Friday, March 31, 2023

It's The Little Simple Things In This Dreadful Life That Keeps An Old Black Sorry Ass Muh Fuckah Like Me Living!

 Me and thah Wifey went tah see "John Wick: Chapter 4" muh fuckahs at thah ol Glendale Mall, Landmark Theaters!

I told y'all, if I asked her what she would say, 

"Okay! What show are we going to?"

My niggah!

Shit, she knows I don't have any male friends let alone female friends!

She feels sorry for my ol Black sorry broke ass for some damn reason cause she has many friends!

My Daughter would acquiesce, but it ain't my time, she would be like, "Okay dad?" Cause it's somethin thah fuck tah do!


Thah movie was long as fuck! But ah bunch of killin muh fuckahs! Fuckin brutal! Yes!

Did ol Wick die!

(Spoiler alert)

In my opinion,

Fuckin no!

"So where do you think he's at? Heaven or..."

And thah muh fuckah answers,

"Who knows?!"

Which means,

"John Wick: Chapter V" Playesses and Playahs!

Can't wait!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Researching: To Know?

 I don't know!

I'm tryin tah know!

Maybe nevah gettin tah that wondrous event!

But thah way I feel now and thah very short time I have in this existence...

Maybe I nevah will!

But at least I muh fuckin tried!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Younger Truthful Mindset!

 I Love my Daughter!

I don't get into her space or anything like that because when I was in high school,

"I'll do my shit! Adults leave my ass alone! As long as I'm not fuckin up!"

I'm thah non-custodial parent, so my ol Black sorry broke ass sees her every othah weekend and shit based on The Indiana State Parenting Guidelines!

"I Love my Daughter too!"

Word! I can dig that shit!

I ain't tryin tah get intah ah pissin contest with any one of US!

I'm jUSt sayin!

When she wants tah talk,

We talk!

She'll say some shit

And I'll be like,

"Yeah! I nevah thought about that shit like that!"

I mean for real!

I smile like ah muh fuckah cause I'm thinkin,

'When my sorry ol Black broke ass is nevah more which is nigh! You are goin tah be jUSt fine Sonshine!'


She challenges normal beliefs! And I've grown tah love that shit!

My ol Black sorry broke ass tah thinkin thah way that she does now at

Seventeen, and it took my ol Black sorry broke ass thinkin like that when She was jUSt gestating!

God damn!

And I smile even broader!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 It's ah give and take type of shit!

Thah Holy fuck US gonnah marry, be with...ah muh fuckah that thinks like


"The Holy Bible" speaks of bein equally yoked!?

That's if,

Muh fuckahs read that shit with ah pure Human heart!

And their actions speak thah same!

I have learned that muh fuckahs that quote scriptures and shit,

Ain't shit!

Them muh fuckahs USe those same words for thah benefit of their singular!

Not for US!

Where in thee Holy fuck is US

Gettin bettah with that mindset?!


Like parents!

US needs ah muh fuckah tah get in that ass from time tah time when US is fuckin up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Innate Voices of Human Reason!

 I write a lot of this shit for my Daughter!

So she can undahstand,

"Maybe my dad wasn't really ah crazy muh fuckah!"

I've come tah own my 'crazy' ass shit!

Fuck it!

But undahstand some shit Sonshine!

I Love You!


It ain't all about 



(Peace! More to come...)

Another Fucking MANmade "Do Over"!

 Muh fuckahs be kickin 'The Holy Bible' in thah nuts and shit!

Everything that's in that muh fuckah has come tah fruition!

'The Bible' has everything tah do about US Humans failures and


This, you ignant sorry ungrateful muh fuckahs, is how this shit goes down!

If US continues tah believe in thah muh fuckin sorry ass Human


(Peace! More to come...)

"There Is Nothing New Under The Sun - Ecclesiastes"

 I call him 'E' thah one and only righteoUS preacher!

Muh fuckahs thinkin they comin up with some shit that's new!


US jUSt puttin shit in US's own words that's all! US jUSt thinks differently than everybody else given US's God given individuality!

That's all!

Ain't nothin new!

Does US undahstand how long US has been livin in this muh fuckin firmament with each othah!?

When US is learnin how tah speak muh fuckin English there are sentences, quotes and shit!

Does US think thah shit is unusually US's thoughts and statements that US writes or thinks?!

US has been here for ah very long time Sonshines!

The only thing that is relatively US's is,

US's common individuality of

Human Purity of Human Truth!

"Man comes and goes. But the earth abideth forever."...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Heroes? V

 You remembah Mike Davis? 

Took ovah aftah ol Knight was fired from the Hoosiers then  Knight went to Texas Tech?

Davis got fired from I.U.! In six seasons only havin one losin season!

Where thah fuck is his Black sorry muh fuckin ass at now?!

Then you got Kevin Ollie, that took ovah thah Men's basketball program at UCONN after Calhoun! Won a National Championship in 2014 bein one of only four Black muh fuckin coaches tah do that shit!  

Fired his Black sorry ass jUSt four years later ! And he used tah play for them bitches...

"Go to fuck to bed Love! Thah fuck niggah! Yo ass is old! Go to bed!"

Okay! Damn!....

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Heroes? IV

 "Dawn Staley"!

My Nigress!

South Carolina's Head Women's Basketball Coach! Her ass done turned that program intah ah monstah! 


Then what these evil elite muh fuckahs do? 

Tell one of their minions tah ask her,

"Well would you consider taking on the Men's Basketball coaching job at Temple!?"

Temple!? Where thah fuck that shit come from!?

Then Staley retorts, "I don't want to coach in the men's game!" 

Oh then they gilded thah muh fuckin race bait/gender bait lily by suggesting that she would be the only female coach of a Division One Men's collegiate program!

US sees how they do!?

Ain't no fuckin body evah ask Geno Auriemma about leavin UConn and coaching ah male D1 school or coaching male professional basketball players!

You remember Charlie Strong? That niggah had all that success in Louisville and they lured his sorry Black ass some kindah way tah thah University of Texas! Two years later! That muh fuckah ain't been heard of again in mainstream media!


(Peace! More to come...) 

One Reason To Be

 I'm tired now!

12:42 a.m.!

"Thah fuck yo ol Black sorry ass doin up niggah?!"


"Writing!? You back tah school? Paper got tah get finished?"


"No? Then what thah fuck you doin writing at the wee hours of thah morning for Love?!"


"Take yo ol Black sorry ass tah bed Love! It'll keep!"

Will it?

"Yeah muh fuckah! Hopefully we'll live until we witness anothah day!"

Will we?

"Thah fuck! Just take your happy ass tah fuckin bed muh fuckah! Get some sleep! We'll be fuckin fine when we wake up! It's already anothah day!"

Okay. Thank you Love!

"You're welcome Love. Now go thah fuck tah bed!"

I love you Love!

"And I love you too Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Last Bastion!

 Muh fuckahs talkin that ignant muh fuckin shit,

"I ain't scared! I'll take ah muh fuckin bullet!"

I undahstand if that is all US's got!

But if US got some wiggle room?

Playesses and Playahs!

Thah diplomatic approach is always muh fuckin prudent!


There's always that lead tah depend on when prudency be God damned


(Peace! More to come...)

The Give Up Arms Act Circa June 2024

 We're asking every American! To live peaceably! It is time to turn in all of your firearms! So we can begin to heal! And live peacefully with one and another!...

An Unanswered Query

 Why thah Holy fuck am I still here Father!?


(Peace! More to come...)

It Ain't Gonnah Be Easy Taking Over US!

 When it gets tah ah certain point in US's future Human History,

There ain't shit tah worry about!

US got tah remembah three important things for US's Human survival:




Future saved!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Is Armed

 Before they send in thah UN sorry ass soldiers, them muh fuckahs got tah get rid of all these muh fuckin guns, rifles and armaments that US holds dear!

Producin all these mass school shootings and shit!

Children throughout US Human History have been USed to quell Human dissent!


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs barkin up thah wrong muh fuckin tree then!

Those UN, National Guard, BlackRock...soldiers have somethin tah really try tah fight for!

They will be discarded, like yesterday's uneaten lunch, by


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Race Baiting Is Always In Season! But Don't "Bragg" About the Shit!

 "Alvin Bragg, Manhattan's first Black district attorney. Could take down Trump."

Talkin bout race baitin and miracles! Ah MTF porn star!? And ah niggah DA!? Is gonnah take down US ex-president?! But thah muh fuckin Zionist Jews ain't got their names nowhere in this shit! Ah Zionist Jew name ain't came up nowhere in this shit!  Yeah, I had tah repeat that shit!

In Manhattan!?

Thah fuck them muh fuckahs thinkin they foolin!? Ain't no Zionist Jew name came upon thah muh fuckin radar!?

In Manhattan?!

God damn!

 Alvin, I wouldn't Bragg about that shit! Cause yo sorry Black niggah ass has been set thah fuck up! Win, lose or draw! Yo sorry Black broke ass evah heard of, Chris Darden or Johnny Cochran!? Darden ain't shit! And Cochran's ah dead ass muh fuckin niggah! And them evil muh fuckahs don't give ah fuck!

'But I'm a Mason!" Them two muh fuckahs are/were too!

'Ain't no Black masons in our evil elite lodge!'

Thee Holy fuck!

You stupid ass niggah! You!

Fuck that transgendered MTF Stormy ugly muh fuckin Daniels with fake titties!

Niggahs be fuckin up!

If I was that Black sorry ass muh fuckah I would be sayin,

"Fuck y'all evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs! I let White people, fight with White people!"

But what this niggah doin?!...

Then US Blacks wannah blame muh fuckin US White folks?!

And thah niggahs last name is Bragg!? Like I'm gonnah brag when I take this muh fuckah down! You White folks couldn't do it!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with that wantin tah be Bragg-adocious muh fuckin  niggah!?

Bragg, you's jUSt anothah ignant supersilly Black no count muh fuckah bein USed like billions of othahs by thah muh fuckin sorry ass evil elite!

You ignant selfish Black ass no count muh fuckah! You!

Alvin Bragg, Esq.! Yo Black ass gots thah nerves tah call yourself ah muh fuckin attorney!? And since othah sorry ass attorneys lettin him call himself that, without reproach! Attorneys ain't shit! Black, White tah I don't give ah fuck!

A God damned shame this bein witnessed in front of US/Our



(Peace! More to come...)

I Ain't Shit! But...

 Don't let this shit get too much into US!

Ah mothah fuckah fucks up!

Are thah potential lost hardworkin ends

Worth ah possible homicide case?


A B&E while my ol Black broke sorry ass 's home?!

Ain't no thang!

Get thah shit and go!

While my family's here!?


One of US gots tah fuckin die!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Slight Delay In The Vacaying! IV

 "All you have to do when you get pulled ovah is what I jUSt told you to do. And it's just ah regular old traffic stop for US. Just keep in your mind, if we feel safe? You are safe too! - Michael Blanchard Ex-IPD Officer"

'Okay here's the story! I've been doing this since high school. I go for a drive! Just to get away for about an hour or so. I go back home. And voila! Everything is good in the world!'

