Saturday, December 3, 2011

An Idle Mind Ain't No Good Thang! (Thirty-Two Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 1997

Nasty, low-down men fuckin rapin these lil girls and boys! The fuck wrong with US? Now we got women fuckin these lil boys! The fuck wrong with US? Declination is replete in this fucked up You-S-of-fuckin- A! On a fuckin regulah! The fuck...wrong with US, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

And yo ignant asses think this shit is gonnah get bettah? I got news fo yo muh fuckin blues with yo no count havin ass, it fuckin ain't! As a mattah of fact the shit is gonnah get hellah worse! When muh fuckahs ain't workin they start feedin their sorry ass prurient interests. And that ain't no good thang at all! Mothah fuckahs gots too much time on their fuckin hands! Too-much-fuckin-time, goddamnit! For real!

Voltaire wrote, "...labor takes care of three great evils: idleness, want and vice."

So put these asses tah work! Mothah fuckahs! Like they do in the military, 4am to 10pm. And if aftah 18 hours, yo ass ain't tired and takin yo sorry ass tah sleep, stll thinkin bout ch'o sick carnal fantasies and pleasures...then shit! Yo ass gonnah work 22 hours a day! Every fuckin day until you get that ass in check! Until yo ass starts understandin the difference between what the body wants and what the body needs with yo silly sick ass! Sleep deprivation is a mothah fuckah! The most dociling torture evah! Let me tell yo ignant ass som'ehn!

And if aftah runnin around, workin, keepin busy fo 22 hours of a 24 hour day doesn't make yo ass think nothing othah than, fuckin gettin some sleep? Then, "Houston! We've got a problem!"

Peace! More to come...

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