Saturday, September 30, 2023

US Fed Shutdown! Yeah! Y'all sorry ass evil muh fuckUS need a blow! BecaUSe the next series of offensive downs, are not going to be acheived!


Shut thah shit down!

Reset this chaotic bullshit!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Can My RFID Chip Color Be Sapphire? (FAQs, WHOWEF.GLOBAL.GLB; World Health Organization/World Economic Forum Website) Wednesday 01jan2025 II

 Answer: Of course! We customize it accordingly to your individual needs! Color? Not a problem!? That is even better for when identification purposes arise! You are now color-coded! Definitely Humanly identifiable!...

"From the edge of the universe. To the palm of your hand. Titanium. IPhone 15 Pro - Apple Mass Marketing Commercial" @ 2024

Some evil ass shit! Hear that muh fuckah in thah background makin those devilish sounds and shit?!

US knows yah play that shit backwards ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Nothin nice at thah fuck all! Anyway... 

The universe is supposed tah be muh fuckin 


What's up with this 



I'm like Coach "Prime" on that ill ass shit,

"I keep receipts!"...


Oh! Y'all show do undahstand aussi this is ah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Irritating Muh Fuckin Insects! The Hunt Is On!

 Do you know how much I can't stand ah muh fuckin fly, ah muh fuckin gnat and ah muh fuckin mosquito!?

My wife thinks I'm crazy and shit!

If you have evah tried tah go tah sleep with eithah one of those muh fuckahs flyin thah fuck around, them muh fuckahs will fuck with US broke assUS! Now, yah put thah ceiling fan or ah fan flowin period, them muh fuckahs stay away from yo broke ass! That turbulent air fucks with their flyin shit! Just ah broke ass hack! Anyway...

I catch one of those muh fuckahs in thah house!? Shit!

Game on you muh fuckin sorry ass flyin insects!

All that outdoors muh fuckahs!?

And US gots tah play this muh fuckin tired ass game?!

Shit! Okay!

But I will find thee!

And smote every one of thee in thine colony with this fucked up Human/Insect/Animal

Breach of 





(Peace! More to come...)

A Road Not Taken Again

 Shit US niggUS want tah talk about White muh fuckUS bein scared of niggUS and shit!


My Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS, that brought up ah story that popped intah my mind just now, from back in thah day!...

I was in college! I would go visit my brother Chauncey and his family sometimes in the summers, and work at some local shit, when he lived in Muskogee, Oklahoma!


Shit! I grew up in a capital city! For some reason I love that slow ass shit! It doesn't bother me in thah least! Feel kind of comfortable in thah shit! Nevah felt comfortable in capital city shit! Anyway...

I met this young lady named, Donna! Shit! For thah muh fuckin life of my ol sorry broke Black ass can't think of her last name! Anyway...

I went to pick her up. She lived in a town named Taft, Oklahoma! Just up thah way ah piece!

Shit! Fuck that shit!

Nothin but muh fuckin niggUS!

One road in! And one road out that muh fuckin shit!

And all eyes on yo Black foreign ass tah these

Indigenous Black muh fuckUS!

So I picked her up. We went to the "city", Muskogee, watched ah movie, ate. And while drivin her home I said to her!

"Donna. I'm going to get you home safe. But? If I get out of your town alive after dropping you off?! I will never pick you up nor drop you off there ever again!"

She laughed at that shit! I didn't see her again!

Fuck that! Thah most uncomfortable shit I have ever been in, in my ol Black broke ass sorry life!

I mean you drivin through that muh fuckah and niggahs on both sides of thah muh fuckin road like stoppin every muh fuckin thing they doin lookin at yo young broke ass like, "Thah fuck this niggah want?!" 

I mean, thah Holy fuck!?

No! Not this niggah!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Can My RFID Chip Color Be Sapphire? (FAQs, WHOWEF.GLOBAL.GLB; World Health Organization/World Economic Forum Website) Wednesday 01jan2025

 Black and White muh fuckUS worryin bout that gov'ment and state free muh fuckin money and assitance and shit!

Still maybe comin in? Uhm! Perhaps?!...

But Sonshines!

Our Father!

When them evil ass muh fuckahs start requirin that chip and shit for that free muh fuckin money and assistance?!


And US broke assUS get muh fuckin chipped?!


