Saturday, November 25, 2023

"Labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice. (Translated) - Voltaire" III

 The evil elite are scared as shit!

Oh, there shall be many of their minions that start, like ol Edward Snowden, tellin on that ass! With muh fuckin hardcore nasty ass 

Evidence ta prove their depraved horrible "activities"! Them evil muh fuckahs protectin themselves by sayin some ill shit is,'

"Classified Information" and shit?! Thee Holy fuck! Y'all evil asses fuckin, traffickin, SRA'ing them same children, drinkin their muh fuckin blood and shit?!



Knows muh fuckin


CaUSe them evil muh fuckahs don't fuckin labor!

I mean shit, look at all these White, Black, Brown...broke ass muh fuckahs, on thah muh fuckin major media outlets fuckin up! Shit! I'm always curioUS,

Where thah Holy fuck are them robbin, murderin, dealin...whatevah thah fuck, sorry ass muh fuckahs


CaUSe if US workin forty-hours or more ah week?!

Shit, ain't no-fuckin-body gonna see 

US tired of goin tah work muh fuckUS on thah muh fuckin

Six o'clock news for some ill ass shit!...


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