Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Remember! Remember! Remember!

 Read me, please?!

I remembah havin ah conversation with ah muh fuckah one time!

We talkin bout television shows and shit!

The topic came up about thah "Honey Boo-Boo Show" with that crazy crackhead Momma, and othah kindah shows like that!

I said, 'Man! Can't watch that kindah shit no more man! Shit's kindah depressin!'

"Depressing?," he started, "Me and you are niggahs! Fuck that shit! I love tah see these poor white trash mothah fuckahs makin fools of themselves! Shows they jUst like US!"

'Damn!' I said in surprise.

"Shows we all thah same Hop! They just need tah witness thah shit they've been denyin! There're worthless pieces of shit every-fuckin-where! And it don't have shit tah do about skin color! I love watchin that type of shit man! Love it!" ...

(Peace! More to come...)

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