Sunday, November 19, 2023

US "UAW" Muh FuckUS! II

 I remembah one of my nephews USed tah work for "Chrysler" off of tibbs and shit!

Showed me his check stub, them muh fuckahs got paid weekly God damnit! Anyway...

104 some odd thousand dollahs for thah muh fuckin year! My knees kind of buckled and shit! God damn! Muh fuckah didn't even have ah muh fuckin high school degree and shit!? God damn!?

I popped him on his forehead with that same check stub! I apologized immediately! He accepted my apology! I was glad! He worked in "Knock-Out" at thah time! Big muh fuckah! Anyway!...

And, "Didn't have ah pot tah piss in nor ah window tah throw it out!"

Borrowin mine and othah muh fuckahs' cars and shit cause ah muh fuckah couldn't secure ah muh fuckin car loan?! Thee Holy fuck!?

"I'll bring it back Unc with a full tank of gas!"

And here my young ass barely makin ah muh fuckin

One-fourth of his muh fuckin earnings!

In the middle of 

October no less?!

Muh fuckUS!?

And thah muh fuckah didn't do muh fuckin 


But he was one sorry ass 


Muh fuckah!

That was for damn show!...


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