Now US done made thah ultimate deal with thah sorry ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Great ChoicUS Within US

 "You have to accept them!"

Who thah fuck says!?

This is US God damnit!

US don't have tah accept muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

US IN Chaos? NiggUS Please!?

 Shit US niggUS once again know niggUS bein set thah fuck up!

Payin these welfare muh fuckin recipients undah thah table tah caUSe all this lootin and shootin shit that's goin on in


They payin them muh fuckahs! Then, when they're caught, jailed! They release them and tell them muh fuckahs,

"Now next time don't let us catch yo sorry ass! Catch you're no use to the cause!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 29, 2023

US Alien Invasion

 Think about thah shit!

Them muh fuckahs ain't comin from thah muh fuckin sky! Fuck no! On land muh fuckUS!

But God damn!

How bad y'alls sorry ass muh fuckin shit have tah be,

Comin ovah here with only thah clothes on yo muh fuckin


And with muh fuckin


But fuck that shit! 

Get thah fuck out!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Next Spot On The US Map!?

 They writin bout this story in Idaho about some students wearing t-shirts spellin out thah word "niggers"!

Shit! I mean, ain't that their muh fuckin right?!

But shit, if I was ah niggah livin in that muh fuckah,

I'd be out that muh fuckah by



(Peace! More to come...)

"Dianne Feinstein dead at 90... - Yahoo news"

 Ding dong!

Anothah evil sorry ass



Is muh fuckin



Chuck Schumer?

Now, what ah wonderfully refreshing surprise!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Human Electrical Powers (HEPs)

 The practice of Human boundaries was instituted so long ago by the elite. Now the poor enveloping the same mindset. Well, something has to give! Well, if we tire of Human close space? We practice the religion of,

"Human Electrical


(Peace! More to come....)

Proper US High Technique! (Asthmatics Practice The Shit)

 Hit whatevah yah got!

Aftah inhalation!

Stretch yo muh fuckin hands and arms towards thah Heavens as far as yo ass can reach!

While still gettin that shit intah thah bottom chambahs of US's lungs!

Then let that shit out! 

Then inhale mightily,


Do thah same muh fuckin thing until yo high muh fuckin ol ass don't see anymore vapors comin out yo shit!

Then let yo tired ass arms down!

One minute latah!

Hollah at ah muh fuckah?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Is Kind of Fucked Up! But US's Still Cool!

 How thah fuck can ah righteoUS muh fuckah be called ah,

"Firey Human spirit"!

Or an evil muh fuckah be called,

"A cold ass dick!"?...

Thah fuck wrong with 


(Peace! More to come....)

"Ocean Drive - Duke Dumont" III



Muh fuckin


"Don't say a word while we dance with the devil

You brought a fire to a world so cold..."


(Peace! More to come...)

A Change of Plans: An Initial Malady, Onset Day Three, Second Dose Moderna

 "But where are you taking me?"

Okay, I'm confused. We talked about this. I'm going to pull over. And you can drive us. Would you like to go back home? We're going to this get together on Carmel's border. You okay?

"I don't know. I feel kind of funny."

Well, we're bustin this right on 86th Street! We'll go to St. Vincents emergency room.

"No! I remember now. I don't know what I was thinking?"

Naw, that's like the third fucked up shit you done said since picking you up about fifteen minutes ago!

Sis. We're takin you to the hospital!


(Peace! More to come....)

Wayward US!

 That's all US gots tah do!

Stay in US's muh fuckin lane!

And when anothah muh fuckah comes ovah in US's shit?

Well, US deals with that shit!

But othah than that!

Stay in US's muh fuckin lane!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Revelation And My Man "E"

 What did ol Ecclesiastes say,

"For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil!"

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs knew that thah muh fuckin COVID vaccines were causing myocarditis! They muh fuckin knew! It's out there! All of US got access tah this here internet damn near! Take that red fuckin pill Sonshines! Keep takin that blue pill TID? Shit! Soonah than soon, it'll be too late tah take thah red muh fuckin pill! Anyway...

