Thursday, December 8, 2011

Analogous (Female, Tribe Person, Philosophy Major at Butler University) 2011

Defining oneself is easy but what one falls trap to is defining the ones who they care about utilizing the same information that one has at there given disposal of themselves. That, in and of itself, is flawed. Though one may come from the same tree which made the same fruit as another, one cannot lay claim to the variances of the given fruit: the integrity of that sole fruit, what strains were put on that given fruit, how much nutrients that fruit received while ripening, the thickness of the skin…Though from the same tree that fruit did not form in the same way or from the same place as another; hence, one fruit can have a different character after ripening has transpired. Subtle variances can cause catastrophic outcomes and notwithstanding the outside influences of another organism which may invade just one or more fruits of that same tree and cause great disturbances to the ripening process or cause that given fruit to die even before the time of it’s ripe old age.

And we are no different.

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