Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Playing God And Being God (Forty-Six Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 2012

Sorry ass mothah fuckahs havin these babies and can't take care of'em! Can't-the-fuck take care of one and havin the nerves tah have another one...then maybe even another, then another...Shame fo God! Supersillymothafuckas! Gotsta nerve tah play God then yo sorry ass don't wantah be responsible for said creations. The fuck! Shiit, God sayin tah yo no count havin ass, "Get some You! Get some! Now you see how I feel with billions of y'alls stupid asses!"

Then we wantah sit up there on our knees and pray fo the lawd tah help our insolent, arrogant, ignant asses; as parents and co-creators? The fuck times two! The lawd ain't helpin yo sorry ass with yo creations cause you done drank the kool-aid and eaten from the forbidden tree, the sacred tree of creation. The jig is up Son! God sayin to our asses, "I tried to tell yah! Oh, yes I did! Now look what yo sorry ass done went and done! Why do I waste my time with y'alls ignant asses? But if yah gonnah play God, then be God! And welcome to the party My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!"

And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is!

Peace! More to come...

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