What did ol JJ say, "If it doesn't make sense? It's not the truth!" Ol JJ lookin at this shit in ah righteoUS space! Now done gone muh fuckin unrighteous


Them evil muh fuckahs are being brought into US


And US gots tah murder them muh fuckahs when most of US witness these ill ass revelations comin soonah than soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Comparable Aging Categories

 I look at old muh fuckahs like my age, give or take five years, all thah God damned time thinkin,

'The fuck muh fuckah! Yo ass is my age!?' 

And not in ah good muh fuckin way!

No fuckin way!

US wannah feel at peace with US old ass selves!?

Quit thah fuck lookin at thah twenty-five years old You!

Look in thah mirror! Yeah that's my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Ain't evah gonnah look thah same as when my fit self was twenty-five! Fuck it! Anyway...

And start lookin around at sixtyish


Ain't nothin nice!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss" VII

 Okay I'll end on this shit!

Is it my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass?

Or does thah shit sound like some

The xx

RighteoUS shit!? Anyway...

"Just do it

Just do it"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss" VI

 Yah read?

I'm still workin that


But my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass bout ready tah go tah bed!


One more time won't hurt at thah fuck


Sleep well 


CaUSe today is jUSt anothah muh fuckin


Until it's...

"First I saw you..."...

(Peace! More to come....)

Finally Solidifying

 I've reached out and felt the 


Matter of clatter!

Prayed there!

Stayed there...




I was just 



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss " V

 NiggressUS and NiggUS!

Let's rise above this shit!

I mean, y'all muh fuckin Christian White people want tah join in on this muh fuckin beautiful shit!?

May Our Father's will be


But I mean God damn!

This muh fuckah goin tah shit in ah muh fuckin 


Our Father's speed!....

(Peace! More to come....)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss" IV

 "So what thah fuck you do muh fuckah?! Keep replayin shit or what!"

Ex-fucking-actly! My shit goes on 

Replay on thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss" III

 I do like this muh fuckin joint! Quirky kind of shit! 

But it show in thah fuck




Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss" II

 When that muh fuckah says,

"Oh, you got that mode

In which you can do everything you want

Just do it

Just do it..."

Yeah evil muh fuckahs!

Like Nike's slogan back in thah day,

"Just do it!"

But it ain't gonnah work out well for y'alls sorry evil elite muh fuckin asses at thah fuck at 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Give Unto Ourselves With Our Others

 Not ah God damn muh fuckin thing stops when

US dies!

But before US do!

Give back tah this muh fuckah in ah lil way for thah rest of

US broke assUS?


Our Father's speed!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Cloning?! evil Muh Fuckahs, Please!?

 US does not appreciate US's shit!

Do US not undah-fuckin-stand?

US's brains have 

Endless muh fuckin



Their evil duplicate shit are quite


(Peace! More to come...)

"GFJ - Sun King"

Ain't nothin like ah cold ass beer! I gives ah fuck! 

Muh fuckahs talkin bout skunky beer and shit!

What?! Y'all beer drinkin snobs! Them muh fuckahs makin that shit overseas and shit! Droppin that shit tah ah liquor store near US, where US sorry broke ass can semi-affordably buy it! God damnit! Appreciate some shit!? Ain't evah tasted ah skunky beer! Don't know what them muh fuckahs yappin about! Unless y'alls asses goin tah thah breweries around this firmament, tah drink that shit, drink thah 'swill'! God damn! Them muh fuckin breweries tryin like ah muh fuckah tah bring US that True fresh taste! Anyway.... 

The best shit is fresh beer!

Shit, buy a sixteen ounce tall-boy quad to-go at Sun King Brewery of Grapefruit Jungle!? Fuckin delicioUS! But shit! Drink that shit at thah brewery!? Without all that cannin and packagin shit! Yo sorry ass finally tastin what that muh fuckah 's s'posed tah refreshingly deliciously satisfyingly taste like! And will bang that muh fuckin head propahly! Just ah suggestion, drink two you'll be propahly anesthetized! But three of GFJs? Will set yo ol Black sorry broke ass free at thah brewery!

"Well, what do they have to eat?"

Eat? That will bring yo shit down times ten!

Fuck it! Uber, Lyft...and yo righteoUSly hazy ass shall enjoy the ride 


With thah backdrop of IN US fall muh fuckin colah changin scenery!...

God damn!

Makes my ol Black sorry broke ass smile every muh fuckin time!

I do thah shit about once every three months!

