Monday, March 13, 2023

Defining The True Essence of Each One of US

Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs I try tah write positive!

I really do!

Then this voice says, US knows who it is,

"Thah Holy fuck you doin muh fuckah!?"

I'm writing? You know that! Give me about two minutes this thought will be through?

"Fuck anothah second with yo sorry Black muh fuckin broke ass! Cause thah shit I'm readin ain't fuckin you God damnit! Not thah inside shit we need tah get thah fuck out! Speak on it! But speak on it as only we know how to speak about shit like this!"

You're right Love! Oh, well?

"Fuck your, oh well! Damn right, I'm right! We ain't got time for those muh fuckin niceties of wtitin favorable thoughts and words no fuckin more!? Well... about some shit! But this ain't thah some shit!"

I'm writing!...

"Now, I can read muh fuckah! My ass be literate! Hunh!" 

'Oft times My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. I try tah write positive! But fuck that shit!...

"Yeah! Now that's what's up Love! Keep it goin muh fuckah! Cause I'm bout ready tah take ah good ass nap!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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