Sunday, January 15, 2012

"You Are Fucking Right!" Cause That's What Your Sorry Ass Wanstah Hear! (Forty-Seven Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) 2012

I ain't got nothin for yah mah fuckah! Nothin! Yo ass says somethin, "You right!" Yo ass says somethin else, "Shit! You right!" The fuck else you want me tah say to yo monkay ass? Cetainly not what I see and certainly not what I think. So, "You fuckin right!" Alls my ass gotstah say.

Shee-it! Mothah fuckahs don't wanstah here yo shit! For real! These are the same mothah fuckahs that get on their perspective knees and pray to God for answers. God gives them the answers to their tired ass queries. And what the fuck do they do? That's right, the fuck what they want! Not what the fuck God done told'em! And they sittin up there talkin to you bout some shit! The fuck niggah! Yo sorry ass wastin a mothah fuckahs time, which my time is in short supply, you super-silly-mothah fuckah! If yo ass ain't listenin tah God, yo ass definitely ain't gonnah listen tah my sorry, broke ass! If God ain't signin off on how you been handlin yo shit my Black, broke ass most definitely ain't eithah! The fuck!?

Then the shit don't work out fo their sorry asses and they have the nerve tah come back tah yo broke ass and say, "Well, you said I was right?" You damn skippy I did! You are right! You didn't ask me how I would handle the shit. Never! Not one goddamned time! And based on that, howevah yo ass wanted to handle the shit was/is fine by me...mothah fuckah! Don't try tah play me! Asshole!

Cause that's why I write this here blog, tah get the shit that's on my mind out! Let it go out into this hurr cyberspace and float around and maybe somebody will catch it, feel it and say to themselves, "Shit! I'm not crazy at the fuck all! Not aftah readin this crazy mah fuckah! I finally found a kindred spirit!" Yao Ming?

People always talkin the same old shit. Get fuckin tired of that fecal matter, makes my fuckin leg hurt for real. Give my ass somethin I can bust my head on, let the shit marinate then afterwards, I'll let it steam for awhile, ingest it, finally feedin my atrophied soul. Cause my ass is gettin hungry like a mug! Can't take this same tired ass rhetoric I've been hearin all my goddamned life. Niggah can'ts takes no mo! Good goddamned!

People listenin, readin this propaganda they still callin news and still believin the shit! The fuck we thinkin? The fuck wrong with US? Like a mah fuckah who done caught their significant othah time and time again cheatin, and the mah fuckah still believin the mah fuckah been gone fo three hours just tah run up tah the store, that's a block away, tah buy some goddamned smokes! The fuck! Yo ass ain't learnin a god-damned-thang! You-stupid-mah-fuckah...You! Cause why? Cause mah fuckahs don't want tah witness the goddamned truth! Like ol Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, and of course I'm paraphrasin, " Our asses can't handle the fuckin truth!" This shit ain't bout me. No! No! No! It's bout you! So get a fuckin clue! I'm just a pitiful soul tryin tah find the truth in this conditioned untruthful world! Word, tah you and yours! I ain't shit...but I'm tryin tah be shit. And what kind of shit are you? We can get the fuck along, or we can destroy one another. And the latter just ain't a Beautiful thang at-the-fuck-all! Just fuckin ugly!

Mah fuckahs says tah me, "Man, you crazy. Shit you be sayin..." And once again, You right! And I maybe crazy. But what the fuck are you mah fuckah? That's the only question our asses should be tryin tah answah in these times, "What the fuck am I?" And whatevah yo sorry ass comes up with. I'll be right there sayin, "Well goddamn! You right!" That's all I gotstah say bout that! And that My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! More to come...

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