"Well, I have to write you a ticket because you were more than twenty-miles an hour over the posted  speed limit."

'Hey. I understand! I was just sayin. That's all!'

He looked at me. Don't know what he was thinkin. Then he asked,

"Can I see your license?"

'Sure!' Reached in my front pocket and pulled my ID out and gave it to him.

"Well, I'll be damned. I was confused until I saw your driver's license. You're Meredith, the owner of the vehicle."...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Slight Delay In The Vacaying! III

 But US sees we were in an enclosed environment ?!

All the windows were up in his shit! Air conditioning on, and he hadn't smelled shit! Cause I ain't did shit today!

Drivin was my vice of choice, luckily that day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Slight Delay In The Vacaying! II

 So I went back, opened thah door tah thah cruiser, that the State Trooper was already sittin in. Sat in the passenger front seat with thah State Trooper! 

"So what's the story?" He asked.

'There's no story! I didn't realize I was going sixty-five miles per hour!'

"Sir. I clocked you at eighty-two!"

I started laughing! "Officer I tried!"

And surprisingly again,

He started laughing too!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"My Funny Valentine - Chet Baker"

 Talkin about ah weird muh fuckin song that I absolutely love!?

I listen tah this shit while I'm writin!

It's short so I know I Have to get finished with that sudden thought in less than two and ah half minutes!

Simple shit!

But effective emotionally as ah muh fuckah!..

(Peace! More to come...)

A Slight Delay In The Vacaying!

I remembah I was goin around 465 doin just what I suggested tah US!

Jammin my ass off, vacating for ah moment!

Then I saw thah cop lights comin fast in back of me while drivin in the non-passin lane!

Looked at the speedo, eighty!?

Fuckin busted! But fuck it! I ain't smoked or drank shit!

I was so fuckin glad it was ah muh fuckin State Trooper!

At least those muh fuckahs USed tah have tah have at least twenty-three credit hours of taking a college or an university courses to become ah State Trooper!

My windows were already down!

I pulled ovah severely to thah shouldah, thah emergency lane!

Put that bitch in park!

Turned the ignition switch to off!

Turned thah interior lights on!

Put my hands out thah muh fuckin driver's side window!

And waited for instructions!

White State Trooper came up to thah driver's side door, bent down, puttin his hands on his knees, not on his pistol,(Ah Black IPD officer at thah time named Michael Blanchard told me what tah do if ah niggah don't want tah get possibly shot when US Black broke asses gets pulled ovah.) and said,

"Where's the fire?"

'Can we talk in your cruiser? Or do we have to speak like this informally while yourself is unsafely exposed?'

He looked at me for a second and at my hands still suspended outside thah muh fuckin driver's side window and surprisingly said,

"Yes sir! We can do that sir! Come on back!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash"

 And aftah US plays thah othah shits!

Listen tah this joint!

My Daughter was cute as shit singin this shit as I played it!

I'd be singin while playin this song, and she'd jUSt chime in!

Made my heart fuckin melt!

Take it easy My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

There is ah muh fuckin morrow!

But today! Let that shit fall away!

Take that shit up tah about seventy-five miles per hour!

Warm spring air flowin through the windows, rollin and playin and blastin US's shit!?

"It's gonnah be a bright!(Bright) Bright! (Bright) Sunshiny day!"

Fuck it!

"Look all around! Nothin there's but blue skies! Look straight ahead! Nothin but blue skies..."

US is gonnah be fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

"Riding High - Faze-O"

 Play this shit before US gets on thah muh fuckin highway!

Oh, yes!

With all those windows down!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Star of a Story - Heatwave" Hypnotic!

 Listenin tah this shit at night, about seventy-nine degrees drivin on thah highway!?

Playesses and Playahs,

US won't give ah fuck about these sorry ass ill drivers zigzagging around US!

Or any-muh-fuckin-sorry-ass-thing!

Thah shit will calm US sorry ol Black broke asses down!

And make sure US rolls all thah muh fuckin windows 


Blast that shit!

Let that Springtime air overwhelm US!

While thah ill song heals and sooths 



"And the muh fuckin car ain't stolen!"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Walking Into Sunshine - Central Line"

 One of my all time favs!

Makes an ol Black broke ass muh fuckah like me happy as ah muh fuckah!

Thinkin of Springtime and warmer weathah!

Thinkin of my Wife and Daughter smilin about something or another, maybe even smilin of Spring, like me!?...


Let me play this shit again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tequila Martini

 Two shots of tequila

Half of a shot of pickle juice

Half of a shot of Dry Vermouth

One tablespoon of olive brine juice

Splash of lime juice

Combine and shake well with two cubes of ice.

Strain, Pour into martini glass

Add as many Queen olives to taste...

(Peace! More to come...)

"To Know, is to know that you know nothing. - Socrates"

 "You think you are always right!"

Says who?


I ain't said shit!


I write some shit! 


Well, that's all interpretative!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck's A Niggah Missin!?

 They writin China havin ah muh fuckin problem with birth rates!

Muh fuckin birth rates spiralin down like ah muh fuckah!

These thah same muh fuckahs that made it ah law at some point that all them muh fuckahs couldn't have but one muh fuckin child per family!

That shit's ah more than fair law for US! Anyway...


Y'alls asses can't be MANdatin no muh fuckin vaccine that's makin muh fuckahs

Infertile or miscarrying while bein fertile !...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Trickle Down Effect

 Muh fuckahs willin tah do anything for a couple of more clicks ain't they?!

Settin up all these elaborate muh fuckin schemes jUSt tah get ah hit!

Like US federal and state governments are doin!

So they can get all that evil monetization money!


Get ah fuckin real job lazy muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Damn Right About That!

 For fuckin folly I scroll through a lot of shit, Yahoo News, Google News, MSN...

I'm scrollin on Yahoo,

"Kendall Jenner proudly presents the butt-crack jean"!

Them muh fuckahs made me spit out my beer!

That shit's funny as fuck!

God damn!

US can't make this shit up Sonshines!

And them evil elite muh fuckahs think that shit is appropriate on thah main page!?


I guess my ol Black sorry broke ass jUSt has gotten too fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Guns Make Stupid People Stupider!

 Guns ain't thah muh fuckin problem!

Fuck no!

It's that most of thah muh fuckahs carryin the multitude of those muh fuckahs are fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

And US Paying For This Mess!? III

 I remembah when I was single!

Filling out tax forms!


My broke Black ass found out back then, 

US sorry asses gets punished for decidin tah be single!

Had no children at thah time!

Living in apartments!

Shit, back then, I had a car but shit I lived in downtown Indianapolis! 

Fuck it

Walk or take thah bus! It was way fuckin easier!

"Zender Properties" were thah shit! Hardwood floors! Up seven, eight floors, Lookin out  and down at the commoners! Very reasonable rent! Secured buildings.. Anyway...

It pissed me thah fuck off I'd be havin tah pay ah thousand dollahs or more in federal taxes ah fuckin year!

And single with children or married with children, talkin bout their fat tax return checks!?

Thah fuck!?

If then, was now?!

Could ah broke muh fuckah get some 'Limiting The Carbon Footprint" 


(Peace! More to come...)

Black And White Matter To US Conditioned Beliefs, Inspired By The evil elite! II

 Got this broadcaster named "Mike Tirico" skatin around thah muh fuckin question when thah subject came up! "I'm just saying, when I was growing up. There was no one Black in our household!"

Niggah!? Yo ugly leprechaun Black sorry ass ain't looked in thah muh fuckin mirror!? "You test-tube baby! - Robin Harris"

Yah remembah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs on one of those "Chappelle's Show" episodes where they had ah "White and Black Draft"? Shit! Yeah you ugly midget, get thah fuck ovah tah that White side! Get!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass had ah muh fuckin good humorous rile bout that statement!


Or, yeah, I'll state it again, Tiger Woods on thah Oprah show talkin bout 

"I'm Cau-Bl-Asian, Caucasian, Black and Asian!" 

Yo's ah niggah! Niggah! You supersilly muh fuckah!

Do US undahstand that a lot of Hispanics deem themselves, "White" when they check race on the census and when they fill out medical forms or an application for ah muh fuckin job?

Nobody wants tah be ah niggah!

Fuck that!

I's be thah niggah! 


Mommy grew up in thah time of that ill 'One Drop Rule' bullshit that most of US States put into states' laws, back in the day! Mommy looked like ah fuckin straight-up White woman! But she always checked "Black"! Cause back in thah day in US, if the powers that be found out yo sorry niggah ass had one drop of niggah blood in you, tryin tah pass yo nigger ass as some states...they'd hang yo sorry Black dead ass! Anyway...

The evil elite muh fuckahs have done such ah good job on this shit,

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gottah give y'alls evil asses some muh fuckin props!

And y'all still gettin thah shit done with this race-bait ill shit!

Yeah! Them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckin pockets that deep Playesses and Playahs!


(Peace! More to come...)

Black And White Matter To US Conditioned Beliefs, Inspired By The evil elite!

 I don't believe in racism and all that bullshit anymore!

Is it goin on?!

Fuck yes!

Not because of choice!

In spite of choice!

Funded by thah muh fuckin evil ass muh fuckin sorry ass elite!

Since fucking birth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lamar Jackson" and "The Indianapolis Colts"

 For some reason "Indianapolis Colts" don't like niggahs bein in charge of shit on thah muh fuckin field!

Ran Coach Caldwell out this muh fuckah!

Ran Coach Dungy out this muh fuckah, and that muh fuckah got the Colts one of their two Super Bowl rings!...


And they could trade for thah young man and it would put Indianapolis in instant playoff if not Super Bowl contention!

But I fuckin doubt it!

Cause thah Colts don't like niggahs!

If they did though?

Word is bond!

Like Hurts in Philly!

Jackson would do the same God damn thing here!

But...the Colts don't like niggahs bein in charge of shit on thah muh fuckin field!

They'll probably use their fourth pick in thah first round tah draft sorry ass

Levis! Thah Holy fuck! Did US witness Levis in that Tennessee game last season? Threw like five picks and nobody sayin shit! And I wondah why?! Anyway...

Don't undahstand thah shit! But if US IN wants tah know? 

US would have tah ask butt ugly Ballard or butt ugly Irsay!

Uhm! Them muh fuckahs quite muh fuckin ugly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The End Will Never Be The End

 I see the bees sucking pollen!

Swollen bellies that belies!

Ties are spies!

Fires have turned cold!

Cold turned into fires!

Inspires the pathetic Friars!

Conspires the naysayers!

US jUSt keeps saying US's 



But US has always been fine....

(Peace! More to come...)

And US Paying For This Mess!? II

 I will quote ah muh fuckah jUSt today that said this ill shit!

"I mean Medicaid got tah step up there game! Can't be wearing no glasses like this and be presentable!"

I got thousands of stories!

I lie to you not!...

(Peace! More to come...)

And US Paying For This Mess!?

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

"Go head!"

Thank you! 

Yah got muh fuckahs on welfare with two children and they's havin anothah one! Thee fuck have I been smokin!? Cause I gottah fuckin quit! For real!?

