Sunday, March 26, 2023

"No Jab! No Job!" And The Mark of The Beast! IV

 It's funny as fuck to me, they talkin bout people not wantin tah work,

Yet, in ordah tah work, yah got tah agree to their MANmade caveat!

"Are you vaccinated?"

Especially in the health care industry!

And them muh fuckahs talkin bout labor shortages because they decided ah muh fuckah doesn't have ah fuckin choice with their own muh fuckin bodies!? And these are medical facilities following MANdates!?

Talkin bout hypocritical assholes!

Until May!? When, supposedly, these evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are supposed tah lift all thah federal emergency orders put intah place because of 'COVID'!

Shit we ah few days away from April!

And ain't nobody talkin bout liftin shit!


So, evil muh fuckahs!

It's damn near May!

What else y'alls evil no count havin asses got percolatin!?

Cause y'all ain't liftin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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