will effect their day shift. 

'Well two 'Tet of Fallots'...'

"What did you just say?" The charge nurse asked.

'Two 'Tet of Fallots'?'

"That's what I thought you said. It's pronounced 'fuh-low.'"

But that shit was early on in thah shit! Should have known that shit! Took French for some six years some shit in high school and college! But thah name fucked me up caUSe we sittin up there in an American hospital talkin bout (later researched) ah french muh fuckah named Etienne-Louis-Arthur-Fallot!...


US Globally Speaking? US Will Not Be The US Any Longer!

 I mean it's like thah muh fuckahs said in thah muh fuckin song,

"You're on a trip to nowhere."!


"No matter where you go? There you are! - Buckaroo Banzai"!

Every muh fuckin spot in this firmament!?

Every-muh-fuckin-body will be actin thah muh fuckin same!?


I guess US don't need no more vehicular transportation!

Net-Zero emissions by 2050! 

Oh, it's more than possible!

Tweaked Agenda 2030, now Agenda 2025 done showed US that ill ass shit! Anyway...

CaUSe if every-muh-fuckin-place is thah muh fuckin


Thee Holy fuck would I be travelin tah ah muh fuckin spot, payin digital currency, for thah same goings on as where my Black broke muh fuckin ass lives!?

Thah stupidest muh fuckin evil shit


Diversity in cultures and governances!

Yah God damned muh fuckin 


Fuck that Global muh fuckin


US is thah shit!

For now, 

At least!...


"If Not Now?! Then...When?!"

 "Oh you one of those punk ass niggUS, muh fuckahs hidin behind ah muh fuckin keyboard and shit! Talkin shit!"


Shit, I do this shit for my muh fuckin sanity's sake!

The way my muh fuckin mind witnesses this shit and spews out in some fucked up written mental voice driven by some muh fuckin fucked up written shit! 

Would I say this ill ass shit tah muh fuckahs! Fuck no! I like my teeth! And, that shit ain't civil thah fuck at all God damnit! I mean, God damn! 

I hope y'all know I do have civility and shit. my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!? I mean? Shit!? If not!? Shit! My ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass ain't learned ah God damned thing in this old ass life! And that would be sad! Sad awhile! Too muh fuckin sad! Anyway...

I ain't tryin tah hurt any-fuckin-body!

One! I'm muh fuckin 


Two! I'm muh fuckin


Three! muh fuckin

Old ass is tired as fuck of witnessin this ill ass shit!

And ain't nobody doin a God damn thing about this soon tah be fucked up Global, evil...


"Well? You are one of US! Why don't you change what you are witnessing?!"


Oh I'm laughin like ah muh fuckah!

But not at y'all my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs of that cogent query!

That shit humbled my ol Black sorry broke ass!


There is still 

Hope for


Our Father's speed!...


What US Are Really Worth?! II

 I tell yah what tah do tah stop ah little bit of thah aburd 


Goin on in the muh fuckin fed!

Open this bitch up

24 and 7

God damnit!

And every-evil-muh-fuckin-body in politics has not only ah



Shall have ah muh fuckin


On vacation? Family emergency? Heart attack?...whatevah thah Holy Fuck!




Y'all muh fuckahs gots thah same power of decision makin them sorry ass got now! Because they busy with othah shit!

Oh, snap! 

The muh fuckin second or third cannot be reached?!

Then that vote falls on the

Governor of thah state thah muh fuckahs are 


Oh, them evil muh fuckahs would stop takin all these God damned absurd vacations!

Be showin up for work all thah God damned time then!

CaUSe shit!

"It's got tah be my evil sorry muh fuckin ass makin those muh fuckin crucial decisions! Fuck that second and third! And oh, definitely fuck that sorry ass Holcomb muh fuckah too!"...


Can't Find Any Of These evil Muh Fuckahs On US's Streets! They Are All evil Cowards!

Shit Putin ridin his motorcycle amid thah commoners and shit! Smilin and wavin at muh fuckahs! 

Them Russians love that muh fuckah!

Let any political figure try that shit here now!?

Ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all!

Undah pressure!

Yah damn skippy!

These sorry ass political figures, evil elite muh fuckahs ain't walkin amongst

US! CaUSe they have and are fuckin up with fuckin with


Fuck that shit!

Them muh fuckahs would get beat thah fuck down at thah very least on any street in this muh fuckah!

And shit! 

At thah most?!


US already 



Sunday, November 26, 2023

Who Thee Holy Fuck! Is You!? Sorry Ass Muh Fuckah!?!

 Muh fuckUS wannah asks some shit,

"Yah undahstand"

Muh fuckah!

God damned!

 I do speak and read thah

"King's" muh fuckin

English God damnit!

You sorry ass muh fuckah!

Just because yo sorry ignant muh fuckin ass ain't utilizin thah shit


Ain't my muh fuckin 

Literal, muh fuckin



This Shit 's A Matter of US Relative Perspective

 Meet White muh fuckahs from Chicago and shit!

I mean I'm doin pre-tests and shit!

Just conversin, some shit!

'So is Chi as bad as these news reporters say?" Black or White muh fuckah! Don't give ah fuck! Thah same muh fuckin question. It's called ah muh fuckin 

"Control Query"! Anyway...

White muh fuckah's usual response aftah eighteen months, 

"No! It's just like any other city! There are bad parts of the city. And there are good parts of the city."

Now US niggUS usual response,



US Cities' False Alarms!

 Blacks, Browns, Yellows...and whatevah thah fuck!

US knows how tah maneuver through some shit with 

US broke assUS!

Them ill evil muh fuckahs wannah talk about New York City, San Francisco, Chicago...and whatevah thah Holy fuck is crime ridden and shit?!

My old Black ass is old! God damnit! Bout tah die God damnit! Tired of thah bullshit! Anyway!...

Believe me, 


my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

If it was that muh fuckin bad in these muh fuckin "Terrible", crime ridden, despicable...

US cities?!

Thah ZJs wouldn't be livin in those sorry ass muh fuckahs!!

Ain't no fuckin way!


Our Father's speed!...


Time For US To Settle Up! And To Look Deep Into USs' UbiquitoUS evil Black Mirrors!

 There is 



That is stopping





Not even them sorry degenerate evil elite ass muh fuckahs!...


"Inmates at Ghislaine Maxwell's prison are plugging leaks with tampons and eating moldy food - Insider"


In Fed prison?!

US are in thah muh fuckin 


Don't ever believe some shit about thah 

US federal prison system!

Especially, like Maxwell,

If yo ass is cared and looked



"An Apple A Day": Sweet, Crisp, DelicioUS and Nutrionally Solid!

Like muh fuckin beer! There is an 

Apple that will change yo muh fuckin

Mind about some shit!

 Shit! I mean! I didn't give ah shit about ah muh fuckin

Apple until I met my Wife!

I mean, she loves 


I never had gotten that shit!

Until she introduced my ol Black sorry broke ass tah ah

"Honeycrisp", "Envy", "Sweet Tango", "Opal" and ah muh fuckin


But shit!

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 

Gets that 

Apple shit





"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. (Translated) - Voltaire" V

 When yo broke ass is busy!

It keeps yah feelin young!

Thah less busy 



Thah oldah 




"Derek Chauvin, Stabbed in Federal Prison." US Is Payin For That Muh Fuckah's Housing And Shit!

 Can ah niggah get an update, an injury report some shit?! I mean it's fed shit! US pays for that shit! Aren't US privy tah thah goings on since US obvioUSly payin for thah structure, the employees, the maintenance...which hoUSes thah evil Masonic/Luciferian muh fuckah!? 


evil Muh fuckahs like some crazy drug dealahs and shit!

"Oh, you paid for this chronic ass weed muh fuckah! But yah haven't paid for thah effects!"


Give me my shit!

Before one of 



Debilitated some shit!




Real Time Human Game Countdown

 Muh fuckUS scared tah tell thah muh fuckin truth about this 

US and this imminent (If US don't stop thah shit!) Global

US in thah muh fuckin near future!

So shit!

US is on thah muh fuckin


When that clock gonnah hit thah right muh fuckin time for those muh fuckahs tah decide some shit?!

Fuck it! US broke assUS ain't privy tah thah same clock them muh fuckahs lookin at!

But all my broke ol Black ass knows!

Lookin at that invisible, yet tangible, clock!


US still in their muh fuckin 






RighteoUS still has time tah muh fuckin



The Holy See/The Roman Catholic Church/The Vatican/"The Axis of evil"...I Would Raid That Shit! Settle In! And this Global evil World Would Be Mine!

 How thah holy fuck can ah muh fuckin 

City be ah muh fuckin


I mean, fuck!

On this entire firmament!?

So if I bomb that lil 


Does that mean, my lil

Ecuadorian ass muh fuckin country, that

That's our country's shit?!

And everything evilly hidin in that sorry ass muh fuckin real

"Axis of evil"!!!???

I mean?!

Yah evah wondah why these powah hungry evil muh fuckahs haven't thought about a coup against that shit?! Take that bitch ovah!


Yo evil ass would rule this bitch at least for many muh fuckin years tah muh fuckin come! I mean all thah filthy, degenerate, sorry ass shit...them evil muh fuckahs got hidin in that country ass city!?...

 Well...unless them evil muh fuckahs decided tah call that shit ah muh fuckin wash!? And wipe that bitch off thah edge of this firmament!...


Saturday, November 25, 2023

"Tiffany Trump"

 Now that's an ugly ass clueless lookin

Whatevah thah 



Turning Into What US Are Ingesting!

 I watch cookin shows and shit!

Fuck it! I like tah muh fuckin cook! Anyway....

I'm watchin this shit on one of thah food shows and them muh fuckahs talkin bout thah best barbecue and shit!