Muh fuckahs don't make no fuckin sense! US thinks there is this hierarchy of 

Human Misery!

"Shit! Fuck that niggah! I grew up in a gang infested neighborhood!..."

And whose fault was that?!

Oh, yeah, it ain't Mommy's and Daddy's cause they's off limits for blamin on some shit!

But yah informed me just two minutes prior to,

It was nine of y'all muh fuckahs!

Niggahs can't get themselves out of an ill family environment!

But they's sho do know how tah fuck! 

And make ah miserable situation

Even more miserable!

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Simple Answer Without The Known Details

So thah muh fuckin sorry ass reporter ask,

 "What is it to be a true American?".

Muh fuckahs be answerin right out thah gate!


That shit been fucked with by them elite evil muh fuckahs so terribly,

US asses bettah start fuckin with that uncomfortable silence before US answahs!

Fuck that shit!

Thah fuck yo sycophant ass asking me that shit for?!

And yo sorry broke ol Black ass know they wouldn't know thah truth if it was a piece of shit thrown, now stuck tah their sorry ass worthless faces!

Naw they ain't gonnah tell US broke asses shit!

JUSt ah suggestin, 

If US is asked about some shit!

Really think about thah shit!

Before US answahs!

Give ah fuck about thah amount of time yo ass got tah ask then be answered with such ah complexed question!

But if yah need ah quickie!


(Peace! More to come...)

Steps of Truths

 Probably my numbah one favorite movie would be,

"Pump Up The Volume"!

If yah haven't seen it?...

It was quite an odd movie for me given thah ill young shit I was goin through! Confused as fuck! 

Well, I saw this shit!

And damn near every week until they didn't show it any longah at any of thah theaters!

Then when thah video, then thah dvd came out?! Negroe! You already know!

Probably wasted ah fuckin half of a year of my wakin life watchin that shit!

But it has ah way of humbling me!

"This shit is not all about you! You know? - Nora"


I know 


(Peace! More to come...)

Let's Start Telling US's Stories! Before It's Too Late!

 You don't know who you are going out to?

But I jUSt write anyway!

A couple of searchers will pass by every two weeks or more given thah count, I USed tah keep up with for some odd reason?! Stopped doin that shit about three months ago!

Stats be damned!

Let's do this!!!

I write for 




Come on?

Join US in writing our difficult

Human History!

Written by



(Peace! More to come...)

US 's Heroes? III

And anothah thing about ol Chuck!

I don't really think thah stupid muh fuckah gives ah fuck!

Some shameful shit!

All thah shit US Black muh fuckahs been through and these evil elite muh fuckahs promotin that niggah talkin like that!?

Does it make any fuckin sense at all othah than bein derisive! US Blacks bein mocked!

What they tellin US Blacks!? "Speak any God damned way that you want and you too can be successful!"

Civility doesn't count no fuckin more!?

Kindah muh fuckin fucked up shit US witnessin!?

"Well what about all these stupid White people they promote?"


(Peace! More to come...)

Roughing It?

 So ah niggah says tah me today,

"I love fucking campin man! Love that shit! But you know, we got big screens and shit! Big ass tent! About the size of this room right here! As long as they have water and electricity? Love that shit!"

'Damn Ayrick? That's what they call camping now?'

"My wife says the same shit! But before we drive off to go camping, 'Did you remember the generator, toilet paper, "Mr. Heater"...and I'm thinkin, yeah this is what we call camping!..."

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Real Muh Fuckin Life

 So at the "Wendy's'" I go to!

They got this Sistah manager!

She's beautiful!

But she jUSt doesn't realize it!

Her skin is flawless!

She's got this way about her like my Mother!

Discernment faces! Been there! Done that! Next! And yah best not fuck with me type of shit goin on!...

"You married niggah! The fuck you talkin about this shit for?"

Cause it's thah truth!

Married, not married! Did I even mention some shit that I was tryin tah get with thah Sistah?!

I didn't remembah eithah!


I eat in! And this Sistah! Thah way she interacts with muh fuckahs!? Lethal! But without being offending given thah customer having some concerns! If that makes sense!

I eat at that muh fuckah not only tah get away from some shit, sit and have an affordable lunch...but I sit and watch ah muh fuckin real show oft times!  Thah shit ain't even that deep! And thah Sistah tells them just that in her own unique way! 

"I'm so sorry we got ah speck of onion on your no onion hamburger! We're sorry! Let US make you another one! Maybe we'll get it right this time! Okay?" She well undahstands! It's all in thah delivery!

Like Spock said,


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Find Another Fam!

 Muh fuckahs gonnah spend eight or more hours with muh fuckahs per day, and not fuckin appreciate that shit!

Those muh fuckahs are US's extended family!

Like it or not! 

Don't give ah fuck!


US asses works eight or more hours a day. Get home, eat with thah family then muh fuckahs start goin in their own spaces and shit! Go tah bed! Maybe fuck! Which cuts intah sleep time! Okay! Fuck it! So in total? Maybe three tah four hours with immediate Fam?! Given sleep patterns, afterschool activities... But US spends ah solid eight or more hours ah fuckin day with thah muh fuckahs US works with!? And US tryin tah not get along with coworkers, US fuckin extended family!? Now yo ass jUSt loves conflict!

And shit! If US don't get along with that Fam!

There's always ah better muh fuckin Fam workin environment!

But US asses don't need tah be shootin no-muh-fuckin-body cause this Fam, I feel like, is treating me ill!


God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nutrition Is All US's Responsibility Truly "Healthy Indiana"!

 Well I go to this Wendy's downtown three times ah week!

Five dollah biggie bag! Come ohn naw! Ah niggah's broke! Plus gottah get away from that work bitch for an hour that's close!

"Your ass is old! That shit ain't good for you?"

Read please?

Intermittent fasting works!

Well, plus supplementation!

Give yah lil anecdote!

500mg of Vitamin C in thah mornin!

And ah 500mg of Vitamin C in thah evenin keeps thah plaque away!

As long as yah take thah shit every twelve hours! Vitamin C diminishes aftah twelve hours for the beneficial anti-plaque shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Altered Literacy

 Think of it like this! You remember "Stephen King" talkin bout when he had tah have coke or alcohol tah feel like he could write thah muh fuckin way he wanted to? "Sting" talkin bout if he wasn't depressed he felt like he couldn't write good songs?...

I don't know Sonshines!

I don't fuckin know!

But whatevah it takes for US tah tell thah muh fuckin pure Human truth?!

I don't see thah muh fuckin problem!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yeah Muh Fuckah!

 I love my wife!

She's helped me with my sorry ass shit!

She's ah direct ass kindah muh fuckin Sistah!

Tell my ol Black sorry broke ass in ah tendah way, thah way I need tah hear it,

"Listen! Yah fuckin up man!"

My niggah!

And no muh fuckah can tell yo sorry ol Black broke ass muh fuckin self about yo sorry Black ass self than ah muh fuckah yo ass signed up for life with!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Like ants and muh fuckin bees jUSt tah name a couple! Functionality! Duty! Life!

US thinks US 's thah bees knees!

"Too funky for my damn self!"

And I undahstand!

But God damn!


And jUSt start envisioning what is down thah road apiece for US !?

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Lie Detectors

 There are often times I know what I am witnessin!

Say thah fuck what yo evil no count havin ass wants!

That shit doesn't muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Peaceful Journey Cocktail

 Take one shot of tequila.

What kind? Whatevah's clevah!

Back it up with a light beer.

Half way through the light beer tallboy,

Take one shot of tequila.

When you finish the tallboy,

Crack open another one.

Take one shot of tequila.

Sip on that fresh chilled tallboy for the rest of the evening....

(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Be Fine

If US is doin thah right thing!?

US don't got ah muh fuckin thing tah worry about! 

It's ah muh fuckin marvel tah say thah least, how US made it through some shit!?

I mean, shit, there were many rough roads...


God damn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Remember! Remember! Remember!

 Read me, please?!

I remembah havin ah conversation with ah muh fuckah one time!

We talkin bout television shows and shit!

The topic came up about thah "Honey Boo-Boo Show" with that crazy crackhead Momma, and othah kindah shows like that!

I said, 'Man! Can't watch that kindah shit no more man! Shit's kindah depressin!'

"Depressing?," he started, "Me and you are niggahs! Fuck that shit! I love tah see these poor white trash mothah fuckahs makin fools of themselves! Shows they jUst like US!"

'Damn!' I said in surprise.

"Shows we all thah same Hop! They just need tah witness thah shit they've been denyin! There're worthless pieces of shit every-fuckin-where! And it don't have shit tah do about skin color! I love watchin that type of shit man! Love it!" ...

(Peace! More to come...)

US 's Heroes? II

 "Don't hate muh fuckah!"


Hate is non-fuckin-productive!

Hate ain't thah muh fuckin truth!

And I'm writin truths!

Well, shit!

The truth thah way I envision and put it intah words!

But still...

Sistahs and Brothahs do y'all remembah back in thah day "Magic Johnson" had ah late night show? Yeah Playahs and Playesses, no English talkin muh fuckin "Magic Johnson" had ah muh fuckin late night show! Thah niggah couldn't talk for shit! Thee Holy fuck! 

That muh fuckah durin this time went on the televised "Howard Stern" show! Brothahs and Sistahs! Fuckin brutal! Stern tore that ass up about thah way that niggah talked! Fuckin brutal!

And I don't know what Johnson did aftah that? Cause Stern tore that ill talkin niggah's ass up! Fuckin brutal! But that muh fuckah can be undahstood now! 

Which gets US back tah "Charles Barkley"!

Get them many marbles out yo mouth niggah!

And find ah fuckin way tah talk!



(Peace! More to come...)

US 's Heroes?

 "Tiger Woods" you sorry ass niggah!

God damn niggah!

Eyes always glazed ovah and shit!

They got that  Black "CauBlAsian" sorry muh fuckin ass!

Seen "Michael Jordan"?

Thah fuck's wrong with that niggah's liver?

Cause that sclera 's yellow dawg!

"Charles-fat-ass Barkley"? The niggah still ain't learned tah speak the muh fuckin English language propahly! And thah sorry ass cheese eatin niggah gettin ah show with "Gayle"!?...

And that's ah snippet of US Black sorry ass history of 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Be Just Fucking Fine!

 When they send the United Nations soldiers ovah here on 


Get ready muh fuckahs!

It's gonnah be quite thah muh fuckin bumpy ride!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Roll Out of The Chip The Children Act circa March 2024

 "Think of it like this? Your child is safely chipped! There was a breach at the school. With the Chip The Children AP you instantly see the safe location of your child! Even while not at school? It monitors their every move. Safely. All of you parents that choose for your child to be safe, there are no fees! Safety has no cost!..."

I Get It Now

 With all these so-called school shootings! 

They are planning for US tah voluntarily RFID chip

US children!

"For their safety!"

Like animals!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Wasted High

 Don't give ah fuck about US individual many armaments! 

Don't care how well yah know yo planned out terrain!

Don't give ah fuck about all that muh fuckin preppin!

When thah shit hits thah fan!

