Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Have Reached The Time And The Way (Thirty-Five Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 2000

You always learn. Always. It may not be the way that you envisioned but some way, some how yo sorry ass gonnah fuckin learn. Shiit! And the bad thing about it is, there's only two ways to do it: the hard way or the easy way. And for some, fucked up conditioning, reason we always choose the former. Don't we? I mean shit, what the fuck is wrong with our sorry asses? What's so hard with choosing the easy way? Is it not challenging enough for US? Do we get bored with the easy approach so we make the shit hard on our asses time and time again for the sake of evading the dreaded ennui? The fuck? But our asses learn even though we choose that muh fuckin hard ass way most the fuckin time. What's your fuckin point muh fuckah? You maybe askin yourself right now. Well, hell, I'll indulge you since you asked so kindly. Ain't no shame in my game or in the lack thereof.

My fuckin point is, no mattah how things make sense, or how things can facilitate another's another one's advice, one has tah learn in their own time and in their own way. No gettin around it. Cause we all stupid muh fuckahs. Thinkin somehow we have all the answahs, and by doin this or doin that we can fix the shit that's goin awry with a given significant othah in a relationship. But what does yo ass find out aftah all the shit is said and done? That's right, there are no Mr. or Ms. Fix-Its. No mattah how hard you try muh fuckah that shit just ain't gonnah be fixed no mattah what yo sorry ass tries tah do. It just ain't gonnah happen. Yo ass gonnah fail at the task at hand I don't care what kind of diplomatic skills you think you possessin. Just a fuckin waste of time. But waste of time we must do because our asses have to our own way and in our own time. Sans the excellent advice yo ass done given me prior to. Fuck that shit! I had tah learn the shit my way goddamnit!

And the Beautiful thang bout that, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, I have found my own way. And it has transpired in my own time. And so it will be the same for you too! My Blessed God! A Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is!

Peace! More to come...

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