Okay! CaUSe this niggah loves him some muh fuckin 


Well them muh fuckahs started out with this muh fuckah from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and shit! A joint called, 

"City Pork Brasserie & Bar"! Thah muh fuckah looks like ah muh fuckin sorry ass 


Then they showed this shit about this restaurant called,

"Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q"!

Them twin muh fuckahs lookin like


God damn!

I would deduce!

US are!

What US's sorry broke ass muh fuckin






All thah muh fuckin 



"Stand Up To Jewish Hate" Thee Holy Fuck?!

 Them evil ZJs got all these propagandized commercials advertisin and marketin that ill ass evil bullshit!


My ol Black sorry broke ass be thinkin,

How thah fuck US hatin on y'all sorry ass evil muh fuckahs?! Y'all only less than three percent of thah muh fuckin firmament's populace and shit!

And y'all own ovah

66% of thah muh fuckin 

Wealth in this



Talkin about gilding thah muh fuckin lily!?

I mean what thah Holy fuck y'all ZJs' want?!

Deity status some shit?!

For real!?

God damn!?

That's like if US niggUS was writin and talkin that absurd shit! I mean, shit! If US niggUS had that type of muh fuckin

Juice and shit, that is?!

US niggUS would have been

Murdered and shit

A long muh fuckin time ago in



Thah fuck is ah niggah missin?!...


What US Are Really Worth?!

 It surprises thah fuck out of my Ol Black sorry broke ass!

Muh fuckahs talkin that hard ass shit about some shit!

The US federal government ain't about shit!

That bitch should be open and runnin 


God damnit!

No fucking matter thah muh fuckin 


If US gots enough money tah throw at thah muh fuckin

Ukraine, al!


US has enough money tah run this shit







"Do As I say! Not As I do!" What? US Are Grown Muh Fuckin AssUS!

 While it's available?! 

US has tah start researchin, downloadin, printin...some Human righteoUS shit!


US knows soonah than latah them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs gonnah shut this shit down! 

I mean!? Shit!?

Them evil muh fuckahs already talkin bout some fucked up, manmade bogus shit, that,

"The sun is showing black spots on its surface. Which means it may effect our atmosphere."


Them evil muh fuckahs jUSt needs tah be forced intah gettin ah job,

God damnit!

Flappin yo nonsensical jaws ain't muh fuckin workin!

Fuck naw!

It's annoyin as fuck!

Quit fuckin with 








"25 Must-See Movies With Fierce Female Leads - World Geek"

 How thah Holy fuck they gonnah show all these



Sigourney Weaver ain't at thah top of the sorry ass


Female muh fuckin 


Female or not!

Ripley was and is some real muh fuckin





"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. (Translated) - Voltaire" IV

 Every fuckin one of US should be required tah work at least eight hours or more ah muh fuckin day!


If US 's fuckin up?!

Ten hours ah muh fuckin day!

Keep fuckin up!?

That's twelve hours ah muh fuckin day!

Keep fuckin up!?

That's sixteen Hours ah muh fuckin day!

Keep fuckin up!?

That's twenty hours ah muh fuckin day!

But US will always give yo ass that four hours!

CaUSe if yo broke sorry ass still fuckin up aftah twenty hours of fuckin labor!?

With only four hours in ah muh fuckin day tah yo sorry ass broke self?!

Shit! As long as its not nothin fatal or a crime against anothah 



Yo ass is all right with my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!...


elite Underground US Cowardly Cities

 It cracks my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass up!

These rich muh fuckahs livin in undahground cities and shit!

But running shit 


While them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs live safely


Now, that's certifiable Luciferian muh fuckin

Religious practices for 

US shows! For show!

What thee Holy fuck is wrong with



"Reeva Steenkamp (MTF) and Oscar Pistorius (FTM)"

 I've always believed somethin was off about this shit!

Looked at ol Reeva's images!


Them evil muh fuckahs knew and know!

Check it?!

When muh fuckahs on some

HRT shit!

It fucks everything up in their God damned self-contained Human body!

Yo sorry ass done fucked up that beautiful organic self-sustaining entity with flip-flopping


And once


Allows that evil

Vampirical shit



US 's gonnah be 

Exsanguinated  thah fuck

Dry of any true




"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. (Translated) - Voltaire" III

 The evil elite are scared as shit!

Oh, there shall be many of their minions that start, like ol Edward Snowden, tellin on that ass! With muh fuckin hardcore nasty ass 

Evidence ta prove their depraved horrible "activities"! Them evil muh fuckahs protectin themselves by sayin some ill shit is,'

"Classified Information" and shit?! Thee Holy fuck! Y'all evil asses fuckin, traffickin, SRA'ing them same children, drinkin their muh fuckin blood and shit?!



Knows muh fuckin


CaUSe them evil muh fuckahs don't fuckin labor!

I mean shit, look at all these White, Black, Brown...broke ass muh fuckahs, on thah muh fuckin major media outlets fuckin up! Shit! I'm always curioUS,

Where thah Holy fuck are them robbin, murderin, dealin...whatevah thah fuck, sorry ass muh fuckahs


CaUSe if US workin forty-hours or more ah week?!

Shit, ain't no-fuckin-body gonna see 

US tired of goin tah work muh fuckUS on thah muh fuckin

Six o'clock news for some ill ass shit!...


Friday, November 24, 2023

"Havana Weed Oil" III

 Just tellin yah thah muh fuckin 

Truth my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I would spray that shit on!

Go someplace!

At least three muh fuckahs be like

"I'm sorry. What cologne are you wearing?"

That shit was made in thah muh fuckin 70's!

 I was wearin that shit up until 1989!

Aftah that shit!

Couldn't find that insanely smell good shit 


Some bad ass shit!...


An Early Christmas Present circa 2023?


Time for fear and scared shit is muh fuckin


Them evil muh fuckahs comin for 

US's sorry broke assUS!

And muh fuckUS gots thah nerves tah be thinkin,

"What are the PlayStation games my children will want for Christmas?!"


Fuck that shit!

Give yo sorry ass thah greatest gift of all lil muh fuckah!

Just with words!

Like 'George Carlin' said so beautifully!

Are yo lil assUS listening?



"It's all a fucking lie!"!...


My Many Mindful Travels of My Mahogany Human Lips! (33 Years Old, Calvin Cull, Whoremonger, Internet Influencer) circa September 2024

 So what you do is you take Beet Root Powder. Maybe a half of a teaspoon. Add about a quarter of a teaspoon of distilled water. Take a fine painter's thin brush. Look into the mirror while you're doing it. And spread the beet root paste on your lips, to get that red mahogany lines just right on your lips. And spread it accordingly on your male lips. Leave on, so beet root powder (Dye) can penetrate into lips' surface. Maybe ten minutes depending on the grade of the Beet Root Powder? You'll figure it out. Rinse. Smile!

Women are going to want to fuck you! 

It sounds fucking weird as shit! 


But trust me on this!

Y'all don't even want me to get on the many salacious stories of why I'm posting this shit?! If you do?! Hit that "Like" button?!



"The Star of a Story - Heatwave" III


Beautiful muh fuckin shit to my ol

Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!


I lift off!

And don't get grounded until thah last muh fuckin


Free, of numeroUS, past and present muh fuckin broke ass musical close tah

Six minutes of blessed


And my ol Black sorry broke tryin tah vacation ass shall

Replay that vacation 



Preach On It!

 I let muh fuckahs talk!

Fuck it!

Muh fuckahs actin like they about tah bust ah nut or cum because they got some muh fuckin shit tah say! And fuck yes! I talk kindah slow! So...

Fuck it!

Speak on thah God damned muh fuckin shit!...


Migratory Human Necessities?

 Thah oldah my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gets?!

Thah more I can't stand thah muh fuckin 


God damn!

I mean shit, 32 degrees outside reported temperature feels like

Sub-zero and shit!


No wondah why US gots these many well-off

Snowbirds in



CaUSe if my wife and I had it like that!?

Shit we'd be followin thah old ass

Flock to more migratory acceptable clement muh fuckin


Fuck this shit!?

But this household don't got it like that shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


Our broke assUS gots tah navigate anothah muh fuckin 




We ain't muh fuckin complainin!

We jUSt sayin!...


US Real Human Truths: HTHyst; 000,000,000,000,000,001!

 This muh fuckah ain't shit without 


No-muh fuckin-



US's Purging of The US elite! Time for US to Heal!

 So US got muh fuckahs that are not on 

US's financial lower 

Level and shit

Runnin US!?


God damn!?

What thah Holy fuck is

Wrong with

US majority, in control, 




"How is Aaron Rodgers rehabbing so quickly? Medical experts weigh in. - USA Today"

 CaUSe thah sorry ass muh fuckah wasn't evah fuckin hurt!

Entertainment, smoke and mirrors, lyin ass muh fuckin


God damnit!


Are some muh fuckin



"CBS' Dana Jacobson" (ZJMTF)

 When I first witnessed thah muh fuckah my mind instantly said, 'That muh fuckahs' stunning!"! 

But not in an attractive sort of way! I guess...kind of...what thah Holy fuck am I lookin at, sort of way!? Like Marjorie Taylor Greene God damnit! Somethin's thah fuck's off! It appears tah be ah female? But God damned look at those Linebacker shoulders on that muh fuckah, like Greene?! No female hips tah be seen!...I kept lookin...Ain't nothin female soft about that muh fuckah at thah fuck all?!...Hunh!...

Okay! Got it! Why thah Holy fuck did it take my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass so long this time! Shit! Old age ain't no muh fuckin joke! Old age is muh fuckin real! Anyway...

And thah muh fuckah still hasn't told anyone who thah fuck are her/his


Thee Holy fuck!

Still laughin at that fucked up shit!

Can't make this shit up Sonshines!




Obviously, Bezos Loves The Trans Community!