Damn well start undahstandin real thah fuck quick,

How tah deal without some shit!

When Marshall Law kicks in, yo rights are fuckin ovah! 

Anyone out in thah public that is not law enforcement and is armed will be


Cause US weapon carryin asses are an immediate threat to control!

And I hope US is home and safe!

Cause yo ass out havin ah good time just got that high majorly fucked up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father Knew

 Do US understand I was ready tah check out this muh fuckah! 

I was dead inside!

Always thinkin, "The fuck is goin on!?"

Tired of that fuckin feelin!

I'm out!

"Meredith I'm pregnant."

Good Lord!

You got me again!...

Here my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is still here as 

Our Father's witness!

And I am not worthy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yes! Leave It The Fuck Alone!

 Sometimes when I'm writing I forget that I can overthink a thought! 

"What do you mean?"

Well, I write some shit!

Then I reread thah shit and

Start fuckin with it!

And I'm appreciatin thah fact of 

Finding thah fuck out!

The first shit,

Was thah best shit!

Aftah all that bullshit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Experimenting R US

 I remember I was reading a book about Crispus Attucks High School. I'm reading towards the end of the most profound oddest statement I had ever and still haven't read or heard about the absurdity of Humans:

"...You can't help but think that it was some sick social experiment.'' Ray Crowe.'

Think about muh fuckin bussing!?

All this shit!

Has been them evil muh fuckahs experimenting on


Check out, "The Belko Experiment" That shit ain't jUSt Hollywood bullshit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 27, 2023

"Black Rain (Official Video) - Rhye" III

 Watchin that muh fuckah fit with ah six pack! I smile at that shit! Young and fit! Don't give ah fuck! Not even ah lil bit! That muh fuckah jUSt out there!

Feelin free!



I can see myself with a four pack!



Don't nobody wannah see this shit!




Tap thah fuck


And thah muh fuckin dance and song still muh fuckin

Plays on!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Query Necessary

 Don't nobody gottah tell US that US is doin thah right muh fuckin thing!

If US purely feels thah shit!?

It's thah muh fuckin right thing tah do!

"Well, what if I feel like bustin ah muh fuckah in thah face?"

Against US?!


That shit ain't pure!

On any muh fuckin level!

Unless yah fuckin up an evil elite sorry ass muh fuckah!


Crack that evil elite sorry ass!

Asked and fuckin answered!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Roger Deay (On-Air Personality, 106.0 Splintered Music, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tues28Mar2023 @ 0105AM

 Leigh Holliday how do you feel?

"I grew up on New Edition! Ralph is the bomb!"

That's right Leigh, you've been hit with four tickets! Take somebody that needs to know!

"I will Roger! I will!"


Don't you let your right fool you!

The left and the right, is the right!

Here's "The Cannons - Come Alive"!

On FM 106.0!...

Roger Deay (On-Air Personality, 106.0 Splintered Music, Indianapolis, Indiana) Tues28Mar2023 @ 0101AM

 FM 106.0. I'm Roger Deay. Glad you're still awake! Spring is finally here! Forty-three degrees in our great state of Indiana. And the city of Indianapolis! So glad that you are here with me on this wonderful Spring day ! Here's 'Foster the People - Sit Next to Me"! I'll take the fifth caller! Tickets to the 'New Edition' concert! The fifth caller!...Be back after this with the winner!...

"It Ain't Gonnah Happen - PANSEKRETS" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, IN circa August 2024


I need you to love me!

I need you to be with me!

I need you!

Don't you see?!...

'Age Ain't Nothing But A Number"! Shit! My ol Black Sorry Broke Ass!

 I love tah watch muh fuckahs skate, if they know what they're doin!

That shit is so fuckin smooth!

The best movie evah on this shit is, "Roll Bounce"!

Thah last fifteen minutes of that shit is thah shit!

I wish I could skate like that shit!

"Well all you have to do is put on some skates and practice."


And break ah muh fuckin hip practicin?!

That shit ain't sharp at all!

Plus, my ol Black sorry broke ass passed my expiration


I'm good with that shit! 

It's cool tah jUSt watch!

Dreamin of what I could have done with my wasted time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Choice Is US's!

Beer dick?

Whiskey dick? 

Women, jUSt ah suggestion!

Yah want thah whiskey dick?

"Well you love beer? What's that sayin about you?!"

It says that my ol Black sorry broke ass is married!

And it says I'm ah mindful ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah!

That's jUSt what it says!

Beer is highly estrogenic given thah hops!

That's why these monks are allowed as much as they muh fuckin please!

When, my ol Black sorry broke ass gains ah maximum of three pounds?

I leave thah beer alone!

Have US seen thah belly protuberances of muh fuckahs that drink ah copious amount of beer?!

Ain't nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all!

And got thah nerves tah go shirtless on thah muh fuckin beach!?

I mean shit!

I love me some beer!

But I'll be God damned tah look like that sloppy ass shit!?

But most beer drinkers,


Don't give ah fuck!

But I ain't one of 'em!

Fuck that nasty lookin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

IN US Proper Silent Cooperation

 All thah governors of US states would have tah do is tah put out ah Credo, especially, of The Indiana State!

That tells muh fuckahs!

This is how this shit is goin tah go down in our fine state!

If you don't like it?

Yo sorry broke asses got thirty-three days tah get thah fuck


Cause thah muh fuckin fed gottah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Do not matter!



(Peace! More to come

An Endless Search Because of The evil elite Controlled Governors

 So, you want me to put thah shit in anothah way about my individual shit which every individual has shit to expel!? Hard, soft, runny, "kibbles and bits"...

"You see? That's what I'm talking with you about. Just...well...make it more palpable?"


Muh fuckahs readin this shit ain't lookin for no muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Don't You Ever Tell A Niggah You, " Got Something For 'em!" (Morgan Lambert Hopson) Circa 1990

 These muh fuckahs be trippin my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass out!

"Come on man! It's Monday! Niggahs be tryin tah chill aftah work!"

I'm sorry! Tah fuck yo chill sessions up!

But let me suggest somethin tah yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Yah got a lot of US talkin that shit, 

"Well! It's time to get more guns!"


These rah-rah muh fuckUS commentin that shit!?


When it gets tah that point?!

Yo ass is goin tah be thah first ones them evil muh fuckahs gonnah send ah bullet through!...

(Peace! More to come...)

If US Gives A Damn At All About US?

 If US is a good person?!

US has tah start 






Cause US 's all that US 's


(Peace! More to come...)


 "Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey - Small Batch 92 Proof"

I ain't really intah bourbon. Lookin around the local "Kroger", shit what is this?

Well it was $28!


Niggah you sure you wannah do this?

Yah see that's thah way this ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah talks tah himself! Cause I'm broke bout ready tah buy ah bottle of $28 bourbon that ain't fittin in thah budget at thah fuck all! But still...

"Well, why were you looking at bourbon and you are a beer and tequila drinker?"

Glad you asked!

Tequila, sometimes thah shit hits ah gag reflex on my ol Black sorry ass! Somethin about thah smell, thah taste...

"Well you haven't had good tequila?"

Good, bad and everything in between! It's moldy, sweet, smells ah hint of sweated feet...Anyway, all them shits got that distinguishable, whatevah thah fuck it is, that sometimes makes ah niggah gag! Now, I still shoot thah shit! But damn ah ol Black niggah makes ah fucked up face while that shit's goin down! God damn! Anyway...

Beer prices gettin kindah out of ordah! Fuck that shit! Beer's for thah muh fuckin poor! Thee Holy fuck?!...

Bourbon and othah spirits still keepin it real!

Rich White muh fuckahs drink that bourbon shit! They ain't gonnah evah quit makin it! All thah shit US drinks, them evil muh fuckahs deem that shit pedestrian and shit, collateral when US finally start gettin in that evil elite ass! "We'll take away your beer! We'll make it Prohibition Two on your poor asses!" Really evil muh fuckahs!? Unless y'all stupid muh fuckahs gonnah stop THC on every level y'all might kindah succeed!? Anyway...

"Well what about wine? They drink that too!"

Correct! But wine for some damn reason fucks with my stomach somethin terrible, givin me dyspepsia like ah muh fuckah! Havin tah take four tablets of DGL just tah somewhat tame thah fuckin cuttin up gurglin beast! Shit! Fuck that shit! 

"Well, you see? You obviously haven't had good wine."

Good, bad and everything in between! Still catch the willies! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 26, 2023

US Can't Even Get A 'Draw' Out Them evil Muh Fuckahs!

 So they sayin now that, since muh fuckahs done USed thah fuck out of some santizers ovah thah past three years and counting, sanitizers are harmful tah muh fuckUS health!?

God damn!

US can't win for losin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Males Don't Wannah Catch A Case! Cause My Male Ass Ain't Did Shit! III

 You know how deep it is!?

"No! Mister paranoid! But I'm sure you're going to tell me!"

Damn straight!

Yah know how when in ah business hallway and muh fuckahs takin up most of thah shit so yo ass gonnah have tah do some maneuvering tah get past thah muh fuckahs without interruptin some shit!? I mean there are those rare occasions ah niggah gottah just say, "Excuse me"? Cause ain't no way somethin ain't gonnah brush!

Well! My ol Black sorry ass always goes past those muh fuckahs dick towards thah wall and my hands held tah my chest so not ah God damn thing wrong can brush up against shit! Male, female...I don't give ah fuck!

If my ass accidentally brushes up against yo takin ovah thah hallway havin ass, I'm sorry!

But it wasn't my dick or hands!

And you see how small my ass is!?

So move thah fuck ovah more next time!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Males Don't Wannah Catch A Case! Cause My Male Ass Ain't Did Shit! II

 "God damn Meredith! It ain't that fuckin deep!"

Says You!

Cause you's a true female!

Not fuckin society!

US got some sick sorry pedophile muh fuckahs round this muh fuckah!

I don't blame caring muh fuckin parents one fuckin bit!

Yah know that ol sayin,

"Minding your 'P's and 'Q's?"

If yah ah US male!

Yah bettah start mindin those muh fuckahs!

Save yourself ah shitload of money!

And not catchin an ill case!...

(Peace! More to come...)

He Remembers (Lukas Franke, Seventy-Two Years Old, German Immigrant, Owner & CEO L&FBC-Lukas & Franke Beer Company founded, United States 1966) Circa December 2023

 He missed the... subtleties. That's what they would call it in his choice land. The little things. He remembered when he was a little boy in Berlin. The parties would be held deep underground where the lager was being aged. The adults socializing drinking beer and even them, the young, a pint and no more. He smiled at that. They would act so silly, running around the underground beer garden. Playing. Having a merry time with their peers, other children. 

And he missed those days. He remembering his Father and GrandFather laboring over the beer! Not like that now! Commercialized...his new country would call it. Yes, definitely commercialized!

No heart and soul to be seen in the craft

Any longer, as he stared out over an American football field it seemed, filled with endless huge metal beer vats....

(Peace! More to come...)

US Males Don't Wannah Catch A Case! Cause My Male Ass Ain't Did Shit!

 Got these lil muh fuckahs that like tah hug!

