Monday, November 13, 2023

Shit, The CIA JUSt Fucked Hollywood! Their Own Shit!? II

 Yah see my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Yah get ol like my ol Black broke sorry ass!

Yah goin tah start forgettin why you doin some shit!?

I'm sittin up here writin and shit about one thing then all of thah sudden,

Get tah thah end of thah muh fuckin blog!

Re-read thah shit!


I didn't want to write about that!

And thee Holy fuck!

This is not what I was goin tah write about when I started this muh fuckin blog!

Where thah fuck was I goin with this shit?

"Oh, where? Oh where did that little thought go? Oh where? Oh where shall it be?"...

Fuckin nothin...


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