Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dividends (Forty-Two Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 2007

There was a time My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs I had not a clue who I was. Oh, let me tell yah, I'm talkin about an individual who I thought I Knew. Today is different. Today, I am starting to figure out who this hurr mah fuckah who sits hurr typin this shit out for you and yours to be a witness to and not based on self. No! No! No! With my dirtay face! I've been living for self for some 42 years. And it ain't gotten me any-the-fuck-place! I am older and my Dear Loved ones and Friends are older; hence, as one gets older the more prone one is to calling out my given bullshit which I have spewed. One gets less tolerant of said bullshit or lies, distorted truths as one matures. If, one is a sentient being at all. If a friend tries the same bullshit over and over again, a friend, a real friend, will call a spade a spade when they witness one. That one was and has been me! Yah heard may? I've been running all of my life from commitment and obligation. Shiiit! I haven't even committed to my own life in the past, always talkin that suicide shit! Puh-leeze nig-gah! Tryin my damndest to not owe this world or life nothing when I die. But each one of us has a remittance, especially me. One never gets out of this life without paying a debt to this here society, to this here life. It's our duty, my duty to make this life better for my Daughter and the generations to come. Less we forget. But what good are we then?

Peace! More to come...

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