That's cool!

But my ol Black sorry broke male ass be puttin up my hands tah these sorry ass parents, when their child done hugged my ol Black sorry broke ass jUSt because?! And my ol Black sorry broke ass bettah not hug them back! I surrender like I done did some shit wrong but I ain't done shit!

 And I be like,

"I ain't groomed shit! I ain't did shit!"

And fuck that shit!

Thah muh fuckin parents be like,

"Oh! That's so sweet!"

My ol Black sorry broke ass be like,

'Please get yo muh fuckin child!"...

(Peace! More to come...)


 That's the only muh fuckin way that they will ever succeed!

Without US's agreeance!?

They will never succeed!


(Peace! More to come...)

US Don't Have To Sell The Worthless Truth!

 I can pretty much figure out any-muh-fuckin-thing as long as I don't read or hear,


Thah fuck niggah!?

I gottah agree on every-muh-fuckin-thing tah keep readin or hearin this shit!?

Eithah I'm gonnah engage or not?!

But don't try tah sell my ol Black sorry broke ass that thah shit yo ass espousin is


Cause it's worth nothing to begin with!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Admonishment To The Evil Elite Vampires!

Y'all fuckin up! 

They're tryin tah get rid of thah old and roll in thah new!

Old worthless pieces of evil elite shit?!

Go for it! 

They're not worth peein on 'em if their sorry asses were on fuckin fire!

Them evil muh fuckahs were thah very ones that made thah cinematic feature


Remembah 'Frost'!?

Old muh fuckahs, ain't no thing!

Taking ovah US!?

Like ol 'Frost'!

Y'all evil elite muh fuckahs messin with real Humans!


Y'all evil ass muh fuckahs needed tah stay in y'alls' evil muh fuckin lane!



Y'all fuckin up!

And ill lane fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

The 'Stormy' Confidence Game And US Is The Mark!

 I can only imagine thah views of thah many porn fetish videos, thah news themselves are advertisin for

"Stormy Daniels"!

I say fetish because,

I hope US undahstands, that he is ah trangendered MTF ugly muh fuckah!

That's an ugly muh fuckin man with ah hellafied receding hairline!

Don't give ah fuck!...

And what  kind of agenda them evil elite muh fuckahs pushin?!


US got that right!

US gettin played!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuckers, Don't Make No Fucking Sense!

 How thah Holy fuck they know what Russia's talkin bout!?

And them Russian muh fuckahs, supposedly, hackin all intah

US's shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Players Contracts. And The Teams' Owners Never Get Funked Up! III

 Yards per carry = How many dicks have you sucked?

Tackles = How many muh fuckahs didn't want to pay?

Yards per pass = Didn't suck or fuck 'em he only had five dollahs!?

Touchdown = Ah muh fuckah was willin tah pay five hundred dollahs for, when they could have gotten                           that same bj for sixty! Shit! You can go down. But you can't go up!...


Owners are


(Peace! More to come...)

"No Jab! No Job!" And The Mark of The Beast! IV

 It's funny as fuck to me, they talkin bout people not wantin tah work,

Yet, in ordah tah work, yah got tah agree to their MANmade caveat!

"Are you vaccinated?"

Especially in the health care industry!

And them muh fuckahs talkin bout labor shortages because they decided ah muh fuckah doesn't have ah fuckin choice with their own muh fuckin bodies!? And these are medical facilities following MANdates!?

Talkin bout hypocritical assholes!

Until May!? When, supposedly, these evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are supposed tah lift all thah federal emergency orders put intah place because of 'COVID'!

Shit we ah few days away from April!

And ain't nobody talkin bout liftin shit!


So, evil muh fuckahs!

It's damn near May!

What else y'alls evil no count havin asses got percolatin!?

Cause y'all ain't liftin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 25, 2023

US Directorial Live Lives

 Writing in real time is some solid shit!

I reread some shit and be like,

'The fuck you transition like that for? Oh?! I remembah!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Players Contracts. And The Teams' Owners Never Get Funked Up! II

 Shit! US talkin bout ah muh fuckin


A 'Team' is an illiteracy!

And one position in that team is jUSt as important than anothah!?


Then why thah fuck ah niggah ain't makin thah same or equal too, in this fine

Team fair environment than thah rest of these muh fuckin

"Team" members!?

Cause US muh fuckin 'O' line should be bankin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Players Contracts. And The Teams' Owners Never Get Funked Up!

 Got these muh fuckahs talkin bout Brady and how he wasn't thah highest playah paid but he is the GOAT!?

Lamar Jackson ain't worth it!?

Naw, that's ah stupid muh fuckah!


And US sees where loyalty got Brady's sorry non New England playin ass!? Manning, Favre...shit thah only one that it kindah worked out for was Brees!

I read these comments on some shit?!

And I'm like, 

'If the money wasn't there to pay them muh fuckahs! This wouldn't even be ah conversation with US broke asses!?' 

I'm thah ownah! Started all this shit fo you USed tah be broke bitches! Started this shit! With my own family's shit! Thah fuck y'all talkin bout 'guaranteed' money!?

US knows those owner muh fuckahs well!

They've been known on thah street as


Thah fuck's ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No Jab! No Job!" And The Mark of The Beast! III

 "Fuck those banks!"

I hear yah!

But how's US gonnah conduct financial shit



"The barter system?"

US sees how well that shit worked out for US in thah muh fuckin 

Human past!?


Modern day banks!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No Jab! No Job!" And The Mark of The Beast! II

 Is yo sorry ol Black broke ass ah team muh fuckin playah?!


"Well, it doesn't seem so Meredith! I mean you're not even vaccinated! What do you think your team would say about that? If we decide to hire you?"

Shit, that I'm ah team muh fuckin playah! 

Othah than that 

Team ill stupid ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No Jab! No Job!" And The Mark of The Beast!

 And they still tryin some shit!

Tryin tah change thah muh fuckin terms and conditions of online banking so that US will contractually and willfully sign up for thah muh fuckin rollout of thah CBDC!?

US got ah muh fuckin choice!

If US don't go along!

Well...they really do have some hard ass muh fuckin persuasion techniques!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Some Grown Asses!

 The stupidest shit that US does is actually let muh fuckahs define US!

Mis-fucking-stake out of thah muh fuckin gate!

Don't yah dare let one of


Define anothah one of 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Broke Sorry Ass Muh FuckUS!

'My name is Meredith. We're just going to do three pre-tests in here and then I'll take you into the exam room and  Doctor Berryhart is going to take care of you. The first one is an Autorefractor. It just gives Doctor Berryhart your prescription technologically. All I need for you to do is to put your chin in that chin-cup and your forehead against the bar?'

"Did you clean this off? Cause I'm clean!"

I'm thinkin at this point, you crusty lookin muh fuckah you! Don't look like yo skin, especially them hands had any fuckin lotion! And if yah cleanin yo sorry ass that well, yo ass should know, 'Niggahs need moisturizer!' Sittin up here as ah woman and ovah half of yo nasty fingernails are dirty! "Clean" my ol Black sorry broke ass!...

'Yes. I sanitized everything.'

"Good cause I don't like no dirt!"

I almost started laughin, but ah niggah kept his health professional bearing! 

But barely!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"All news, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week!"

 But what kind of news!?

Call that propagandized bullshit y'all so-called reportin,


This ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah begs tah differ!

They ain't even reporters no fuckin more, them muh fuckahs just readin some shit! And can barely read that shit!

I ain't heard, read nor seen real news in ovah forty fuckin years by these major networks, magazines, newpapers...!

Thah shit's gettin quite fuckin


Just don't call thah shit news!

Call it like it is, jUSt plain ol manmade


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, March 24, 2023


 What does US have tah prove tah this muh fuckah!?


Not ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 23, 2023

We Some Beautiful Muh FuckUS!

 Think I'm crazy?!

I'm cool with that shit!

All day and every day!

But shit,

That's what this shit is all fuckin about!


Individual truths!

Which makes


(Peace! More to come...)

The End!

 You see it!

You can feel it!

And it will be


(Peace! More to come...)

No In Betweens!

 Is ah muh fuckah crazy!?

Or is ah muh fuckah tellin thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


 Have US evah got popped in thah face!

I don't mean by no Mommy and Daddy!

Fuck naw! 

Real parents ain't gonnah put it tah yah like that!

Not, if they're worth their shit at all!

Shit, if thah young muh fuckah gettin down like that,

Yo sorry so called parenting ass

Ain't been takin those

CE Parenting Classes

Like yo now popped in thah face shameful ass!

But I digress.

When I was young I was always small! Bullies tearin my ass up! But fuck it y'all sorry muh fuckahs I ain't stoppin these jaws!

Well, one time my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, yah get caught off guard by ah muh fuckah that ill defines that rules of Bullyism! 

I mean, I've been bullied by thah best back in thah day! Took some hellafied ass whippings! But this one Bully way back in seventh grade! I'm flappin my jaws cause I'm noticin, 'You're a bully!' And I told him jUSt that!

Sonshines! I still remembah that punch! You know thah kind that snaps yo head one way or anothah dependin on whatevah hand thah bully cracks yo sorry ass with? Brings tears tah yo sorry pathetic eyes! Makin ah muh fuckah think, 'Now it didn't put me down!? But was that thah best this muh fuckahs got!? If not!? My young Black ass can't take anothah one of those or maybe even worse! Fuck that!

So yo hurtin ass succumbs this time,

"Hold up! Maybe I misspoke!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Worth The Click! This Time.

 Video said somethin about security guards stoppin ah muh fuckah tryin tah go intah ah club armed with ah devil's mask on! 

So shit!? 

I clicked on that shit! 

Funniest shit!

Oh, not thah shit that went down with the participants!

Hell, no!

The non-fuckin participants!

Like those two muh fuckahs ah man and ah woman outside of thah club, chillin. smokin, on ah bench, about eight feet from thah muh fuckin entrance?!

Shit started goin down!

Yo sorry ol Black broke ass laugin yo ass off by now, that man and woman like on cue, fucking jetted! Got ghost like ah muh fuckah! Backed that shit up so much I got tired of doin that shit! But still laughin at that shit!

Them two muh fuckahs needs tah quit goin out so much with skills like that!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass would hang with both of y'all anytime!

"Meredith! Gottah go!"


Cause somethin's about ready tah go down playah!

Good lookin out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday January 01, 2023 @ 0001

 They say this is thah first day that starts 

The Globalists Agenda!

By 2030, US be suckin on that evil elites dick!

Fuck them titties!

They's gots thah real muh fuckin juice for their fucked up vision for US future lives!


Y'all sorry evil elite lazy loathsome asses!

Bring that shit on!


But don't y'all dare beg for mercy up thah road apiece, from y'alls shit, that

Y'all's sorry no count asses started against


Cause US has always been proficient of how tah finish some shit!

And it will be...

A messy, bloody and glorioUS 


(Peace! More to come...)

Long Ass Way To Go!

 US knows US done had ah bad fuckin week at work!

When yo ol Black broke sorry ass was wishin on Monday mornin

That it was fuckin Friday!?

Friday, mornin, noon...I 's gives ah Holy fuck!