 All that money!

And still pickin and marryin,

Fake ass 




I Am Proudly A Heathen!

 Muh fuckahs done turned that muh fuckin word intah something wicked and negative and shit!

I mean read thah definition of thah shit! My old Black ass don't have tah conform to ah God damned no count manmade religion to

"Believe in Our Father!"!

And I sho nuff

Believe! I'll proudly take on that



Fuck it!

Fuck y'all sorry ass religions! 

Y'all far from thah 


And damned near not one of y'all evil sorry ass muh fuckahs



Ain't Nothing The Fuck New! (An Ode To 'Ecclesiastes')

 I remembah this sorry ass Pentecostal preachah! I forget his name and shit! But he wasn't about the right, that was for damn show! Anyway...

I've witnessed him preach on five or more occasions. Muh fuckah would say this same muh fuckin line every time he visited somewhere in his sermon at

'Christ Temple Apostolic Church'! He would shout from thah pulpit

"If it's new Sistahs and Brothahs?! Than it's not true!",

Out of all of thah shit that muh fuckah shat!? That line set with me and still resides in my ol broke sorry Black ass muh fuckin soul!

Of course, thah shit came from my man 'E'! 

Out of all The Books in the KJV?

I do loves me some


Read thah shit all thah time, in thah vehicle on lunch breaks; sometimes in thah morning; sometimes in thah evening...jUSt any God damned time! That muh fuckah keeps my ol Black sorry broke ass Centered!

That muh fuckah gettin on 

US's sorry broke



And it humbles my old Black broke ass soul!




Thursday, November 23, 2023

Be Fully Awakened! Not Half Ass Awakened!

 My wife and I watchin "Tom Thumb" on some shit this mornin!

Russ Tamblyn is ah bad ass muh fuckah!

Nimble as fuck!

But he's dancin with thah muh fuckin toys and shit!


This muh fuckin Chinese lookin toy starts talkin gibberish Chinese and shit!

My ol Black sorry broke ass thinkin,

How thee Holy fuck this shit still bein released!? Thah shit was released in 1958!

That Chinese lookin toy talkin that nonsensical shit!?

God damn!

I would deduce...

China isn't included with this sorry ass


Woke manmade created




"Pizza-Gate - Liz Crokin" And The evil elite Paedophiles Network.

Research thah muh fuckin shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

Research thah evil sorry ass despicable shit them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs doin and have been doin to US's children!? 

Right in plain muh fuckin US sight! They don't give ah fuck! Uhm!

Shit! That shit is prolific as fuck amid them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs! Leechin evilly intah US! Anyway...

And they silenced her sorry muh fuckin ass!

Ain't heard shit from that bitch ever


Nor about 

"Pizza-Gate", Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, James Alefantis, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta..." 


And US's 

Children still carrying that degenerate sorry ass muh fuckin Human

Waste of insurmountable


Thee Holy fuck is wrong with


Our Father's speed

Miss Crokin!...


Sheryl Underwood?! Uhm!

 Now that's an ugly ass niggah!

Straight up!

And I'm ah niggah!

Let me let y'all in on ah lil secret amongst US niggUS' culture!

That, whatevah thah Holy fuck that is, muh fuckah always claimin tah be ah muh fuckin



Ain't evah met ah fine ass Zeta!


Zeta's are thah muh fuckahs that thah muh fuckin




Fuckin wanted!

And US can undastand why when 

US looks at Sheryl's busted Black ass! And quiet as it's kept, most of those Zeta's rockin that ugly ass look!?...


US Department of Treasury's, Janet Yellen (MTF)

 Now that's an ugly ass evil ZJ!

You's an ugly muh fuckah! And got thah nerves tah be married?! With one muh fuckin child!? Uhm! Yo sorry evil ass means, "Adopted" child! MTFs can't have no muh fuckin children and shit! And on top of that shit! Not even evil witch Yellen's muh fuckin spouse hittin that shit! Ain't no fuckin way! That muh fuckah's busted! Anyway....

Shit! God damn!

I mean fuck!

Every muh fuckin country in this firmament!

One has tah be ah butt ugly putrid lookin Luciferian tah 

Run some shit!

He's ugly as fuck!

And gettin fuckin paid for doin thah fuck

No thing and runnin this bitch intah thah muh fuckin ground!...

God damnit!...


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Photographic Memories

 I don't know my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! My ol Black ass broke sorry muh fuckin mind maybe hasn't confessed this shit in thah written prose! But shit! 

No time like thah muh fuckin present! Anyway!...

I see these muh fuckahs gettin accused of all these sexual misconducts against women goin on!

I mean shit, like twenty years ago and shit!


I don't give ah fuck!

Yah did thah shit!

Or yo ass didn't!

Tell yah ah little story Playesses and Playahs!

I went tah "IU" for a year! Didn't like thah muh fuckah! But that's besides thah point I was startin tah make! Anyway...

I had met this young lady on campus. We started hangin out and shit! Well...

One thing leads tah anothah and we wound up in bed togethah!

Well, shit...fuck it! I'll jUSt write thah shit how I revisualize thah shit in real time today!

I was getting ready tah penetrate and I looked into her eyes! And tears started flowing out of her eyes! And I'm like, "What the fuck!?" So I asked her, 

"What's wrong? You don't want to do this?"

I remember her shaking her head with tears now running down her face. Uhm! 

I said to her,

'All you had to do is tell me? I thought we were cool like that?'

She continued to weep. Then she finally conveyed tah my young now flaccid ass,

"Meredith! I have never done it before! And I do like you too! But I don't want to do this!"

God damn!?

I held her until the morning sun arose. 

We kissed one another as I left Collins dorm.

A day later she called me.

"Why haven't you called me, Meredith?"

'I know it isn't your fault. But I keep thinking to myself after seeing you in tears. Now if I would have penetrated her! I would surely be considered a rapist! And that shit ain't sitting too well with me right now. Just telling you the truth.'

"I didn't mean it like that!"

'But seeing your face as I'd seen it. I can't get that picture captured in real time out of my mind. I'm sorry. I didn't know.'

"How could you?! It is neither one of us fault?"

'I understand. But I still keep thinking, if I would have penetrated you and then looked up and seen what I saw?! You looking in total despair! Oh, my God! I could have not lived with myself afterwards! I like you Lady! And it is still kind of messing with me. Give me a little time."...

Uhm! I never spoke with her again!


CaUSe that ill shit fucked me up!

And I was young and didn't know what thah fuck tah do with that heavy ill ass

Human shit!...


"You, Find A Fool? Bump His Head!"

 Got muh fuckUS tryin tah help grown ass muh fuckUS and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

And them bein aided grown ass muh fuckUS ain't said one word of

"Thank You!"


Now tah me!?

Shit, that needin help ungrateful muh fuckin sorry ass muh fuckah ain't goin tah make a 

Fool, not one more muh fuckin God damned time, out of my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass! Fuck that shit! Fuck! Anyway!...

Othah than that righteoUS muh fuckin "Tough Love" type of shit!?

I mean, shit!?

Get some



There Are No Real Time Blogs, Vlogs...Don't Give A Fuck!

 Them sorry ass muh fuckahs hold on tah your thoughtful real time shit!

And aftah them evil muh fuckahs 



And eventually

Defecate yo muh fuckin shit!

Well shit,

US sorry assUS are

Good to 


"Well! That's bullshit!"

I undahstand Sonshines!


Them evil muh fuckahs 

"Own" and 

"Control" this



Fucking With US you evil elite?! Is Not Recommended!

 I watch broke, middle class, rich...muh fuckahs gettin thah fuck

Ill as fuck at thah rest of



My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass jUSt 



Our Father!

Muh fuckUS finally gettin tired of their sorry ass

Stressors and bullshit!

God damn!

Them evil degenerates in this 



Firmament, are in ah shitload of muh fuckin





"Miss Mood (Satin Jackets Remix) Novika"


Feel good shit

For real!

Shit my ol Black sorry broke ass kickin fuckin


Fuck it!

Skippin rocks!

Off of thah memory of thah varioUS

Ponds, lakes...






Let US Memories' Floodgates Open!


And write all of 


Some shit!

US'll find



Palestinians? Shit! Them Some Niggahs! II

 Got me thinkin!


Niggahs are every God damned place!

The Moors were some nomadic Black ass muh fuckahs! So evil historians write? But shit, I wouldn't doubt it? Maybe...Anyway...

Maybe there are some Black ass niggah Chinese muh fuckahs ovah in China that they nevah show and shit!?

Shit, US are witnessUS tah that

"Whitening" psyop shit that went on in


Typical evil elite sorry ass shit! Them muh fuckahs hella bored! God damn! 

Get ah muh fuckin job! God damnit! Anyway...

Pele is thah only darky 


US is familiar with!


And that's ah





Palestinians? Shit! Them Some Niggahs!

 Shit, these evil muh fuckahs showin light skinned Palestinians and shit all thah God damned time! Talkin some ill ass shit, 'swarthy'!? Thah Holy fuck! Please!? 

Them some light skinned niggahs! Anyway...

Now that their evil asses tryin tah finish thah genocidal job and shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs showin thah muh fuckin

Darky ass



God damn!

Can't make this shit up




US Lives In Their Manmade Real Innerspace Flipped Into Real Outerspace! ("What is Below. Shall be Above. - Luciferian Dogma")

 Shit! US lives inside ah muh fuckin 


Don't give ah fuck what thah fuck is past thah 



My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass still tryin tah find thah fuck out!?

What thee Holy fuck is really goin on


This muh fuckah!...


US Is A Nepotic Country

 I remembah I was takin some class at thah University!

Some shit we had tah take bein ah Radio/Television major and shit! But I do remembah it was ah 300 course! Anyway...

Professor Tremblay was teachin thah shit!