"I thought you said thah shit was ill as fuck!"

Yeah! But this ol niggah's broke!

Them joints hit that pocket at seven dollahs ah pop!

If, takin my suggestion, that's twenty-one muh fuckin dollahs, for three sixteen-ounce beers! Plus tip? Us talkin twenty-five and some change some shit! That's an hours pay and then some! Y'all muh fuckUS know what US puts up with for an hour's worth of pay! Shit! Fuck!...

Ergo, once every three months!

If US is ah beer lover?

And loves kindah hoppy shit!?

That shit is thah muh fuckin 

Crack, of muh fuckin 


But I'm ah functionin crack beer lovin muh fuckah like that!

I mean hit that shit when thah muh fuckin money 's right!

Fuck that shit, when thah muh fuckin money's tight!...

Whatevah gets US 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Operation Cell Phone - "Are You Down With OCP"" II

 What did nasty ass masonic Disney prove tah US about their evil cunning!?

Get muh fuckahs while their broke in abundance asses are young!

Parents buyin them lil sponge-heads shit that's gonnah not be able tah absorb! 

And US jUSt givin these lil know nothin muh fuckahs

All that ill ass shit!

Into their bright

Lenses and spirits!?


US gots tah pay for this ill ass shit 

US has


Not them evil ass muh fuckahs!

Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

C'est Vrai! Ennui! Mon, Dieu!

 I get up!

I go to work!

Working towards the 





I get up!

I go to work!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Major US Growing Up Quandaries

 evil bullies power ovah yo lil pathetic sorry ass rules supreme!

'Where's Mommy? Where's Daddy? Shit! This evil ass muh fuckah kickin my lil ass! On ah muh fuckin daily!?'

But for some damn muh fuckin reason?

US is still here as ah witness tah this foul oft times

Beautiful muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Joe Hogsett: Indianapolis, Indiana Mayor: Just Collecting A Check Sonshines!

 Shreve talkin bout that ass bein ghost durin thah riots in downtown Indianapolis and shit!

Yeah, Joe?!

What you know?!

Yo sorry evil ass ain't shit eithah!

Next! (Still hearin Elaine!)

God damn!....

(Peace! More to come....)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Charles Johnson, Chicago, Illinois: Just Collecting A Check Sonshines!

 Them evil muh fuckahs callin him thah muh fuckin Mayor of 


But shit, like all thah rest of thah sorry ass muh fuckin political arena!

That niggah ain't shit!

And that sorry ass muh fuckin niggah needs tah be murdered for not bein about shit!

Cause his Black niggah ass should know bettah! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Emergencies

 My Father-in-law called left ah message on thah landline's answerin machine,

"I'm going to have to go to the hospital. I'll talk to you a little later."

I call my wife and tell her about the message!

"I'm literally right around the corner! I'll see what's goin on?"

Three hours later...


"Well why don't you text or call her?!"

Cause she may be takin care of some emergency shit!?

And she doesn't need anothah call, text...whatevah thah fuck!

So she can take care of what is immediate!

Immediate being: one of her


(Peace! More to come...)

By Natural Shit! Or By Unnatural Shit!

 As my old Black muh fuckin broke ass gets oldah,

I start overstandin some shit!

Just be kind tah muh fuckahs!

Until them muh fuckahs need tah be checked from that ill ass muh fuckin

Uncivilized grievoUS 



"Well you might die?!"

Yah think?!


I am 


(Peace! More to come...)

"On Hold (Jamie xx Remix) - The xx" III

 "I th...

I thoug...

I though...

I thought,

That you'd,

You'd come back,

To me..."



Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

US Bullshit Tolerance Level Is At An All Time Low!

 The worst thing for US tah do is tah listen to

Audiobooks, Podcasts, videos...

Read thah muh fuckin shit?!

US literate brain, no matter thah texts, has this type of


Literal thought process!

And once US calls 'bullshit' so many muh fuckin


God damnit!

Them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs done lied


(Peace! More to come...)

Easy Pickings!

 It has come to pass that this kindhearted shit shall have to be quelled for a while within US!

Predators can smell US's weakness! Can tell jUSt from one maybe two actions or sentences they say tah US tah make them undahstand, this muh fuckah 's ripe!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Absurdity of US II

 But what tears me ah new one with my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass, about missin appointments, is this!

