Saturday, March 18, 2023

Missing In Action!

 Eight hundred thousand children go missin every fuckin year in this here 


Did US catch that figure!?


That's ovah two thousand missin children ah fuckin sorry ass day ah year in this US!

Almost ninety children every muh fuckin hour!

God damn!

And that figure is what US say it investigated or was informed prior to!?

So what's thah true aggregate?!

Shiiiought, now that's thah muh fuckin scary question of that muh fuckin bullshit!

Cause thah true total would blow US minds if it wasn't blown already!

Like murder!

But murder makes up of ah lil ovah only sixteen ah fuckin day!

It is written that less than thirty-five percent of murders are solved! Now that's FBI statistics!...

What thah Holy fuck is happenin tah all

US missin


And ain't nobody said shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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