Sunday, November 12, 2023

Don't Take Another Mother Fucking God Damned Shot! And Operation LIT-US (Lessen Imminent Threats - United States)

 VAERs is real my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! And l

I mean, what thah Holy fuck!

They're murderin muh fuck


But why?!

What thah fuck has happened in this muh fuckin firmament, that these evil muh fuckahs did and do to take and make this shit like this?!

So what?! Thah muh fuckin truth gonnah come out about you degenerate evil elite muh fuckahs?! Now y'all gots tah, 

'Lessen Imminent Threats' and shit?!

I mean God damned!

Fuckin juvenile mother fucking 

Games tah those no-count sorry ass muh fuckahs!

But check it?!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs do know

Y'all evil muh fuckahs ain't about muh fuckin


Y'all have tah be



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