And now it's only 

Wednesday mornin?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Magical Wordsmiths of The NWO

 How in thah Holy fuck can muh fuckahs make shit an even plane, ah muh fuckin firmament, and thah muh fuckahs tells US sorry broke muh fuckin asses that, 

"The earth is heliocentric!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

State Purity Laws?

 I remembah ovah ten years back! I went out tah visit my brother in Salt Lake City, Utah!

He workin out there with some damn company! I don't really pay attention tah that type of shit cause, A niggah obviously has ah job out here in White folks country! And ah niggah seems to be doing quite well, in White folks country! Anyway...

We go and get breakfast!

And all thah fuckin sudden start seein lil muh fuckahs walkin in the same muh fuckin outfits! Blonde blue-eyed muh fuckahs, on ah major thouroughfare!...

With no adults tah be seen!

I mean muh fuckahs like US drivin of course!

But othah muh fuckahs drivin, like my brothah, like

"I know what you're thinking man! Fucking Mormons! Ain't no way children are going to be walking to fucking school without at least ten parents being involved with all those lil muh fuckahs! Fucking Mormons man! So fuck it!"

Yah see? Them muh fuckahs desensitized tah this bizarre fuckin shit I'm jUSt witnessin!?

And all my Black sorry broke ass thinking,

'In Indiana! Y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs be catchin ah shitload of Child Neglect And Endangerment cases, tah say thah muh fuckin least!'

On ah main thouroughfare!?

They'd have that Neglectful fuckin

Endangerment sorry broke asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Forever Dubious


In manmade 

Human History!?




(Peace! More to come...)


 I used tah be bettah at dealin with my own tribe, broke ass muh fuckahs!

Dealin with US broke muh fuckahs all day!?

Yah get yo sorry broken ol Black ass back home!


And all yo now happy ass can say tah destress is:

God damn!

Fuck US broke ass sorry muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Is Looking At US!

 Muh fuckahs think there's some ultimate mystery tah this shit!

And US is witnessin US very mystery


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 20, 2023

Divided US Fall!

 Have yah seen thah race bait shit of niggahs havin Spring Break as oppose tah thah white muh fuckahs havin Spring Break!?


(Peace! More to come...)

US At Number Eight!

 These evil muh fuckahs think that they doin US ah muh fuckin favor by hidin thah

Truth from US!

Oh, no! Yah evil no count worthless pieces of shit muh fuckahs!

Y'all irritatin thah dogshit out of US!

Don't get it twisted!

US got ah lethal muh fuckin bite!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sit! Depress! Sit! Home!

 I used tah work on the eastside near 30th and Mitthoeffer! Well, if yah know thah area there were only three places tah eat for lunch! Around I70 and Post Road, 38th Street and Post Road or up and along East Washington Street near Washington Square Mall! Anyway...I was working full-time at this optical lab only makin $13.50 an hour with my Black 'Butler University' degreed havin ass! Andy, my manager's words, "Don't worry! I know the entry pay isn't that much! But'll I'll get you where I promised you, "19.50 an hour'!

Three months latah! Still ah broke ol Black sorry ass! Six months latah, even ah brokah one! So, you know ah niggah like me, an ol niggah's broke! 

'Andy you said you'd get me where you promised?'

"I know Meredith but they just put out a memo since COVID! We can't give any raises!?"

Three months latah ah niggah was ghost!...

"Well, what that got tah do with eatin places on thah east muh fuckin side, which, mister man yo ass started tah talk about!?"

Niggah's old! Shit!

Okay, check it!

I was ah broke ass! Read it! Broke! Anyway, but ah niggah had ah job! Anyway, ah niggah had tah find thah most  reasonable place tah eat! 

"Well, why didn't you just take your lunch!" hour! Don't give ah fuck! Get thah fuck away from that bitch for ah time! 

"Well, you could eat your lunch in your car!"

Fuck you! 

Get thah fuck away, sit and eat!

Go back!

Now yo ol Black ass lookin at jUSt four more hours of ah part-time sorry ass job!

Anyway, yah got McDonald's on 38th Street and Post Road!

Then , yah got McDonald's on Washington Street near Mitthoeffer!

"The fuck you going to McDonald's son?"

Uh! Cause ah niggah's broke! And ah McDouble with extra pickles and Fries ah little ovah three bucks and some change!? Twenty-four pack of watah yah keep in thah muh fuckin trunk!? Bam! And ah niggah's broke!? And satisfied until He can get his broke sorry ol Black ass back


(Peace! More to come...)

I Love...Home!

"So what did you do this weekend?"

Nothing! Stayed my ol Black sorry broke ass at home!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Fuckin Shame! A Niggah Just Doing His Job!?

Fuck wrong with US!? 

I'm bein serious My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Muh fuckahs come in lookin at "Versace" frames and shit! Lookin at least three hunard just for thah frame! Not even talkin bout thah muh fuckin lenses! Buyin thah shit, with the PALs (Progressive Addition Lenses), Anti-reflective thrown on there! With Blue Light Filter? 'Retinal Bliss or Prevencia?!' Retinal Bliss, you say? Magnifique! Oh, Transitions you say?! Multifocal Poly only comes in 'Graphite Green', 'Brown', or 'Gray'! Or you can go for thah X-Tra active that will always have ah lil tint on thah inside? X-Tra active Graphite Green you say!? Can do! 

That'll be One thousand-four-hundred and sixty-six dollars! A discount? Only if you'd have had your exam here? So? How would you like to pay!? HSA 'Visa' card!? Even better!... 

My ignant niggahs! And yo sorry ol Black ass just wants tah tell thah muh fuckahs before their sorry asses say, "Let's do it!" Uhm! For real Playahs and Playesses! That's ovah ah niggahs take-home in ah muh fuckin month!?

God damn!

This niggah gonnah suggests ah shitload of savings for yo broke Black sorry asses!

Buy yo shit on-line!

Or at muh fuckin


And that designer bougee shit be fuckin damned!

How many muh fuckin niggahs workin for "Luxottica"!?

Yeah muh fuckahs!

Ovah fourteen hunard and thah niggah said 'Let's do it!"?

"Essilor" nor "Luxottica"!

"Versace -Dewayne Wade!?" 

What? Black ass sorry has-been less old muh fuckah!

Ain't thought three shits about US niggahs!

Uhm! Anyway...

Yeah, let's do this muh fuckah!

Cause it ain't my shit 

Gettin thrown thah fuck away!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Real US!

Ain't evah been gotten given no muh fuckin shit!

Givin these no count non-workin muh fuckahs every muh fuckin thing!...

I wondah thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

And The Priceless Answers Are...?!

 What makes 



(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 19, 2023

US Is All Going To Die! But God Damn!?

I'm kindah weird! I often envision when I die, when they take my clothes off and my ol Black sorry broke ass lyin undah God and Human, naked! I would like those muh fuckahs tah look ovah my ol' Black sorry broke ass body and be perplexed on 'How did this ol muh fuckah die?' I guess I've always been aware of the way I don't want to look physically when death overtakes me! 

"Well, that's absurd? Who gives ah fuck? You'd be dead!"

And I undahstand! I told y'all I'm kindah weird! Anyway...

 I was surfin thah cable thah othah night! Lookin for somethin that may spur somethin in my mind! Came across this bullshit called, 'My 600 Hundred Pound Life', or some shit like that! Anyway...there was this huge lookin Jaba the Hutt like muh fuckah! He had his earphones on. In anothah world! Not given ah fuck about that camera recordin all that...uhm! Fries comin out of his God damned mouth! Grindin some shit! 

And all my sorry broke ol Black ass could say to myself is,

'I'm lookin at ah pitiful enabled muh fuckah that is as good as dead!'

Then I turned thah shit off!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CBDC Will Fucking Fail...You Pathetic elite evil Fuckers!

These ain't the first nor thah last evil sorry ass muh fuckahs that wanted tah control every God damned thing in this firmament!

Not by ah long fuckin shot!

Muh fuckin evil elite thinkin they comin up with somethin new?! Or maybe them evil muh fuckahs honestly muh fuckin seriously believin, "We're going to win this time!" 

Ain't nevah won shit! 

And ain't nevah gonnah win no fuckin shit!

Fuckin perpetual losers!

So they turn US chips off for disobedience once thah muh fuckin CBDC goes globally!

Controllin US's shit!


See what I mean!?

Them evil sorry ass worthless pieces of shit, 

Fuckin up their agendas

Right out thah muh fuckin gate!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CBDC Ain't Going As Smoothly As These Evil Muh Fuckahs Had Thought!

 Shit has US witnessed whats goin on in othah countries?!

They ain't showin that shit ovah here!

Them muh fuckahs ovah in Nigeria wanted them niggahs tah embrace CBDC and them niggahs rejected that shit!

Then what did them evil muh fuckahs do?

They shutdown thah muh fuckin banks! Now, them niggahs done took to thah streets! 

Japan's citizens said, fuck that CBDC shit! Got their prime minister assassinated and shit! The press said killed by a mentally unstable man! Seriously?! Best y'all got?

They tryin tah crash thah economy here so that US will have to embrace thah shit!

Europe's in turmoil!...


When them sorry evil elite muh fuckahs close these banks here when that much anticipated 'Bank Run' commences?! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Cause there's a lot of US now that have some heavy ass weaponry! White US males be havin some shit! And I'm talkin bout some avowed Christian White males! God damn!...

Financiers and politicians, y'all muh fuckahs better start occupying those damn


Once y'alls evil sorry asses decide tah ultimately close up shop!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Beware of Their Evil Ubiquitous Children's Stories

 Don't do that!

Screw that shit!

We're way better than that!

And fuck

'The Pussy in The Hat!'...

And fuck when

"Jane plays with 


(Peace! More to come...)

One Hundred Percent!

 I write this shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs so I can read my maniacal thoughts!

Oft times I say to myself,

"You's ah crazy niggah!"

The rest of the times I say to myself,

"You's ah crazy niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Roger Deay (On-Air Personality, 106.0 Splintered Music, Indianapolis, Indiana) 18Mar2023 at 10:00PM

 (Intro) FM 106.5 WMLH. I hope everybody in Nap-Town survived yesterday? If you are listening, you are still amongst the living! Twenty-four degrees outside! But it's cozy inside! Here are "The Cannons" to warm you up! A few more days until spring! Can't wait! We're going to be all right Sonshines! Check it out!?...

Shattered Reality

 Can't fight this good feeling of true Pure Humanism.

Prisms captured and fractured!

Becoming denatured!

The first pieces are always favored and


Putting the intricate Human puzzle together?

Well, was a totally different matter!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Take Me There!

 He put his earbuds in!

"Come Alive - The Cannons".

Started hearing the music with that proper bassline!

And he started creating a firmament defined by he!

Oh, this firmament which he was going to create was going to fair well just like all the othah times in US humankind's existence.

Then, it started making all of the sense in this earth!

In this Heaven!

As his fingers flew ovah thah keys!

Making beautiful literal music....

(Peace! More to come...)

What A Way To Go!

I've heard of "Ashes to ashes. And dust tah dust!" 

