Wednesday, November 15, 2023

God Damn! You evil Muh Fuckahs!


US is in ah shitload of muh fuckin trouble if US don't start payin attention tah their evil ass shit!?

I mean, God damned!

Them evil muh fuckahs like, "Yeah! We know what our evil asses said! Fuck it! And fuck all of you broke mother fuckers too! We have amended Agenda 2030! We needed tah expedite our evil ass plans! Now! It's Agenda 2025 mothah fuckUS et al! And make thah shit happen by any means!"


Thah muh fuckin forecast for

US sorry ass muh fuckUS of 

371 million strong!?

It ain't muh fuckin pretty that's for God damned show!

272 million of US must be

Murdered by


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs ain't fuckin


They's comin for


Our Father's speed!...


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