Wednesday, March 22, 2023


 Have US evah got popped in thah face!

I don't mean by no Mommy and Daddy!

Fuck naw! 

Real parents ain't gonnah put it tah yah like that!

Not, if they're worth their shit at all!

Shit, if thah young muh fuckah gettin down like that,

Yo sorry so called parenting ass

Ain't been takin those

CE Parenting Classes

Like yo now popped in thah face shameful ass!

But I digress.

When I was young I was always small! Bullies tearin my ass up! But fuck it y'all sorry muh fuckahs I ain't stoppin these jaws!

Well, one time my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, yah get caught off guard by ah muh fuckah that ill defines that rules of Bullyism! 

I mean, I've been bullied by thah best back in thah day! Took some hellafied ass whippings! But this one Bully way back in seventh grade! I'm flappin my jaws cause I'm noticin, 'You're a bully!' And I told him jUSt that!

Sonshines! I still remembah that punch! You know thah kind that snaps yo head one way or anothah dependin on whatevah hand thah bully cracks yo sorry ass with? Brings tears tah yo sorry pathetic eyes! Makin ah muh fuckah think, 'Now it didn't put me down!? But was that thah best this muh fuckahs got!? If not!? My young Black ass can't take anothah one of those or maybe even worse! Fuck that!

So yo hurtin ass succumbs this time,

"Hold up! Maybe I misspoke!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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