Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Town of Clermont, Indiana: Simple Conversation! Simple Fix! But Conditioned Ill Beliefs and Conditioned Ill Response Involved!

 Clermont, Indiana! The safest place in thah muh fuckin

US tah live!

Did US know that?!

And jUSt around thah cornah, up thah ways a short piece...of our family's home!

I know! But there's some sad awhile shit I gots tah write thah fuck out!

So, I can sleep ah lil bit bettah! Anyway...

It might sound muh fuckin strange but when I write about some shit!?

And let it out tah thah written electrical endless captures!

Fuck it! Anyway!...

Well! The transmission on thah vehicle had ah leak!

Been told that by quick oil servicing businesses! They's usually top thah muh fuckin shit off and, shit, keep rollin!

Well, this young man named Xander did some shit tah thah 2009 engine stoppin ovah ninety percent of the oil leakage tah thah close tah 200,000 miles engine! Except thah transmission leakage.

I said tah myself, 

Niggah take that shit tah ah muh fuckin transmission service place and see what they say about this leakin ass transmission?! Since, obviously yo broke old Black ass wants tah keep thah shit! Cause an average cost of ah new vehicle hoverin around 30 Gs and an USed, dependin on thah "USed" shit, hoverin around fifteen Gs! Shit! I loathe math! But this shit my ol Black old ass can mathematically solve this homes future economic equation quite easily! 

$350 for gasket, filter and changing of transmission fluid! As opposed tah tens of thousands! 

"Yeah! Three-sixty-eight! That's agreeable." I said to this City of Clermont Transmission Service business owner.

They finished thah shit Wednesday afternoon @ 4 PM! I get off at 5 PM. I called the place of business and the owner answered. Informed him I would not be able to get there before 5:30 PM and will pay cash and pick the vehicle up the following morning! He was agreeable.

"I don't get it?!"

Oh! There's more my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

So my Wife takes me to the establishment @ 8:15 AM. They open at 8:00 AM.

Go to the business' front door! Pull. Locked!?

Go back to my wife's vehicle and call the establishment!

The business owner answers.

'Hey this is Meredith, the owner of the G6. I can't get the front door open.'

"Well, did you pay for the services?"

God damn?!

'I'm sorry. There is some miscommunication happening. Sorry for that! Payment? That's what I am trying to do. I'm trying to pay you for your services. But your business' front door is locked.'

There was a pause. Then subsequent disconnect.

After he opened his service station.

I paid for said services!

But shit!

I ain't goin back tah those ill ass muh fuckahs!

Not even if this transmission on this 


Starts fuckin up!

Fuck that!




My ol Black goin tah work sorry muh fuckin broke ass,

Fuckin undahstands some  fucked up shit!

But I'll see you in thah muh fuckin





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