He said,

"Work on being a great generalist in conversation and in broadcasting. And the only way to do that is to converse with others tirelessly, research and stay topical! In this business, you will be admired! And you will always have a career in broadcasting!"


Beautiful words!

But that shit ain't 



A Lot of US Are Clueless...For Now

 Thah fucked up thing about this evil shit that's goin on,



Are still in 




Don't have ah muh fuckin 


Of that muh fuckin



Florida Sheriff, Polk County, Grady Judd

 Should be thah next muh fuckin president of US!


That muh fuckin

Sheriff 's

On tah some





Ugly Ass Bill Fucking Gates And Ugly Ass Warren Fucking Buffett!

 Thee Holy fuck!?

Who thah Holy fuck are their 

Optical Frame Stylists?

Puttin ugly frames on butt ugly muh fuckahs, that shit ain't sharp! Ain't sharp at thah fuck all!...

Shit...I know them two evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are 'rich'!?

And if them two ugly evil muh fuckahs paid ovah three hundred dollahs on those busted joints they "rockin"?!

Them degenerate ugly muh fuckahs done finally got



Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Don't Let Them Cut! Unless! It Will Lessen US's Human Physical Excruciating Pain! II

 We are beautifully made self-sustaining, 


US has an endless 



So what thah Holy fuck!

Are US goin tah do with that ill ass 

Powerful shit!?...


Very Varying Palates!

 I think I have ah very good palate! I ain't braggin or no shit! Just sayin! It is what it is! Anyway! Read these reviews of beer, wine, liquor...shit like that!

Muh fuckahs wannah talk about tastin melon in ah muh fuckin Coors Light!


CaUSe that's what yo sorry muh fuckin ass tastes!

But melon?!

Okay! God damnit! 

What we talkin?!

Parts per million some shit?!...


Scents Are Muh Fuckin Personal

 There are some women scents that I fuckin Love!

"Aromatics Elixir-Clinique", "Chanel", "White Shoulders", "CORIANDRE-Jean Couturier"...

But yo ol Black sorry broke ass can't suggest tah yo wife,

'Hey! Why don't you try this shit?' Now she got "CORIANDRE"! Anyway....

"Which muh fuckin Ho yo ass like this shit on muh fuckah?! I ain't thah one!"

Thah muh fuckin conclusion of thah scented muh fuckin mattah!?


Scents are subjective as fuck!


Fuck it! Thah muh fuckin shit smells good muh fuckah! Ain't no male or female scents? That's some conditioned bullshit!

And if yo ass likes some shit!

Fuck it!

Female eau de parfum my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Spray that shit on yo own shit!

Cause yah love tah smell like that 


Female floral beautiful shit!

And top that shit off with some

"Jergens Original Scent Cherry Almond Dry Skin Moisturizer"!?


A magnificent smelling cloud surrounding yo broke ass throughout thah muh fuckin eight-hour day!...


Don't Let Them Cut! Unless! It Will Lessen US's Human Physical Excruciating Pain!

 US are some beautifully made self-contained

Human muh fuckUS!

All US gots tah do is regular oil changes!

And keep thah fluids topped off!

But what these muh fuckahs do?!

They fuck thah fuck up!

Gettin elective surgeries and shit!

Well, once that beautifully made self-contained Human body has had a surgery!

That beautifully made self-contained Human Body has been


Now, expedited deterioration of that breached Human body



US Still Knows How To Have A RighteoUS Good Time!

 If US are watchers of US!


Sight hustle on muh fuckahs smilin and havin ah good time with one anothah and shit!

Don't get caught doin thah shit!

Just suggestion some shit!

But that shit takes my ol Black sorry broke ass back!

Go head young men!

Show these othah muh fuckahs how tah have ah good time!

Without all this muh fuckin absurd

Fucked up

Foolishness and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Death: A Lied About Conditioned Truth!

 I don't know my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

But thah more I research some shit!

Thah more my ol Black sorry broke ass been thinkin,

'Maybe US don't die if US ignore thah masses about death! US are conditioned to believe in 


US are not conditioned to believe in




US Will Not Fight For, Our Father! But US Sure Will Fight For Someone That Is Not, Our Father!?

 Muh fuckahs will kill you ovah some muh fuckah they don't even know, have never met, ain't evah talked with...and shit! 


BecaUSe thah sorry ass muh fuckah yo ass done talked about is an entertainer, political figure, preacher... and shit?!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with US!? Cosignin for muh fuckahs that ain't even thinkin bout US broke assUS!?

Muh fuckUS jump on that ass because yo broke ass done said, 'Lebron is a fucking Luciferian! And ain't worth shit!' And they invited me intah their fucked up conversation and shit! "Hey man? What do you think about Lebron?" I mean these muh fuckahs wannah come tah blows for this niggah? And he's ah grown ass muh fuckin man God damnit! Anyway...

But US let these sorry ass same famous muh fuckahs say, "There is no God!" Or, "Fuck Jesus and God!"...

And ain't none of these muh fuckahs even sufferin ah muh fuckin scratch

God damnit!?...


Monday, November 20, 2023

Formulating Individual Truths

 There this dude I ran into. He's married. I'm married. We talkin about some conspiracy theories and shit! Trump/Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supporters! Texting back and forth about supplements and shit! Nice dude. I texted,

"Hey if you ever get the chance visit

I've been havin it for a minute?

Just don't judge!?

It's a righteoUS thought

Space! Shutting it down December 06, 2023! Holla!..."

I ain't heard from that niggah ever



US Is In This Shit...Together!

 US's contract as ah creator doth not conclude until either party's death in said creation!...


That Shit Ain't Happening! And Responsible Lifetime Godly Parenting!

 Tell my Daughter all thah God damned time!

She looks at me like,

"You old coot!"


Hear about yo sorry ass on ah muh fuckin pole at some muh fuckin 


Oh, that shit ain't gonnah be nothin thah fuck nice!

Fuck that!

Twenty-one!? Thirty-three...Well shit?! I'll be around seventy-three and shit?! Too old tah be bustin down doors! But shit! This is US! Ah niggah got gats God damnit! Shit! Anyway...

Until I muh fuckin die!

Like Our Father!

I'm responsible for your ass!

And oh 


This ill evil shit has tah muh fuckin



If it means my death tah stop that ill ass muh fuckin shit!


Oh, yo ass shall not be wayward!

Too many of US muh fuckUS runnin around this firmament!

Don't give ah fuck!

Can I make her do anything I think is right?!

Fuck no!

Shit, she's half her Mother!

Can I suggest!?...

Well,shit! One can always suggests? I mean God damn!?

So, fuck yes!

And that's all my sorry broke ol Black muh fuckin ass can give Her that 's


But Sonshine!

Yah fuck up like that!?

Well, shit!

There's gonnah be some more fucked up like that shit that needs to be muh fuckin 

Vetted and


And ol niggah 


Gonnah fuck up some muh fuckahs!


Them muh fuckahs gonna fuck up old


But fuck it!

You take care!

And keep not taking muh fuckin

Shit! (BIG SMILE)...


Retrospective Complications.

 So thah muh fuckin patient I was talkin to was transitioning into ah muh fuckin male!

And thah muh fuckah had ah male partner!?



All them hormones!

Reconstructive surgeries and shit!

And yo ass still wantin some


CaUSe yo sorry ass done had ah

Pussy for too God damned


Kindah fuckin shit that queer ass shit 


And what 

Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...


Female! Male! Shit! Who Knew!?

 When I worked at "Kroger" as an assistant manager! There was this othah co-manager named, "Jeannie"!

We'd talk about some shit! She was White of course! Ain't no niggah woman I have evah met said, "Just call my ass, Jeannie!" Probably some niggah women out there with that sobriquet! But aftah all this time, I ain't met nair female niggah, One! Anyway...

She was one of those nervoUS types of muh fuckahs! I smoked backed then. And when we'd go out on ah smoke break, she'd be thah kind of person with thah cigarette in her right hand, she'd be gesticulatin that hand and fag like nobodies business talkin bout some shit!

Well, we were 

Inhalin thah nicotine one day!

And she said some shit that kind of fucked me up! Where thah shit came from I don't remember! Shit! Jeannie and I would talk about some real shit while nicotine inhalin!

"Fuck Meredith! You show me any female human! Or female animal! That ages slower than a fuckin male of their same species! I mean shit! Look at the lionesses! Poor things! Looks like someone's been abusing the fucking females looking like a neo-nazi mother fucker with buzzed hair! While the male growing this long pretty mane shit! Please tell me, Meredith? How fucking cruel is that shit to a fucking female?!"...

Our Father's Speed

"J" Dawg!...


US Shall Forever Possess, Documentations of US!

 There's ah certain sense of civility in goin out in public and treating US like US would like tah be treated and shit!

But with writing!

If yo broke ass is literate!

US literate assUS can keep readin!



Click, and

Whatevah thah fuck!



Needs tah start gettin

Physical copies for





Before them evil muh fuckahs change and destroy all of 






Visiting VarioUS Website Leasing Agents, Fucking Sucks!

 Where am I goin?


I don't know?!

But I got tah find anothah spot by

Wednesday, 06December2023!


Free?! Fuck! 

"Damn! Damn! Damn! - Florida on Good Times!" I'm sorry! That was ah greasy Black ass muh fuckah! I mean shit! God damn!

Shit! Don't act like y'all don't know!? Anyway....



Rent controlled?! (Smile)...


Thine Enlightenment Awakens!

 Muh fuckahs have these "news" stories where they say muh fuckahs had "Manifestos" and shit!

Soon as I read that shit!



Even thah dumbest muh fuckah ain't gonnah write about no shit,

"I'm going to kill..." whomever thah fuck!?


CaUSe yo evil sorry asses wants my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass tah honestly believe,

US so-called crazy muh fuckahs still writing and


"Well texting?"

