Monday, November 27, 2023

Can't Find Any Of These evil Muh Fuckahs On US's Streets! They Are All evil Cowards!

Shit Putin ridin his motorcycle amid thah commoners and shit! Smilin and wavin at muh fuckahs! 

Them Russians love that muh fuckah!

Let any political figure try that shit here now!?

Ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all!

Undah pressure!

Yah damn skippy!

These sorry ass political figures, evil elite muh fuckahs ain't walkin amongst

US! CaUSe they have and are fuckin up with fuckin with


Fuck that shit!

Them muh fuckahs would get beat thah fuck down at thah very least on any street in this muh fuckah!

And shit! 

At thah most?!


US already 



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