But I ain't never heard of Human form to liquidity!

And pour that sorry broke muh fuckah down thah muh fuckin drain!?

Kindah shit?!

They got some shit now, yah put ah dead muh fuckah in this chamber, three to twelve hours later them muh fuckahs ain't nothin but bones! Dependin on whethah yah purchased the no-frills chamber or thah muh fuckin deluxe version!?


And US can jUSt simply dispose of those liquified bodies down thah muh fuckin drain intah US sewer systems!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Call thah processed shit ah whimsical beautiful word, 


Talkin bout "A Sustainable Cremation Alternative"?!


Then, them evil muh fuckahs ain't through yet!

They take thah leftover muh fuckin bones and grind them shits intah ah powdah! And suggested ground up bones tah be USed as fertilizer!?

Which, these evil scientists say, will be imperative nutrients for US ingesting and for US planting and harvesting for US sustainable future!

US can't make this shit up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

Missing In Action!

 Eight hundred thousand children go missin every fuckin year in this here 


Did US catch that figure!?


That's ovah two thousand missin children ah fuckin sorry ass day ah year in this US!

Almost ninety children every muh fuckin hour!

God damn!

And that figure is what US say it investigated or was informed prior to!?

So what's thah true aggregate?!

Shiiiought, now that's thah muh fuckin scary question of that muh fuckin bullshit!

Cause thah true total would blow US minds if it wasn't blown already!

Like murder!

But murder makes up of ah lil ovah only sixteen ah fuckin day!

It is written that less than thirty-five percent of murders are solved! Now that's FBI statistics!...

What thah Holy fuck is happenin tah all

US missin


And ain't nobody said shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Forever Be!

 Nothing that they do will evah bring harm tah US lifer  

Righteous muh fuckahs!

No thing!

Whatevah yah decide thah reason for US being is!?

US will always 


(Peace! More to come...)

Let US Pray!

 "Our Father? What about Our Mother?"


Whatevah's clevah!

Whatevah female or male US Uses, or

Whomevah or whatevah US thinks is ovah this shit!?

Knows that shit! 

Based on 

US's individual 

Understandin of thah shit!

As long as US fuckin purely

Knows thah muh fuckin truth of a

Higher beautiful Human power guiding



(Peace! More to come...)

Filthy Elite Perpetual Human Law Breakers Creating Laws For US Future?!

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

"Come ohn Love! Thah games are on!?"

Fuck them collegiate games!

God damnit!

Who thee holy fuck y'alls evil nasty, deplorable asses trying to dictate some shit to?!

These evil muh fuckahs comin up with 15 minute cities, CBDC, UN Agendas, COVID, COVID vaccines...cause it's bettah for this 

"Global World!"!

These are thah same nasty filthy sorry ass degenerates tryin tah tell US what tah do,

And they fuckin lil boys and girls, drinking their adrenochrome, eatin shit, eatin human flesh...and many othah sorry ass evil ritual and non-ritual shit that they do!


Fuck y'alls sorry no count havin dirty asses! Yah filthy muh fuckin bastards! 

Y'alls muh fuckin time is way ovah due!

But this time muh fuckahs, yah gonnah have tah sign that check yah damned selves! The millions of your minions have already been dealt with!

"Go Meredith! It's your birthday!..."

Now Love, you told me not to do that shit!?

"I didn't say shit about me Love! Go Meredith! It's your birthday!"

You silly Love!

"Silly with Love, Love! But that's what I'm talkin bout niggah! Dig deep! We ain't got much time Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Evil Begets Evil

'You need your vaccinations and boosters." The various doctors of these entertainers advised them.

'Okay.' Most said in reply?!

Thee Holy fuck! 

Think about that shit for a second My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

US's broke asses!

These entertainers and shit makin all this money!

And even them muh fuckahs, just like US,

Can't get solid non-propagandized

Medical advice!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Natural Causes

 Died of natural causes just means, there wasn't any external factor involved!

Something internal!

But shit!

I mean US gets injected with an external factor of ah vaccine but US broke asses didn't drop dead as soon as it was administered! So it can't be that shit!...


US startin tah undahstand why these evil muh fuckahs love thah blanket statement,

"Died of natural causes"!

Which doesn't tell US ah God damn muh fuckin thing about the actual cause of death!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Maybe US Needs Tah Start Voluntary Suffering? II

 I mean fasting for US does ah whole hell of a lot for US collectively!

Just because US don't see thah benefits of it,

Our Father sho nuff does!

Fasting also gets US ready for thah hard times that are sure to come!

No food!?

Ain't no thing!

US got water?!


Oh, US's good!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Reddick" RIP


"The Wire" and "John Wick"? That's my shit!

And "John Wick: Chapter 4" droppin March 24, 2023?!

Thee Holy fuck!

He was only 60 years old!?

Shit, my ol Black sorry broke ass just three years from that shit!

And he always looked fit and healthy! His suits dropped down straight fittin properly!

If yah wanted an actor with an authoritative presence who had to look like too that he'd beat yo sorry ass if yah fucked up!

That was this man!

But his 'publicist needs tah quit lyin bout that

"Natural Causes"  

Bullshit response, 

US's gettin with people droppin ovah like:

'Holy shit! Another one of US?!'...

(Peace! More to come)

Friday, March 17, 2023

"If It's COVID? Paxlovid"

They tried tah prescribe that shit tah me, back in November 2022, when I came down horribly from Radiation/COVID poisoning!

Got thah same shit now! But fuck it! My ol Black ass says fuck ah doctah! Them muh fuckahs ain't worth shit until it's life or death?! Even still, my ol Black broke sorry ass would be weighin thah pros and cons of bein in this bitch! Anyway...

Them shits ain't been studied on shit! 

US is the muh fuckin study group!

Talkin bout gettin yo Black broke sorry asses on the come back!? 

Shit be crackin my ol Black broke sorry ass up!

Y'all muh fuckahs, 'Pfizer' et al, touted thah muh fuckin vaccines would take care of that shit!?

Now, y'all pushin some more shit if yah vaccinated get thah shit,

"If It's COVID? Paxlovid!"

Then they wannah say real thah fuck quick, "Available through The United States Emergency Use Authorization." Then yo tired ass jUSt listen tah thah multiple horrible 'possible' side affects!


Don't take that shit!

And jUSt fight through this shit!...


Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hunting US

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk crazy bout,

"Tracking US"!?

Don't get it twisted!


US gotstah start undastandin the word

"Tracking" in this technological age US's woefully in!


Is thah sorry ass evil muh fuckahs' euphemism for


Now they tryin tah USe that sorry ass term,



That shit sounds nice as fuck too!

Ergo, ah muh fuckin euphemism for


(Peace! More to come...)

US's In Real Time II

 So yo family in yo comfy bunkah and shit aftah shit goes south quickly!

Got enough food tah sustain six months and shit!


Aftah about two weeks of speakin tah yo husband and your son with nothing but normal human noises in thah muh fuckin bunkah! 

Nothing from the outside! Radio, nothing but crackling! Laptops, cellphones...all dead! Even charged them bitches by the massive generator! Still nothing! Yo ass will eventually say, not ask,

"I'm going to see how my parents are doing!?"

See what I mean!?


US's gonnah live through some very evil perilous times Sonshines!

That shit's written!

And US for damn sho,

Can't hide from that sorry ass 

Nothingness of evil shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Maybe US Needs Tah Start Voluntary Suffering?

 When yo ass is sick, yah start thinkin about things a little differently!


Shit, cause yo sorry broke ol Black ass's sick!

When US is old and gettin oldah US bodies don't heal quite as fast as it USed to when US was in US youth, when US feels undah the weathah!

When I feel well, I can read some shit and think about it, then fuck with it in my mind, trying tah see what thah shit is really tryin tah convey tah thah reader!

But when I'm feeling not well! Shiiiought! Read some shit! 

Now, that's some fuckin foul ass rotten Non-Human shit I just read!...


(Peace! More to come...) 

Paradise!? Whatever!

Mosquitoes live everyplace in this firmament! Got hot as fuck weather!? Don't give ah fuck! Here our asses be! Got cold as fuck weather?! Don't give ah fuck! Here our cold as fuck asses be! 

Whenevah I see these muh fuckahs livin near water!

My only question US asses gonnah get from my ol Black sorry broke ass is,

'How are those mosquitoes muh fuckahs!?'


They gonnah eat that ass up!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Old School

 Where else can yo sorry Black broke ass get entertained without all thah muh fuckin loathsome ads!?

"Why don't you try to make money off of your content?"

Cause that's some horrible muh fuckin shit!

Cause it ain't my shit!

Every-fuckin-body I pass bye, interact with, see on thah peripheries, read, listen to...

All make up this free fuckin shit here!

Ain't no fuckin thought or idea US's!

Just some shit that was opened up from US past that previously had been sealed!

An ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah like me can't fuckin wait to witness,

"The Seventh Seal!" bein revealed!

Gonnah be a hootenanny!

And I wouldn't have it any othah muh fuckin way my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

US gonnah be jUSt fine Sonshines!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck's Ah Niggah Tah Do!?

 Maybe that's why muh fuckahs yah suggestin somethin to don't listen tah yo sorry ol broke Black ass!?

Cause US's breath stank!

"Dentyne Fire Spicy Cinnamon Gum"

Take care of that nonsense!


US gots some chittlin breath!?

And even my ol Black sorry broke ass would not be listenin tah ah God damn thing yo righteoUS ass is tryin tah convey tah my ol broke Black ass!

Thine words are from 



Thine breath is from


(Peace! More to come...)

"Find A Fool! - Real Rap Reasons" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana Circa August 2024


Beat it up now!

Don't dump!

Here we go pals...

I plow the sows and the cows!

I clean their shit not even a little bit!

Doin what I do to make it fit!

But I'm tired of this shit!

I'm tired of being brutally 



Hurts so bad I wannah



Find a fool 

Knock his head!

Drink at the pool


Cause if I start I'm going tah kill'em



Shit I dread!...


 The breakdown is the sound not diminished.


Like a teen eating too much meat and eating too much dairy,

Getting funky and hairy!

The future looks bleak and scary!

Let US all pray!

Let US all tarry!

That's what Our Father would


(Peace! More to come...)

"I Idolize You -The Clones of The Past" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana Circa September 2024


Because I don't like yah!

I fuckin love yah!

I'll treat yah!

Like you need yeah!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I idolize you!...


 I love the bikes!

Not the trikes!

Three wheels steal 

The perilous wondrous good



(Peace! More to come...)

"Book By It's Cover"

Former Rapper: The Music Industry Literally Sodomizes Rappers To Get Their Allegiance (Language) (

The best raw speakin knowledge shit in thah world I have evah witnessed! And if thah muh fuckah didn't say it like he'd said it!? I would have had my doubts! But listenin tah thah muh fuckah! He said it thah only way he could say it in his mind's language tah speak his truth! And he's ah learned muh fuckah! 

That muh fuckah preachin the muh fuckin truth tah US!

Speak on it YOU

YOUng muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ain't No Future In Yo Frontin - MC Breed" II

 How far is thah Satanists agenda gonnah go!

