Monday, November 27, 2023

What US Are Really Worth?! II

 I tell yah what tah do tah stop ah little bit of thah aburd 


Goin on in the muh fuckin fed!

Open this bitch up

24 and 7

God damnit!

And every-evil-muh-fuckin-body in politics has not only ah



Shall have ah muh fuckin


On vacation? Family emergency? Heart attack?...whatevah thah Holy Fuck!




Y'all muh fuckahs gots thah same power of decision makin them sorry ass got now! Because they busy with othah shit!

Oh, snap! 

The muh fuckin second or third cannot be reached?!

Then that vote falls on the

Governor of thah state thah muh fuckahs are 


Oh, them evil muh fuckahs would stop takin all these God damned absurd vacations!

Be showin up for work all thah God damned time then!

CaUSe shit!

"It's got tah be my evil sorry muh fuckin ass makin those muh fuckin crucial decisions! Fuck that second and third! And oh, definitely fuck that sorry ass Holcomb muh fuckah too!"...


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