I undahstand! 

But if I'm not mistaken, I don't think you gonnah write ah long ass "Manifesto" on that lil muh fuckin cell phone! And why thah fuck would you do it any-fuckin-way! Little bity you "Martyr"?! Niggah please! Ain't no muh fuckah that muh fuckin out there! Unless....government influenced! Just suggestin some shit! 

And, don't make no muh fuckin difference,

 Muh fuckahs show thah fuck ain't writin any thah fuck longah shit! Thee Holy fuck!? Anyway...

But shit! An ol Black broke ass niggah been 

Wrong so many times thah fuck before!

Just writin some shit!



God damn!

But ah ol ass broke niggah 's learnin my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!


Ah ol niggah 's sho nuff 

Humbly muh fuckin






President Richard M. Nixon!

 I mean ah muh fuckah can't read no damn 'yahoo' "news" and take that shit serioUSly!

'CNN'...all those muh fuckahs! Them muh fuckahs makin 96 percent of that shit up!

Ain't nobody checkin shit no fuckin more.

Shit bring Nixon back God damn it!

I'm ah niggah and that's my real


Read some of his shit! Will have yo broke ass on thah floor laugin like ah muh fuckah! And some of that shit will make yo broke ass self say, "Preach that shit muh fuckah!"

Fuckin brilliant!

These sorry ass muh fuckahs cast him like some dumb racists White ex-Quaker crazy ass muh fuckah!

Fuck no!

Dick Nixon is thah only muh fuckah I still call

President! I mean that muh fuckah was on tah somethin God damnit! And them evil muh fuckahs set that sorry ass up! And thah shit he resigned for them evil muh fuckahs been doin and doin thah shit ad nauseum now! Uhm! Anyway...

Trump tries tah emulate thah muh fuckah!

But ain't no one bigger than that Nixon

"Tricky Dick"!

Catch some reads of his speeches, interviews, quotes...and just read thah words?! Don't think about who is thah supposed speaker of those written words? Read his words in context?! And that shit kindah ill as fuck!

Our Father's speed




Sunday, November 19, 2023

US "UAW" Muh FuckUS! II

 I remembah one of my nephews USed tah work for "Chrysler" off of tibbs and shit!

Showed me his check stub, them muh fuckahs got paid weekly God damnit! Anyway...

104 some odd thousand dollahs for thah muh fuckin year! My knees kind of buckled and shit! God damn! Muh fuckah didn't even have ah muh fuckin high school degree and shit!? God damn!?

I popped him on his forehead with that same check stub! I apologized immediately! He accepted my apology! I was glad! He worked in "Knock-Out" at thah time! Big muh fuckah! Anyway!...

And, "Didn't have ah pot tah piss in nor ah window tah throw it out!"

Borrowin mine and othah muh fuckahs' cars and shit cause ah muh fuckah couldn't secure ah muh fuckin car loan?! Thee Holy fuck!?

"I'll bring it back Unc with a full tank of gas!"

And here my young ass barely makin ah muh fuckin

One-fourth of his muh fuckin earnings!

In the middle of 

October no less?!

Muh fuckUS!?

And thah muh fuckah didn't do muh fuckin 


But he was one sorry ass 


Muh fuckah!

That was for damn show!...


"Rosalynn Carter"

 His evil ass was 96!

Jimmy 's still livin at 99!


"Only the Good die young"?!

Yah damn muh fuckin



US "UAW" Muh FuckUS!

 Shit! I had ah lot of family in thah automotive manufacturin industry!

Shit, so do too ah lot of US 


And US niggUS



Quit playin!?

Talkin bout ah lot of silly muh fuckUS

Fuckin up some muh fuckin


On stupid ass shit!?

I mean!

God damn!...


Yes! We Still Are Blessedly Little Old, US!

 Where thah fuck are these evil muh fuckahs goin with this ill ass shit!

Got shit all up in chaos because they see this evil ship they've be captainin 

Goin thah fuck down!

Mad at US caUSe US got hip tah those ill as vaccines, innoculations...whatevah thah fuck!

I mean they mad becaUSe of 


Aren't idiots like them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs had thought all along!


So glad tah disappoint y'alls good for


Sorry evil asses!...


Saturday, November 18, 2023

"I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash" III

 I started this shit because thah muh fuckin shit that replayed ovah and ovah again in my about tah be psychotic mind, had tah find ah release!

But, shit!? 

These evil muh fuckahs don't want tah read about that written depressional type of bullshit!

Though them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs investin billions about muh fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin depression carryin around sorry ol Black sorry broke assUS like me!?

At fifty-fuckin-seven!

God damn!

Thah Holy fuck is 


With them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs???!!!

Them evil elite rich sorry bastards 

Are not thah fuck



But shit!

Ah niggahs tired!

"It's gonnah be a bright!(Bright) Bright!(Bright!) Sunshiny day!..."...


Damn fuckin


Our Father's speed!...


IU Football's Greatest Player: Antwaan Randle El!

 And Cam Cameron Fucked 'im!

Cause Cam Cameron wasn't, nor shall ever be, ah head football coach!

Cam Cameron was, is and will always be,

An idiot!

Look at thah man's statistics, college with thah Hoosiers and professionally with thah muh fuckin 

Steelers God damnit!

Slightly undersized professionally!

But like those othah great Steeler receivers,

Can US talk about Hines Ward, John Stallworth, Lynn Swann...

In thah same muh fuckin thought?!



Now, shit! I don't give ah shit about I.U. muh fuckin football!

Nor do I give ah shit about professional Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shit!

But what I do give ah shit about is so-called coincidences! 

Antwaan Randle El was some undahappreciated shit!

Collegiately as well as

Professionally! Anyway...

And like 'Lee Childs' "Reacher" character believes,

"There are no coincidences!"...

Our Father's 




Todd Rokita, AG IN for President!

 I like that muh fuckah!

He's consistent as fuck!

Speaks about state law like some sing-sing shit like 


Should already know!


I do like that eventual 



Muh fuckah!...


Silencing US? Where Thee Holy Fuck Is The FCC?! And 'Smoke and Mirrors'! IV

Them evil muh fuckahs talkin bout thah high cost of cable television and shit?! 


US broke assUS would gladly pay that entertainment bullshit if it weren't for horribly advertised content!


I remembah with my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass, that was thah gravitation tah


Cable television!

No Advertising!

Your cable monthly bill was enough!

"We don't need no stinkin advertisers!"

Then them evil muh fuckahs got

Niggardly and shit!


Thee Holy fuck!?

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs advertisin thah shit out of cable television!

And does ah broke ass niggah get ah cut of all those non-advertising muh fuckin fees y'all sorry ass rich muh fuckahs collectin and not supposed tah be collectin, as muh fuckin 

Subscribers of some shit!?



What thah fuck is this old ass niggah missin?!

Muh fuckin sorry ass 



The Town of Clermont, Indiana: Simple Conversation! Simple Fix! But Conditioned Ill Beliefs and Conditioned Ill Response Involved!

 Clermont, Indiana! The safest place in thah muh fuckin

US tah live!

Did US know that?!

And jUSt around thah cornah, up thah ways a short piece...of our family's home!

I know! But there's some sad awhile shit I gots tah write thah fuck out!

So, I can sleep ah lil bit bettah! Anyway...

It might sound muh fuckin strange but when I write about some shit!?

And let it out tah thah written electrical endless captures!

Fuck it! Anyway!...

Well! The transmission on thah vehicle had ah leak!

Been told that by quick oil servicing businesses! They's usually top thah muh fuckin shit off and, shit, keep rollin!

Well, this young man named Xander did some shit tah thah 2009 engine stoppin ovah ninety percent of the oil leakage tah thah close tah 200,000 miles engine! Except thah transmission leakage.

I said tah myself, 

Niggah take that shit tah ah muh fuckin transmission service place and see what they say about this leakin ass transmission?! Since, obviously yo broke old Black ass wants tah keep thah shit! Cause an average cost of ah new vehicle hoverin around 30 Gs and an USed, dependin on thah "USed" shit, hoverin around fifteen Gs! Shit! I loathe math! But this shit my ol Black old ass can mathematically solve this homes future economic equation quite easily! 

$350 for gasket, filter and changing of transmission fluid! As opposed tah tens of thousands! 

"Yeah! Three-sixty-eight! That's agreeable." I said to this City of Clermont Transmission Service business owner.

They finished thah shit Wednesday afternoon @ 4 PM! I get off at 5 PM. I called the place of business and the owner answered. Informed him I would not be able to get there before 5:30 PM and will pay cash and pick the vehicle up the following morning! He was agreeable.

"I don't get it?!"

Oh! There's more my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

So my Wife takes me to the establishment @ 8:15 AM. They open at 8:00 AM.

Go to the business' front door! Pull. Locked!?

Go back to my wife's vehicle and call the establishment!

The business owner answers.

'Hey this is Meredith, the owner of the G6. I can't get the front door open.'

"Well, did you pay for the services?"

God damn?!

'I'm sorry. There is some miscommunication happening. Sorry for that! Payment? That's what I am trying to do. I'm trying to pay you for your services. But your business' front door is locked.'

There was a pause. Then subsequent disconnect.

After he opened his service station.

I paid for said services!

But shit!

I ain't goin back tah those ill ass muh fuckahs!

Not even if this transmission on this 


Starts fuckin up!

Fuck that!




My ol Black goin tah work sorry muh fuckin broke ass,

Fuckin undahstands some  fucked up shit!

But I'll see you in thah muh fuckin





Silencing US? Where Thee Holy Fuck Is The FCC?! And 'Smoke and Mirrors'! III

 "Well, why the fuck do you care about the FCC anyway?"

Shit! I ain't makin no money off my sorry ass 


But my ol Black broke ass undahstands thah dire importance of 

The FCC!

