Monday, January 9, 2012

Boundaries (Elaine Hopson II, Tribe Person, Aspiring Writer) 2015

She heard him cry out. She wanted to do it right here. Make the bastard suffer, right here so she would not have to hear him babbling any longer. She never fucked with the good breed. She understood a long time ago. Fuck the bad people. When you fuck the good people you go to Hell. And lord knew she didn’t want to go there. But he was telling her what to do anyway to make it into the Kingdom. Shit she knew all too well. “Kill all the men! Well the bad men! And start this world in the right direction!” Shit she was doing her share. All she needed was the other ones to get off of their asses. You either stand for something or you will fall for anything. Damnit that was the way that it was. At least the way that she saw it. She heard him sniveling. “Shut up! you sorry sack of shit! you fucking whore! you’ll be my Bitch now! Won’t you? you bitch!” She hurled back and cracked him on the side of his head with her knuckles with ease but with much force. He yelled out something to her and began sniveling again. Everyone of these so-called men to a man was a sorry piece of dogshit. Would put their own mothers lives to save their pathetic little asses. The misogynistic bastards. She reared back and cracked him again on the ear making sure it covered his orifice to hurt him a little more. She did. he said something else but did not say it with much conviction this time. He starting to understand his dilemma. He tied up and immobile. This crazy bitch in front of me. Something is now wrong with this picture. She saw it too and loved that look. She was in control now mother fucker. If you didn’t know, oh you for damn sure are about to find out. She started the music and danced around him. With the beat either stopping to kick or stomp on him. He grunting every time. Shut your ass up wife beating mother fucker! One, two, three, Stomp. One, two, three, kick. Alternating back and forth making him feel even more the pain she had and that he had handed out to more than one woman. She was an enforcer of sorts. This was truly the land of opportunity. Here she was, four black belts in various styles of martial arts and being unemployed. But damn how shit worked. Fate was a mother fucker. It all started with a conversation with a white woman and the shit just took off from there.

...She had been speaking with this woman at the JCC (Jewish Community Center). They both had seen and spoken with one another on many of occasions. Both being very physically fit and coming to this gym five to six times a week at least. The woman had been crying she could tell. Crying like a bitch that had caught the old man shlonging a blonde beauty. She hadn’t said a word just listened as the woman told the story. For some reason had nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Just started going off on her husband and how he was going to leave her and she had nothing and she would be out on the street. Blah, Blah, Blah. “So what you gonna do about it Jeanette?” She had asked and Jeannette looking as though she did not want to even hear the question that she had said out loud. Damn the bitch was in bad shape. So she had asked her what she planned to do about her imminent plight and Jeannette still looking as though she was mortified by the question. She continued to look at Jeanette waiting for an answer. “I Don’t know?” Jeanette finally said.

“I don’t know don’t cut it. You better get- the -fuck -to -know, then. Girl you talkin about your life. Fuck him. he was wrong. You have to figure out to what extreme you want to take this as far as your life is concerned. He’ll probably marry the bitch. There you are all in love and shit still feeling like a failure... Listen to me. Ain’t no dick worth all that shit. There are some bad mother fuckers out there let me tell you, but ain’t none of them swingin it like that! None! You hear me? And on top of that ain’t no man worth that either. Fuck all these mother fuckers. Like my brother says to me all the time, fuck’em and feed’em beans!”

Jeanette laughed at that through the tears, “Oh, I wish I were as strong as you Joy. You got your shit so much together. I wish I had your strength,” Jeanette had said, now starting to stop the tears a little.

“I’m not sayin all that Jeanette. Shit my ass got my moments. All I’m saying is, it is not that deep. And you have that strength too. You just have to tap into it and bring it to the fore girl. Quit lettin men run your life and get your ass out of that tired ass victim mode. Just start taking control of your own life. And once you start doing that, the shit is easy. Because, after that, you have no one to blame for your life except your damn self. And if you still want to blame…well…you just want to stay a victim. So, fuck it. Suffer! But don’t complain about it no damn more. Please,” Joy said very bluntly.

“I wish I could talk like you. You speak so raw, open…free. How did you get like that?” Jeannette said.

“Jeanette, I’m going to tell you a story. There was this mother fucker, right? Loved the shit out of him. Don’t know why but I would drink that man’s dirty ass bath water,” Joy said. And Jeanette started laughing.
“For real,” Joy said, laughing a little herself, “I would have. Shit, I had a thing for his ass. That’s a copout, shit, I loved that man. Damn! I loved the shit out of him. But we were arguing for some reason one day. Shit, I don’t even know what the argument was about, but what I do know is, that mother fucker slapped the shit out of me. And all I was thinking was, forgive the language, but, “Niggah what was you thinking? Cause you done fucked up now!” That same hand he slapped the shit out of me with, I broke the thumb and middle finger so quick his ass was impressed, but in pain, as hell. In one slap the special shit I had for his ass, was the fuck gone! Fuck that Jeanette! And I would like to go back to him and break both of those fingers I broke, that I'm sure by now has healed, not only on those fingers on his right, but his left hand too! Shiit! That mother fucker left a scar on my heart that hasn’t healed for the past five years. The mother fucker! Don’t do that to me. I Loved your ass! But a bitch got her limits! You done crossed the fucking line! Now you must understand the repercussions of the stupid male ignorance you have just partaken in. Because this woman has been trained and armed. You might get me. But you are definitely going to have a painful, lifelong keepsake from fucking with me. I’m not the one! But that’s what I’m saying Jeanette! You have to figure out your boundaries of, how much do I love myself or how much I want to give my one life to this individual who crossed the boundary and will most definitely cross that same boundary again, a boundary I abhor…

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