Oh, so far, and not in ah good muh fuckin way, my ol Black broke ass can tell yah that! Can't make no 'good' Human laws in Satanism!? As ah mattah of fact, fuck Human laws! Sound familiar?!

Shit Satanists wants ah place where, if yah got shit I want? Well, playah yah gonnah have tah give it up! If not!? Then I'm gonnah have tah kill yah! But I'm gonnah kill yah eithah way!? Uhm, Sound familiar? But thah shit goes both ways playesses and playahs if US gettin down like that now! And they wannah make those ill laws of takin US shit whenevah they want fuckin legal!?

Shiiiought! Yah got tah bring some tah get some! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice, thah future which they behold! Shit gonnah get muh fuckin ugly! But jUSt for lil ol time!


Shit, look at thah street drug game! Ain't no rules! US sees how well that's goin! Unless yah legit, ah muh fuckin pharmaceutical company! Now that shit's blown thah fuck up!



Cause US done got fuckin lazy!

At least US gottah walk tah thah street dealahs!

The pharmaceuticals sendin US ol broke Black sorry asses shit tah US


(Peace! More to come...)

Severe Radiation Poisoning, The New "Flu" Seasons/COVID And Manmade Ailments

 I got this shit happenin tah me just like in November!

Aches, scratchy throat, feelin tired as fuck, coughin like ah muh fuckah, thah dreaded muh fuckin chills...!

Niggresses amd Niggahs, kill me now!

That twelve day feelin like shit, shit ain't happenin again!

"So what!? You think you're better than everyone else that're getting all of these heightened allergies, flu like symptoms...because of this mild winter!?"

I ain't said shit about that! Before, my ol Black ass, I guess had tah witness it for myself! Give into it!

But fuck that horrible feelin shit!

This second go around, this shit's gettin hit with an abundance of Vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, oil of oregano, rosemary, apple cider vinegar and my normal supplemental routine! 

This shit ain't takin ahold of me like before!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's In Real Time

 Preppers and survivalists talkin that ill shit,

"We're prepared!"


Don't fuckin care how muh fuckin prepared that US's asses are!?

The Power of The Human Electricity

Will always fuck US 

Prep shit up!

US jUSt can't control this 

Human beautiful shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

"Oh Joe Knee Jerked!" Get Yo Shit While The Gettin 's Good!

 Go get yo shit!

"We're going to help  Silicon Valley Bank!"

They ain't gonnah help shit! That's called ah fuckin Bail Out! Thah feds took thah shit ovah so US wouldn't find out how bad the shit is! Them sorry muh fuckahs intah Bail Ins!

Joe! Yah fucked up!

That's called stave off 'The Run' as long as possible so we can get our sorry evil shit out!

Go get yo shit!

That's if...

US got some shit that needs to be


Cause I'm good!

 Go head, take that fifty yah sorry lowlifes!

But if they do thah shit on pay Friday in thah morning when thah muh fuckin banks supposed tah open!

Y'alls evil asses got ah lil lick from my ol Black broker sorry ass!

But yah bettah tell yo sorry ass buddies!

Payments gonnah be late as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Simple!

 Muh fuckahs killin their spouses and shit because thah muh fuckahs got tired of that ass! Muh fuckahs done found them ah fresh new even biggah dick! How many times she tell yah playahs, "Listen! You have to start staying home more!" And yo sorry asses said, "Fuck that bitch!" tah yahselves! Well, come tah find out...yeah someone was fuckin that bitch!



Let 'em leave muh fuckahs!

In peace!

Not thah fuck

In pieces!...

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, March 13, 2023

If US Loves PB&J?

 So you take ah "Verona-Strawberry Pepperidge Farm" cookie! And spread peanut butter in the middle! The best cruncy PB&J yo broke ass evah has had!

And if yah wannah gild the lily, take out ah non-stick fryin pan! Brown some butter in that shit! Put howevah many cookies yo sorry broke ass think that yah gonnah consume in that fryin pan, jellied side up! Medium temperature for one minute! Shut the shit off for three minutes! Left on the burnah the shit was heated on!

Fill the center of the jellied side up 'Verona' with peanut butter! 


The best toasted PB&J yo sorry broke ass has ever had!..

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck You Say?!

 Remembah the line from "In The Heat of The Night" with Sidney Poitier, and that muh fuckah in thah white man's greenhouse, the ownah, asked that muh fuckah if he wanted somethin tah drink?!

And that Black ass muh fuckah bout cracked my side hearin his lighthearted retort,

"Oh, something soft!"

Nigresses and Niggahs!

Still horribly laugh at that complexed captured in altered time kindah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Smell this shit!?

My ol Black sorry broke ass instantly hears,

"Funky cold medina!"

I told y'all I was old!

But this scent's what's up!

And it even mixes with my

Body chemistry!

Go Meredith, It's your birthday!

Go Meredith, It's your birthday!...

"Don't do that?!"

Go Meredith...

"Now you see! I'm not suggesting it again?!...


That Drakkar sure wasn't workin Love!"


It just smells good! 

"But it smells really good on him too (Laughing)! Bout time Love!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Drakkar Noir" And "Noir" My Ol Broke Black Sorry Ass!

Every niggah can't wear this shit! 

Especially this niggah!

Scrub all yah want before application?!

Thah shit don't mix with your muh fuckin body chemistry!

And if yah one of US like me?!

Thah shit just smells like ass when yo tired ass thinkin yah smellin like thah muh fuckin 'Bee's Knees"!

Spray on ah piece of papah in thah store!?


On my ol broke Black sorry ass!?

Ain't happenin!

Give that shit away playah!

Ain't fo yo "Noir" tryin tah smell good havin ass!



(Peace! More to come...)

US Undeniable Power Company/USPEHS

 I'm jUSt suggestin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

When US is around ah muh fuckah like US!?

Generated with US Pure Electrical Human Spirit!?


US will know

Without ah muh fuckin Human


(Peace! More to come...)

"Is It Safe"!? Always!

 Remembah that shit with pastor eddie long?

Yeah, muh fuckahs, that was that no count niggah's name!

Long in what?!

Well, you would have to ask his many innocent boy accusers!

"I can still smell his cologne when he was doing things to me!"


And I can undahstand!

Back in thah day, all thah rave was ;

"Polo by Ralph Lauren"!

I was playin "Pac-Man" at an arcade one time way back in thah day! I smelled some shit that was loud as fuck! I had tah ask myself, "Is that Polo!?" Didn't have the distinct scents! Wasn't clean! If that makes any sense? Muddied! Like horrible coffee? I guess it's coffee?! But damn! 

That's how this shit was, tryin tah smell like the original but not measurin up!

Subsequently, I found out about the newest rave, "Faux Designer Colognes"! 

Then I fuckin knew! 

I wasn't that fucked up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yes! Some of US Blacks, Give Niggahs A Real Fucking Bad Ass Name! II

('Let us take care of our own garden. - Voltaire (Translated)')

"Well what about white people!?"

Ain't US Black muh fuckin asses concerns! Whole and anothah culture!

I undahstand what US Blacks are doin wrong!

Not what thah muh fuckin US whites are doin wrong!

This is about US niggahs! 

Look intah that mirror Sonshines!?

Okay! I see yo beautiful Black ass!

And where in thah Holy fuck is that white beautiful much talked about muh fuckah at?!...


How thah Holy fuck can US make any positive influence residing in Our Father's firmament

And doin shit US fuckin knows is fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Yes! Some of US Blacks, Give Niggahs A Real Fucking Bad Ass Name!

 'Well if you would? You have to read and sign this and we can make your glasses for you?'

"I can't read! Never been able to read!"

Niggah bout seventy years old and shit, "I'm from Mississippi! (With a proud smile and laugh!)"

But chah sho do know how tah fuck! Cause yo ass proudly avowed not less than three minutes ago,

"I's gots sixteen wonderful childrens! And I loves 'em all!"

And can't even fuckin read 'A'!

God damnit!

Thee Holy fuck is this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Define! Define?!

 US can only live up to the person US defines!

Because US shit will forever fail with 

Them evil muh fuckahs numerous definitions of


(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Ties

 Muh fuckahs tryin tah disown muh fuckahs by denying affiliation with anothah muh fuckah!


The ties will always be harnessed together!

No mattah what US sorry broke ass muh fuckahs try tah do tah distance 

US selves from that shit!

It is what it fuckin is Sonshines!

But the same original blood does not make US

Identical in anyway in 

Our Father's


(Peace! More to come...)


 Muh fuckahs always wannah Mary as ah Momma don't they?

"Well who is your Father?"

'Ain't never met nor seen no daddy! Only my Momma!'

(But chah do know yo Momma done fucked ah niggah that is your daddy!?)

Don't know what yah talkin bout suh! Ain't no daddy!'

"Well, Miss Magdalene! You were one marvel of another historical conception! Just like with your Great-Great-Great...GrandMother!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Defining The True Essence of Each One of US II


Fuckin why!?

Oft times nice written words pacifies US grown muh fuckin asses!

Nice written words have their place and forum!

But not in this forum!

Not when ah muh fuckah tryin tah expel as much shit, as ah muh fuckah can shit before ah muh fuckah absolutely dies! Which is nigh!...Anyway...

If yo sorry broke ass is literate, alls yo sorry muh fuckin broke ignant ass gotstah tah do is

"Stop fucking reading the shit!"

Thee Holy fuck's ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Defining The True Essence of Each One of US

Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs I try tah write positive!

I really do!

Then this voice says, US knows who it is,

"Thah Holy fuck you doin muh fuckah!?"

I'm writing? You know that! Give me about two minutes this thought will be through?

"Fuck anothah second with yo sorry Black muh fuckin broke ass! Cause thah shit I'm readin ain't fuckin you God damnit! Not thah inside shit we need tah get thah fuck out! Speak on it! But speak on it as only we know how to speak about shit like this!"

You're right Love! Oh, well?

"Fuck your, oh well! Damn right, I'm right! We ain't got time for those muh fuckin niceties of wtitin favorable thoughts and words no fuckin more!? Well... about some shit! But this ain't thah some shit!"

I'm writing!...

"Now, I can read muh fuckah! My ass be literate! Hunh!" 

'Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. I try tah write positive! But fuck that shit!...

"Yeah! Now that's what's up Love! Keep it goin muh fuckah! Cause I'm bout ready tah take ah good ass nap!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, March 12, 2023

New Shit v Old Ways


They dropped ah shit load of snow on y'alls sorry asses!

And y'all still thinkin it was

God sent!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Four Seasons!


US down tah two with thah help from them evil muh fuckahs:

Hot as fuck!

And what thah 

Holy fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Vaccines And The Truth

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk crazy! 

So let's talk crazy God damnit!

They ain't evah showed, written about... one niggah in US history!

That wanted to kill 

Eighty percent of US!

But got muh fuckahs scared of

US Blacks!?

Now that's some marketin for US broke asses!

And US still got US talkin bout US niggahs!?

While yo counterparts tryin tah achieve eighty-fucking-percent mortality rate! At least!?

Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)