Saturday, March 18, 2023

What A Way To Go!

I've heard of "Ashes to ashes. And dust tah dust!" 

But I ain't never heard of Human form to liquidity!

And pour that sorry broke muh fuckah down thah muh fuckin drain!?

Kindah shit?!

They got some shit now, yah put ah dead muh fuckah in this chamber, three to twelve hours later them muh fuckahs ain't nothin but bones! Dependin on whethah yah purchased the no-frills chamber or thah muh fuckin deluxe version!?


And US can jUSt simply dispose of those liquified bodies down thah muh fuckin drain intah US sewer systems!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Call thah processed shit ah whimsical beautiful word, 


Talkin bout "A Sustainable Cremation Alternative"?!


Then, them evil muh fuckahs ain't through yet!

They take thah leftover muh fuckin bones and grind them shits intah ah powdah! And suggested ground up bones tah be USed as fertilizer!?

Which, these evil scientists say, will be imperative nutrients for US ingesting and for US planting and harvesting for US sustainable future!

US can't make this shit up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

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