Monday, November 13, 2023

Beer. And Whatever It Takes. Good Times!

 I don't know when I took to beer?!

When I smoked cigarettes, it wasn't nothin bettah than ah cold ass beer with ah muh fuckin fag!

Shit, well...strong coffee and ah fag! But coffee don't get thah same muh fuckin feel and shit!

Fuck no!

Coffee and cigarettes makes ah muh fuckah knows that I gots tah pay attention tah some shit! And gots tah go tah muh fuckin



Now that I can't drink caffeine! Inflammatory response will kick up like nobodies' business inside this old ass muh fuckin about tah die Human body if I ingest that shit! Nor smoke cigarettes! Thah evil muh fuckahs done put so many carcinogens in those shits it's ah muh fuckin shame! US remembah ol Ross Perot talkin bout that bullshit? Ain't heard from that sorry country ass muh fuckah since! Uhm! Anyway...

But shit!

Beer and cigarettes?! 


my broke Black ass done made it through anothah one of US's muh fuckin

Our Father's 



God damnit!...


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