Havin ah Radio/Television degree!

Them muh fuckahs ain't



Them muh fuckahs 

USed tah enforce some real US FCC shit!



Them muh fuckUS just gettin freely

Paid by



Silencing US? Where Thee Holy Fuck Is The FCC?! And 'Smoke and Mirrors'! II

 Jessica Rosenworcel/Chairwoman!

Thah fuck you doin


When these evil muh fuckahs planned tah have somethin tah muh fuckin fail?

They eithah put

An ignant niggah in charge!


An ignant real female in charge!

Or shit,

Gild thah muh fuckin evil ass lilies,


But God damned!

Yo ass ain't no 




Nor, I would deduce, ah muh fuckin



"Extra! Extra! Free Human Thoughts!" Now That's A Fucking Human Bargain!

 If you are a writer,

You write!

I mean, shit!

That's what you do!

Part-time with yo old Black sorry ass!



Ain't no publishing house behind US broke ass shit!

No monetization tah write of?!

Shit!..Just writin bout



US broke ass writers are thah best muh fuckin 


US jUSt tellin thah 


The way US sees it!?



Now, ain't that some

Beautiful muh fuckin shit!?...


Gay?! I've Always Been Fond of The Human Primal Definition!

 Shit, them evil muh fuckahs even take ah muh fuckin beautiful word and turn it into some sort of vile shit!





Even parents namin their God damned children

"Gay"! Anyway...

Now, US muh fuckUS even scared tah write or, for God's sake, no!, even say that 

USed tah be



Our Father's speed!


Them evil Muh Fuckahs Random Drop US! Why Isn't A Cop Random Dropped?! And US Needs The Dropped Failed Numbers! II

 Fuck ah muh fuckin


God damnit!

Fuck that shit!

But what US do want is,

For those LEO's to have bloodwork, hair follicle tests and urine tests at least three times a week done! Especially and shall after any crash, homicide, physical action...precipitated by said LEO! Psychological profiles done on every individual officer at least once a month!...

"That's going to cost the city a lot of money!"

Uh! Shit! Look at thah payout in Law Enforcement Lawsuits?! It will pay for itself! Anyway...

They have Lethal Weapons to protect US!

And when those same Lethal Weapons are turned against 


US needs to know if there are any pharmaceuticals, Illegal drugs, alcohol...had anything to do with the fatal outcomes!?

You know?

For shits and giggles sake! (BIG SMILE!)...


"D*ddy?!" Another Sorry Ass Nigger!

For some reason niggUS think niggUS can get away with thah same shit thah ZJs, Luciferians and Freemasonries do!? CaUSe US niggUS done joined one of those sorry ass muh fuckin 

Tribes and shit!? Shit! Wrong DNA you stupid muh fuckin no-count niggUS! 

God damn! Anyway...

 US see what thah stupid muh fuckah


Put an 'a' in that muh fuckah and, 


Guess who I am? You sorry broke ass muh fuckahs!'

Muh fuckah got dropped with ah lawsuit on thah muh fuckin


That bitch already been settled and shit!

I would deduce?

Guilty as muh fuckin


Stated by thah muh fuckin



Silencing US? Where Thee Holy Fuck Is The FCC?! And 'Smoke and Mirrors'!

 Muh fuckahs dingin my ol Black broke sorrry muh fuckin ass!

For fuckin writing thoughts!?


These evil muh fuckahs showin men kissin passionately on ah regular supposedly FCC regulated shows!?

Showin two females kissin passionately and shit on "Public Airwaves" and shit!

Fuck it! Straight up porn on command, with any little muh fuckah with ah little savvy can be watchin porn for most of his/her young ass expiring days!

Oh! But don't your sorry broke Black old ass dare start writing about what thah fuck is on US's minds!

Carnage, homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia, cannibalism...that's muh fuckin ripe for broadcastin tah US!


So them sorry lazy ass muh fuckUS at thah muh fuckin


Just gettin cut fuckin 

US free federal muh fuckin employment


Thah fuck is ah ol ass niggah missin!?...


Activated Charcoal: A Drunkard's Panacea!

 If yo sorry broke Black ass is ah regulah drinker, like my sorry old Black broke sorry ass, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!? I ain't braggin thah fuck at all! Shit! Just statin facts is all! Anyway...

Fuck it!

Get your ass up thah next mornin!

Pop 500mg to 600 mg of

Activated Charcoal 

On an empty stomach!

Take @ 3 AM.

Be right as rain


6 AM!

"That sounds like an awful lot of work!?"

If yo ass gots bills tah pay?! And yo broke ass drinks tah vacay!? Shit, more work yo sorry broke ass shall do! Tah get blessedly by! That's if...ah niggah got bills tah pay?!...

Our Father's


(Peace! More to come...)

Live Forever?! With That Fucked Up Mentality and Face?!

 The ZJS, Luciferians, Freemasons...all them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah live forevah!?

Now, that's some ignant ass absurd shit!

I mean look at Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger, Warren Buffett, Beiden, Zuckerburg, Musk, 'King' Charles...

Just tah name an evil ugly ass handful God damnit! I mean them evil muh fuckahs are butt ugly! Without money and power? Them evil sorry busted muh fuckahs would still be virgins! Anyway...

Put them evil muh fuckahs in front of ah mirror naked and shit!

CaUSe those evil muh fuckahs can't stand mirrors and shit! Anyway...

Then just blatantly ask them ugly ass putrid bastards,

"Now lookin at yo shit! Forever, muh fuckah!? Seriously?! That fucked up ugly shit you want to witness forever?!"...


ZJNYC Is In A Shitload of Trouble!

 "Reducing police numbers"?

"Budget cuts"?

"Billions spent on influx of migrants"?

Have US seen 'John Carpenter's' 

"Escape from New York"!?

Them evil ZJs tryin tah make that muh fuckah

"The New Global World Human Slave Capitol of The World!"

And fuck thah

Ukraine and 


Like in ol 'Forrest Gump',

'Run New Yorkers! Fuckin run!"

The warnin signs are all ovah thah muh fuckin place!


Our Father's speed!...


Friday, November 17, 2023

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Random Drop US! Why Isn't A Cop Random Dropped?! And US Needs The Dropped Failed Numbers!

 It's funny tah me how law enforcement does all these muh fuckin test on alcohol and drugs and shit, but don't do any muh fuckin tests of thah pharmaceuticals them goin tah jail muh fuckahs takin?!

Or fuck that! All thah shit these LEOs have done! Shot muh fuckUS! Robbed muh fuckUS! Raped muh fuckahs!...And got caught! Ain't evah heard of ah muh fuckin drug test bein thah fuck performed!? Unless thah shit is blatant as fuck! Then them muh fuckahs be like, "Sorry!? Yo ass got tah go down for this shit!" But them evil minions still don't report about thah pharmaceuticals along with thah muh fuckin alcohol and illegal street muh fuckin drugs thah LEO was takin! And oft times they still let that shit slide! How thah Holy fuck US got these officer review boards and thah city doesn't step in and say, "Naw! Fuck that! That/Them muh fuckahs were wrong as fuck!" 

Thah Holy fuck this old ass niggah missin?! Anyway!...


Supplemental Weight Loss Program?

 Okay. Check it?

******Taken on empty stomach @ midnight******

250mg Evening Primrose Oil

1G Beet Root Powder

1G Spirulina

500mg Vitamin C

660mg Caprylic Acid

1G Apple Cider Vinegar

100mg flushing Niacin

At least 33 billion CFUs' probiotics.

Hope it helps my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?!  



ManMade Sorry Ass Mother Fucking, Churches! Just Close Those evil Infiltrated Sorry Ass Mother Fuckers Down!

NA, muh fuckahs goin tah some shit, sometimes, every muh fuckin day!

Not thah muh fuckin lazy ass manmade church!

We's only opens very limited times throughout thah muh fuckin week! So if yo broke down spiritual needin ass needs some help, we would suggest getting a fix, taking shots, get over your yourself until our doors are opened again, limitedly!

Thee Holy fuck!?

Remembah that shit back in thah muh fuckin day?

"If you are scared? Go to church?"

"If you are in need? Go to church?"


Them churches done said,

"Fuck these spiritually needin sorry ass muh fuckUS! We's gots ah business tah run! And We's gots tah make ah muh fuckin evil profit tah keep thah lights on! To make the "PAW" proud!"




Wonderin what thah fuck is 

Happening to



Them evil ass muh fuckahs open 24 and 7 muh fuckah!

Thah muh fuckin church?

If US is lucky,

Three times a week for muh fuckin




(Peace! More to come...)

Chauncey Dewitt Hopson's Spoken Words on Heterosexual Coital Activity.

 "Shit Meredith! Muh fuckahs talkin that bullshit about gettin some good pussy and shit!? And got thah nerves to talk about hittin that shit for twenty minutes before them mothah fuckahs even began tah think about ejaculatin and shit! I'm thinkin! That pussy wasn't about shit! Fuck that noise! Shit, if I was a woman God damnit! I'd be offended as fuck a mothah fuckah ain't nuttin in three tah five minutes after entering my Holiest of Holy's and shit! Fuck that! That's if, my shit was good?!"

'Damn man! So fuck the woman's pleasure?!'

"When the fuck did I say that Meredith? I ain't evah said that shit. Oh, no! What I'm sayin is this! You bust that nut within three minutes?! Shit! If it's like that!? You goin tah get up in there two or more times! Well that's if, the woman is agreeable with that many times!? Cause bustin ah nut that fast!? Now that's some good ass pussy! You want a beer?"

Miss you niggah!!! 

Our Father's speed!...


Shutting Down The Real Human Factories For Six Years! Is US's Only Solution!...For US!

 If yo ass likes tah fuck!?

