Thursday, March 16, 2023

"Ain't No Future In Yo Frontin - MC Breed" II

 How far is thah Satanists agenda gonnah go!

Oh, so far, and not in ah good muh fuckin way, my ol Black broke ass can tell yah that! Can't make no 'good' Human laws in Satanism!? As ah mattah of fact, fuck Human laws! Sound familiar?!

Shit Satanists wants ah place where, if yah got shit I want? Well, playah yah gonnah have tah give it up! If not!? Then I'm gonnah have tah kill yah! But I'm gonnah kill yah eithah way!? Uhm, Sound familiar? But thah shit goes both ways playesses and playahs if US gettin down like that now! And they wannah make those ill laws of takin US shit whenevah they want fuckin legal!?

Shiiiought! Yah got tah bring some tah get some! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice, thah future which they behold! Shit gonnah get muh fuckin ugly! But jUSt for lil ol time!


Shit, look at thah street drug game! Ain't no rules! US sees how well that's goin! Unless yah legit, ah muh fuckin pharmaceutical company! Now that shit's blown thah fuck up!



Cause US done got fuckin lazy!

At least US gottah walk tah thah street dealahs!

The pharmaceuticals sendin US ol broke Black sorry asses shit tah US


(Peace! More to come...)

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