Monday, November 13, 2023

Barry Manilow

 What!? That muh fuckah gets ah pass from thah sorry ass muh fuckin

LGTBQ-Z muh fuckahs?!

They should be rippin his old sorry ass ah new one!


One of thah first muh fuckin


He ain't said shit!

And ain't nobody, especially them LGTBQ-Z muh fuckahs, said shit!


Barry/Berry (when his sorry ass was female) you're likin thah same muh fuckahs that you were supposed tah be likin since yo sorry muh fuckin lost FTM ass at age 73 was born!? That same muh fuckah singin bout, "I made it through the rain..."! Muh fuckah?! God damn!

Thah fuck 's wrong with 


Our Father's speed!...


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