Tuesday, March 28, 2023

US 's Heroes? II

 "Don't hate muh fuckah!"


Hate is non-fuckin-productive!

Hate ain't thah muh fuckin truth!

And I'm writin truths!

Well, shit!

The truth thah way I envision and put it intah words!

But still...

Sistahs and Brothahs do y'all remembah back in thah day "Magic Johnson" had ah late night show? Yeah Playahs and Playesses, no English talkin muh fuckin "Magic Johnson" had ah muh fuckin late night show! Thah niggah couldn't talk for shit! Thee Holy fuck! 

That muh fuckah durin this time went on the televised "Howard Stern" show! Brothahs and Sistahs! Fuckin brutal! Stern tore that ass up about thah way that niggah talked! Fuckin brutal!

And I don't know what Johnson did aftah that? Cause Stern tore that ill talkin niggah's ass up! Fuckin brutal! But that muh fuckah can be undahstood now! 

Which gets US back tah "Charles Barkley"!

Get them many marbles out yo mouth niggah!

And find ah fuckin way tah talk!



(Peace! More to come...)

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