Shit, ain't nobody givin ah fuck!

Just don't have no muh fuckin 

Children for six muh fuckin years!


US did this shit collectively!



Generations would look back at that 

RighteoUS ass shit like,

"And it started with our ancestry of US Humans at this point circa 2024 that furthered US. Made US who we are today! They did that for US! And in jUSt six years! They changed the whole Human History of just cycles! Now we're linear! And they did all of that... jUSt

For US!"...


(Peace! More to come...)

Psychotomimetic: "It's All The Rage!" II

 And thah more yo sorry ass research thah shit, thah more fucked up that shit becomes!

CaUSe shit!

In ChemTrails, they just talkin that 

Barium, Strontium, and Aluminum bein in those bitches!

Shit, this shit can be 

Introduced in an 





evil Is Winning...Well...For A Short While With: Hush Checks!

 Why them evil muh fuckahs winnin?

CaUSe shit!

US don't 

Stand-up for fuckin


As ah mattah of fact 


RighteoUS ain't said shit!


CaUSe them same evil muh fuckahs cuttin, signin and 



Endorsin those,

Hush thah fuck-up 


US muh fuckin



Thursday, November 16, 2023

"Yo' Little Brother - Nolan Thomas"

 Takes my ol Black sorry broke ass back!

Before this fucked up hood, gangstah, conjured up... by thah evil sorry ass elite...


Ill ass shit!

Tah fill their evil ass private prison plethora of penal.



"Pleasure Seeker - Paul Taylor"

 Don't go back to attack,


Black sand niggers like




Hidden Thoughts

 It starts with muh fuckin something!

Then my writin  ol Black sorry broke ass ends with nothing!



Oh, there you are?


Time tah go tah



"Exotica - Paul Taylor"

 Get out and see what this here shit is all 


Running, shouts!

Such lousy louts! 

Pouts and



evil muh fuckahs,

Y'alls evill asses,

Get thah fuck




 'How you doin Sonshine?!'


'And you surely are! Oh and you sir?! How are you doing this fine Our Father's Day?'

"I'm just trying to get to work!"

'And work you shall toil!'...


Employee Loyalty?! Where The Fuck That Shit Done Got US?!

 Okay? Check it?

Maybe I confessed tah this shit before and shit!

I'm sure I did? Anyway...

So Daddy was ah 


For the "Indianapolis Water Company" for ovah 

Thirty years some shit!

Talked about how they put fluoride in US IN's water supply! Shit didn't click until about ten years ago readin some shit! Anyway...

I still find that shit hilarioUS in some sad awhile way,

The muh fuckahs, aftah muh fuckin retirement, gave him a plaque with ah couple of "GM" keys on thah sorry ass shit! And thah muh fuckin shit stated some shit like, 

"To Morgan Lambert Hopson Who in his thirty-six years of employment, never had an accident. We all thank you Morgan!" Shit you thah fuck not! Pitiful shit!

Niggresses and Niggahs tah this day.

I don't know if that was ah muh fuckin dig tah





Pick A Living Side!? CaUSe Death Ain't Gots Tah Do...Shit!

 Some muh fuckUS lookin at this shit way different than me!

And that's thah beauty of this muh fuckin shit!

Fuckin beautiful!

I couldn't imagine ah muh fuckin world that, if fate be the muh fuckin case, feelin and actin their whole lives like me?! Thah fuck! That's some even more depressin muh fuckin shit on top of my horrendoUS, fucked up mighty lifelong depression! God damn! Anyway...

That's why yah got 

Crazy ass muh fuckahs, 

Kindah crazy ass muh fucakahs, what US calls 


and thah muh fuckin 



All of US's Unique Writing Styles II

 I try tah suggest tah my Daughter and shit,

'Writing, Momma is your own world! Make that shit what you want! What you feel! What you see! What you hear!...There are no boundaries in writing! Abso-fucking-lutely! None!"...

So please!?

Let me read what your envisioned written world looks like



All of US's Unique Writing Styles

 Muh fuckUS think they comin up with US unique thoughts and shit!?

And all US sorry ass broke muh fuckUS plagiarizing and shit!

The only muh fuckin thing different than any othah muh fuckin endless amount of thoughts throughout 

US history is:

How US writes that

Muh fuckah!...





Our Father

Gives up on

Muh fuckUS!.

God damn!

Yo ass gots tah be ah horribly vile evil muh fuckah!...


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Disability!? Shut The Human Factories, The Fuck...Down! Let US Start The Fuck...Healing!

 I ain't tryin tah be cold no shit like that!

But God damn!

Muh fuckah can't walk! 

Can't fuckin talk!

Havin tah be wheel chaired every God damned place!

Medical bills piling thah fuck up!

Job sayin, "Meredith I have to write you up for the number of missed work days!"

And I'm thinkin tah myself,

"Oh!? These disabled muh fuckahs got ah muh fuckin excuse!?"...


Alone? No! US!

 So I go out intah this muh fuckah!

Oh, US knows!

Like "NEO" disconnectin caUSe ah muh fuckah knows somethin thah fuck is


But shit!



Yo sorry broke ass 

Knowing ass is on 




Ignorance is 

Bliss like ah muh fuckah!

Well...up until that ignorance got 

US in thah position 

US bout ready tah be put



Complicity mind



Basic Human Instincts Shall Ariseth!

 So what


Does is this, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

All these cell towers and shit!

Destroy them shits!

"Well what will we do without the internet, cellphone calling, texting...not being fucking bored!?"
















Psychotomimetic: "It's All The Rage!"

 One of thah most interestin muh fuckin shit I have evah researched about!

"Thah fuck wrong with him/her?!"


Them evil muh fuckahs got that




Money!? Is Some In-Human Made Up evil Shit!

 Anachronistic like ah muh fuckah!

Ain't no damn real hardcore 


Figment of thah sorry ass evil elite conditioning of 


"Well, that's why digital currency is better"

I undahstand!

But who controls those waves going in and around US feedin this here muh fuckin Internet and that muh fuckin digital currency?! Anyway...

If US ain't evah read any shit that I have evah blogged?! 

Just ah suggestin, mind US!


Whatever thah muh fuckin currency!

Should be abolished!

"Well how are we going to purchase things?"


Barter is based on 

US's individual




Them evil muh fuckahs been stealin that shit for


But labor!

Can't steal labor!

Labor is 



Can't hide from that shit you lazy ass muh fuckin evil muh fuckahs!

Cause them rich evil elite muh fuckahs got ah chronic aversion tah muh fuckin


God damn! Just lazy muh fuckahs!

And even US's so called "Leaders"



And that ain't just flappin yo sorry God damned jaws all day long!


Makes ah muh fuckah undahstand 


Human shit!...


"Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar"

 That's some bad ass muh fuckin shit!

And watch thah muh fuckin video my Dear Sweet Sitstahs and Brothahs? 


Rockin that shit out!

Now, my ass don't even have tah watch thah muh fuckin video and shit, the video is playin in my mind as thah muh fuckin music plays! While I'm writin this lil snippet in, 

"Anothah Episode of an Ol Broke Niggahs Life!" 

Fuck it! Anyway...

RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! In the Muh fuckin Middle East!? And, of course, in US! Our Father's speed!...)

God Damn! You evil Muh Fuckahs!


US is in ah shitload of muh fuckin trouble if US don't start payin attention tah their evil ass shit!?

I mean, God damned!

Them evil muh fuckahs like, "Yeah! We know what our evil asses said! Fuck it! And fuck all of you broke mother fuckers too! We have amended Agenda 2030! We needed tah expedite our evil ass plans! Now! It's Agenda 2025 mothah fuckUS et al! And make thah shit happen by any means!"


Thah muh fuckin forecast for

US sorry ass muh fuckUS of 

371 million strong!?

It ain't muh fuckin pretty that's for God damned show!

272 million of US must be

Murdered by


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs ain't fuckin


They's comin for


Our Father's speed!...


Oh! US Is The Shit!

 I'm ah people 


I fuckin 



I fuckin

Smile at 





 We're not 

Macro any God damned thing!

Fuck that shit!

US is straight up

Micro shit!

Macro tries tah be all encompassin and shit!

Not fuckin possible!

Too many of US variables in

US Micro Human organisms muh fuckUS!

And no mattah what pills, injections, poisoning public water...them evil muh fuckahs try tah kill US off by!?

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs

Shall fail thah fuck again!

US'll be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...


Monday, November 13, 2023

The Real "me Too Movement"! A Bowel One At That!

 US makes fun of muh fuckUS wearin these 

God damned masks and shit!

Shit I can't make fun of them!

Not for ah long muh fuckin shot!

Almost eighteen years ago some shit!

My ol Black sorry broke ass was there


One day the rest of


Will have ah real

Good numbah




Walter Tevis!

 Speculative fiction author


I do like that muh fuckah's interestin muh fuckin


That muh fuckah was fuckin up some muh fuckin




US Bartering System! And Let US Get Back To Basic Human Living!!!

 Research thah shit!




Grown muh fuckin


And fuck 

Yo muh fuckin

evil sorry ass worthless



An evil elite Change To Digital Currency?

 Let me try tah break it down!? I'm sure most of 


Already knows!

But check it my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

There is nothing to back the muh fuckin US money!

No thing!

Nor any othah muh fuckin forms of payment!

But check it?

Yah got muh fuckahs that are doin housework, car repairs...for US

Sorry assUS!

That undahstand some shit!

If US pays in cash?

Whenevah this shit goes 

South? Which is nigh!

It says thah shit in written US language,


Evil or not muh fuckahs!

This shit is Humanly muh fuckin




Do US not undahstand thah fazin out of thah US fifty dollah bill!

And ah hundred dollah biil?

"Thah fuck you thinkin niggah?!"

I guess?!


"How it USed to be?!"...



