Sunday, March 19, 2023

CBDC Ain't Going As Smoothly As These Evil Muh Fuckahs Had Thought!

 Shit has US witnessed whats goin on in othah countries?!

They ain't showin that shit ovah here!

Them muh fuckahs ovah in Nigeria wanted them niggahs tah embrace CBDC and them niggahs rejected that shit!

Then what did them evil muh fuckahs do?

They shutdown thah muh fuckin banks! Now, them niggahs done took to thah streets! 

Japan's citizens said, fuck that CBDC shit! Got their prime minister assassinated and shit! The press said killed by a mentally unstable man! Seriously?! Best y'all got?

They tryin tah crash thah economy here so that US will have to embrace thah shit!

Europe's in turmoil!...


When them sorry evil elite muh fuckahs close these banks here when that much anticipated 'Bank Run' commences?! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Cause there's a lot of US now that have some heavy ass weaponry! White US males be havin some shit! And I'm talkin bout some avowed Christian White males! God damn!...

Financiers and politicians, y'all muh fuckahs better start occupying those damn


Once y'alls evil sorry asses decide tah ultimately close up shop!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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