Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let The Fire Roar (Twenty-One Years Old, Sexually Abused, Male, Tribe Person, After Killing His Father Who Had Repeatedly Molested Him From Age Five Until Age Fourteen) 1987

I turn to the sun,
Letting the fire permeate,
My skin
My soul.
A catalyst
For my desire
Of uncontrollable rage,
Released through
My pores
My sweat;
Sweat, that will
Mix with the atmosphere,
Making the skies
Open up,
To cool
My Black skin
My soul.
Sated is my rage.
And I turn to the sun;
Which is gone;
Replaced by an overcast.
No more fire?
I laugh;
And great is the laughter.
I will see you
In the Sweet Hereafter.

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