 Fuck it!

There is no God damned muh fuckin organic tangible muh fuckin 

Wealth! Them evil muh fuckahs fuck with numbahs and shit! That's all?!

Backed by what?! Fuck your diamonds, rubies, crowns, gold, silver...whatevahthafuck!

Don't give ah good God damned 

Fuck! It means fucking


Until them evil muh fuckahs says it's worth some shit!?



See what I'm suggestin?!

That's why these sorry ass elite evil muh fuckahs want tah go tah 

Fiat digital currency and shit!

CaUSe there has never been what US

Dollahs are truly 






Is broke!

According tah thah make believe





And there is still time for


They ain't got shit!

Save ah sorry ass muh fuckin God damned manmade non-appreciative fucked up


Our Father's speed!...


Euros And Dollars Are =

 How thah Holy fuck that happen?

I mean, shit US can converse all fuckin day long and shit!




Thee Holy fuck?!...


Samples of US

 I plead to my Wife and my Daughter to 


"Like what?"

Anything and


Fuck it!

Take muh fuckahs on ah free ass muh fuckin 

Trip God damnit!

Take US to thah places where 

You would like to



US individual stories are 

Dourly in



Beer. And Whatever It Takes. Good Times!

 I don't know when I took to beer?!

When I smoked cigarettes, it wasn't nothin bettah than ah cold ass beer with ah muh fuckin fag!

Shit, well...strong coffee and ah fag! But coffee don't get thah same muh fuckin feel and shit!

Fuck no!

Coffee and cigarettes makes ah muh fuckah knows that I gots tah pay attention tah some shit! And gots tah go tah muh fuckin



Now that I can't drink caffeine! Inflammatory response will kick up like nobodies' business inside this old ass muh fuckin about tah die Human body if I ingest that shit! Nor smoke cigarettes! Thah evil muh fuckahs done put so many carcinogens in those shits it's ah muh fuckin shame! US remembah ol Ross Perot talkin bout that bullshit? Ain't heard from that sorry country ass muh fuckah since! Uhm! Anyway...

But shit!

Beer and cigarettes?! 


my broke Black ass done made it through anothah one of US's muh fuckin

Our Father's 



God damnit!...


Barry Manilow

 What!? That muh fuckah gets ah pass from thah sorry ass muh fuckin

LGTBQ-Z muh fuckahs?!

They should be rippin his old sorry ass ah new one!


One of thah first muh fuckin


He ain't said shit!

And ain't nobody, especially them LGTBQ-Z muh fuckahs, said shit!


Barry/Berry (when his sorry ass was female) you're likin thah same muh fuckahs that you were supposed tah be likin since yo sorry muh fuckin lost FTM ass at age 73 was born!? That same muh fuckah singin bout, "I made it through the rain..."! Muh fuckah?! God damn!

Thah fuck 's wrong with 


Our Father's speed!...


US Can Close US's Eyes! But US Is Still Alive!?

 I mean think about thah shit!?! In ordah tah make it in Hollywood yah got tah get in that muh fuckin chair! Starring role? Yo male or female ass gonnah get fucked gangbang style!

Shit, Look at Will Smith? "Six Degrees of Separation" my ol Black sorry broke ass!

You love thah dick!

"Oh, that's so fucking pedestrian!"

Acting is one thing!

Real muh fuckin


Is ah whole othah muh fuckin


And that muh fuckah was tellin thah muh fuckin truth!

In ah CIA/Hollywood movie!

Thee Holy fuck?!...


Rapinoe Ho Know Fo Evil Show! Don't US Know?

 "There is not a God!"

And they let that no-count muh fuckah say that about

Our Father!?

Live and 

In color in US sovereign country

God damnit!?

Say somethin about ah God damned 


Shit his/her ass would have nevah been seen again on 

US television!...

And US ain't said shit!?

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with 


We done turned into some straight up

US sorry ass muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...



 my belief, mind you, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

US don't gots tah care about muh fuckin shit!

But shit, if it's goin down like that muh fuckah, with you bad ass self?!


Yo ass bettah be about some 

Good ass muh fuckin




 Why thah Holy fuck would ah muh fuckin woman decide tah

Transform intah a man is muh fuckin


This ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin assUS


"Well what about MTF, US males?"


US males covet

US's females!

So fuck it!

Time for ah muh fuckin



EULA Is A Bad Ass Muh Fuckin Lady!

 Do US not undahstand them muh fuckahs can fuck with your shit whenevah them muh fuckahs want to!?

"Oh, but I have a password!"

They own that shit!

And every piece of muh fuckin content yo ass writes, posts, images...

It's called a muh fuckin


When does that ownin yo shit start?!

When you buy that laptop, desktop, cellular phone...

And start clickin on some shit!


Welcome tah their evil world!

Which they've created!

And US have sanctioned!

By yes!

Ah fine ass treacheroUS muh fuckah named



Make Believe-US

 Muh fuckahs talkin bout they come from ah Black neighborhood, then talkin bout where they USed tah go for thah Holidays, Summer Vacations and shit!

My ol Black ass turns thah fuck off!

All thah niggUS I went tah school with and shit up until ah lil bit aftah high school,

I ain't heard nair-one of 'em braggin about that shit!

Now, check it? I'm talkin bout public schools and shit! An ol Black ass product of Indianapolis Public Schools in fact! Can't speak on those bourgie muh fuckahs! US IN Indianapolis knows, Cathedral. Chatard, Heritage Christian, Brebeuf, Scecina, Roncalli...

Shit thah only vacation US broke assUS got was 

"Saturday Morning Cartoons" God damnit!

Vacations? Holiday travelin?

Talkin bout some hard ass

Mandela Effects


Real muh fuckin

Time and shit?!



(Peace! More to come...)

Shit, The CIA JUSt Fucked Hollywood! Their Own Shit!? II

 Yah see my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Yah get ol like my ol Black broke sorry ass!

Yah goin tah start forgettin why you doin some shit!?

I'm sittin up here writin and shit about one thing then all of thah sudden,

Get tah thah end of thah muh fuckin blog!

Re-read thah shit!


I didn't want to write about that!

And thee Holy fuck!

This is not what I was goin tah write about when I started this muh fuckin blog!

Where thah fuck was I goin with this shit?

"Oh, where? Oh where did that little thought go? Oh where? Oh where shall it be?"...

Fuckin nothin...


Shit, The CIA JUSt Fucked Hollywood! Their Own Shit!?

 I smile and laugh at these evil muh fuckin nasty ass sorry elite muh fuckahs!

Muh fuckahs thinkin makin ah deal with thah devil is bidirectional and shit!


Evil only goes one way 


Sign up for that evil ass shit!?

US can't get

Good back!



Sunday, November 12, 2023

Don't Take Another Mother Fucking God Damned Shot! And Operation LIT-US (Lessen Imminent Threats - United States)

 VAERs is real my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! And l

I mean, what thah Holy fuck!

They're murderin muh fuck


But why?!

What thah fuck has happened in this muh fuckin firmament, that these evil muh fuckahs did and do to take and make this shit like this?!

So what?! Thah muh fuckin truth gonnah come out about you degenerate evil elite muh fuckahs?! Now y'all gots tah, 

'Lessen Imminent Threats' and shit?!

I mean God damned!

Fuckin juvenile mother fucking 

Games tah those no-count sorry ass muh fuckahs!

But check it?!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs do know

Y'all evil muh fuckahs ain't about muh fuckin


Y'all have tah be



Always Go With US Guts! And Pure US RighteoUS Hearts!

 What is in US's hearts?!


US can sit up here and act dumb and shit!

But US is some grown ass muh fuckahs!

I get it!

But shit...




Chauncey Dewitt Hopson Circa 2003

 "Shit Meredith! We Hopsons' are happy drunks! Well, can't really say that! We're happy drunks when we find our drink that suits us! Cause "Gin will make you sin!" And that's why my Black ass drinks vodka God damnit! Negligible smell. Shit I remember I was coming back from Detroit and them Michigan state police stopped my ass! Tore thah van up! I asked, "Are you fine law enforcement officials going to straighten the mess that you just made?" Mothah fuckahs looked at me like, "Fuck you niggah!" I straightened the shit out coming home! And I laughed from the time I was stopped until I got my Black ass home! Yeah, vodka with negligible scent of intoxication is the way to go! Muh fuckahs lookin for drugs and shit and my ass probably would have blown 0.15 and shit! You know how I do?! And them mother fuckers worrying about drugs and shit in my fuckin van! Fuck it! Have at it! Searched the shit!... Hey? You want ah hit! Cause this half pint is about tah go south?!"...


Make My Ass DNR! Please?!

 I've been suggestin tah my wife,

'When my ol Black ass dies don't be spendin a lot on no muh fuckin funeral! You know me? Just put ah niggah in thah muh fuckin ground and shit! 

Be done with this shit!'

"But what about me?!"

'You! You're goin tah be fine Sonshine!

 Lovely wife of mine!'

She ain't nevah listened tah my ol Black sorry broke ass! So even in death her ass gonnah be like, 

"I'm sorry niggah ah muh fuckah that loves yah gots tah do thah right thing! God damnit!"

'I undahstand! But all We gots tah do Geeg is tah put ah tired dead ass niggah in thah muh fuckin ground! And say,



EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) II

 Okay, I lied! I am takin something else.

Beetroot Powder.

Like Spirulina,

Put thah shit in beer it is thah most wondroUS deep reddish orange color. 

Depending on the amount yah put in thah shit!

And it gives the beer ah more complex taste, earthiness, that is not off-putting at all!

Shit, yo broke ass can take some Natty Light and put some of BRP in that shit!? Adds ah mighty head tah that muh fuckah, pinkish in colah that lingers and shit! 

Red mahogany delicioUSness! Anyway...
