Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bad News And The Gospel (Forty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) 2013

I got some bad news today My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! But that's what my whole life has been about, bad fuckin news. So, this was no different. I guess if there is one difference, that would be the fact that I realized at any second, finally I understand, yo ass can die! Oh, sure you know it, went to funerals of loved ones, maybe even seen someone die..all that is fine and good, but what about yo sorry ass? Do you really understand the fact it is only a matter of time when you will be where you are witnessing an individual which you knew was alive and now the mothah fuckah lyin prone in a box? Just ready for the shit to go south, into the ground? Does yo sorry ass really understand that? Really? Well My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs; alas, I must say you are way better than me. Because my ass being just 48 years old didn't see it comin! Sure for othah mothah fuckahs, but not to my broke down ass! But, "It is finished! Amen!"

Time for My Black ass to shine before the fuckin lights go out for the last time on my Black ass. Damn right bout that! So I'm goin to write a story fo y'alls asses that has some joy! How bout that fo my sorry ass? Time tah see some goodness in this piece of shit life! My Blessed God! And here we go...


Sometimes this guy I know, he gets too rapped up in the dark side. But you see, every once in awhile he has to let himself feel and experience the warm essence of the Son! A balance if you will so he will not go completely mad. Maybe taking a .380, jacking one in the chamber and...Yao Ming? He cannot allow himself to become a Nicolatian. No, that would defeat the purpose of wandering blind in the darkness. He is dwelling there for a time for just that reason, to quell his self-righteousness. He must, not shall, every once in awhile peek out and let the Son shine on him. Then and only then the justification is solidified of what he will eventually allow his body to be overcome by...the effulgent essence of the universe! And a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Check it out My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. I entitled this one...

Opportunity Knocks

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