Sunday, January 15, 2012

Metamorphosis (Forty-Nine Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Saved) 2014

Been going through some things My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. But that’s beside the point. The Lord is a merciful Lord. Oh, yes the Lord is. You see, sometimes when you think you are not worthy, for some reason, the Lord makes you understand how significant your perceived insignificant self is. And you ask the Lord, Why? The Lord is not ever going to answer you, that’s defeating the purpose. The Lord telling you at that point, because…And you have to fill in the blank yourself. But you know. You knew a long time ago what your purpose in this life was but for some reason you, I kept fighting against it. Then the Lord up and saves you from a near death experience, then the skies open up, the sun penetrates into your soul…and the sad part about it is, you knew all along and the Lord had to take you to the brink of this existence to get you centered the right way. It’s time for me to shine!

And that, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is!

Peace! More to come…

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