Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fuck Bitterness! Love...Espouse It From The Mountain Tops! (Thirty-Three Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 1998

Yah see, what chew have tah remember, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is the fact, you were with that "so-called" loser, Ho, Ho'monger, muh fuckah, bitch, bastard, sorry ass...whatevahthefuck...cause yo ass Loved and still Loves that ass! Oh, yes you do! Point blank! We need tah quit it! Cut out all that bullshit! We some grown asses. We know or knew what the fuck we got our asses into or from. Shiiiiit! While yah playin. And what you have to admit to your sorry, lyin ass, aftah all the shit is said and done, is the fact, the shit wasn't always fuckin bad! Quite the contrary! Oft times it was historic and refreshing tah my sorry, lonely, pathetic life! Fuck whatcha talkin bout! For real! Or why did yah love'em? Or, lets get the shit correct, why do you still Love'em? Don't be ashamed negro! Love is a complex, fucked up emotion no one has evah understood! But don't be ashamed for your Love of that perceived fucked up muh fuckah! Fuck that! You can't fool a recoverin foolah! Nor can yo sorry pitiful ass, lie to a recoverin liah! Stop-that-shit! Right-the-fuck-now! Goddamnit! Shutitthefuckup!

We owe it to our being to admit to one and all that, "I don't care bout the fucked up shit I told y'all or the bad shit I feel that Sweet, Fine mothah fuckah done tah me. I'm glad tah tell yah sorry muh fuckahs, I Loved and still Love that muh fuckah! I'm just mad cause I can't figure out how tah make the shit work!" Ummm! Sweet Lawd!

"But since the muh fuckah refuses tah quit fuckin muh fuckahs for fun, for free and for crack! I just had tah tell that ass, "Fuck yah! Feed yah! I don't need yah! With yo stank, Beautiful ass! And the Love I have fo you, like Mellencamp said, "You make it...hurt so good!""

Nig-gah whah? Yah heard my Black Broke ass!

Peace! More to come...

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