It ain't my shit!

You made thah muh fuckin appointment!

You reached out in need!

You can't see worth ah muh fuckin damn!...

You are ah grown ass muh fuckin person!

I mean shit!

I ain't evah heard of ah muh fuckin possible employer callin ah muh fuckah with reminders with that automated fucked up voice, 

"Just calling as a reminder of your interview with ..." 

No! Eithah yah non-employed ass shows up or fuckin not!? If, fuckin not?! We won't schedule you again! Next (I'm hearin Elaine's voice in 'Seinfeld' scoffing at thah muh fuckin 'Soup Nazi')!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Cell Phones Are Stress Phones III

 Muh fuckahs swipin thah answah icon tah pick thah call up and don't know thah muh fuckin numbah!

Then gets mad at thah muh fuckah that called once they answah thah muh fuckah?!

Yo ass tellin me on that expensive cell phone yo ass don't have voicemail some shit? 

"I've been waiting on a call?"

From ah muh fuckin numbah yo ass ain't familiar with?!

And if they don't leave ah message?

They show in thah fuck 're gonnah drop ah niggah ah muh fuckin



I guess it comes down to:

What kindah muh fuckin call ah muh fuckah waitin for?!....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Operation Cell Phone - "Are You Down With OCP""

 Remembah that shit in 'Robocop'?

"Omni Consumer Products" they called it in thah movie!

Uhm! Them some evil ass sorry cunning muh fuckahs!

That shit is thah 


All muh fuckin 


Every muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Cell Phones Are Stress Phones II

 I've winessed some ignorant muh fuckin shit in my muh fuckin ol ass life!

But I ain't evah seen some stupid absurd shit like I witness grown ass muh fuckahs puttin all their information in ah muh fuckin cell phone!?

Muh fuckah had thah natural nerve tah say tah my ol Black sorry broke ass, after retrievin his cell phone he had left on the counter, 

"I almost lost my whole life!"

Niggah what!?

Thah Holy fuckin shit is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Cell Phones Are Stress Phones

 Cell phones are cumbersome as fuck!

Muh fuckahs wannah carryin thah ill shaped muh fuckah on their hip and shit, in ah muh fuckin holster!?

Them constant EMFs tearin that hip joint up! Be walkin with ah limp within three years! Still wonderin what thah fuckin problem is? And thah doctah ain't gonnah tell yo ass shit because...that muh fuckah can't tell yo ass shit! They can't tell yo sorry ass tah take that stupid ass cell phone off yo muh fuckin hip and problem solved!? The same company that owns that hospital who employs yo muh fuckin broke ass doctah, is thah same muh fuckin company that are big share interests holders in the cellphone industry! Anyway.....

Can't stand them shits! Then muh fuckahs got like an

Eight inch flat ass dick they carryin around their person all thah God damned time!

Then them muh fuckahs accidentally leave that muh fuckah someplace?

Talkin bout panicked stricken muh fuckUS?!

God damn niggah!

Thah fuck on that phone 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Absurdity of US

 Been doin thah same shit for some twenty some odd years some shit!

And I marvel at patients missin appointments!?

I mean yo sorry ass called US up, came in, made it on thah internet...whatevah thah fuck!?

Got cellphones and shit that ah muh fuckah can put every God damned important dates on those muh fuckin cellphone 'important dates to remember' alerts some shit!

But for some fucked up reason!

Muh fuckahs blamin my ol Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass for them not rememberin or documentin some shit about an eye examination!?

'I understand? And I see you got that 'IPhone 12 Pro Max! When I save a lil more! I'm gonnah get that! Save all kinds of things on that joint!'

"It'll change your life. I need to reschedule then."

Yah see? That shit was fuckin wasted tah thah muh fuckin winds! Cause she didn't catch that muh fuckin shit at all! I don't give ah muh fuckin shit about ah sorry ass cellphone! Hate them muh fuckahs! But I learned long ago! When yo broke ass has tah deal with thah public in whatevah capacity!

Yo ass shall be


Updated! Anyway...

She missed the shit cause I stated thah shit could save all kinds of your missed appointment that you didn't give ah shit about! But thah shit is my muh fuckin fault?! Okay?...

And my ol Black sorry broke ass can't say thah shit I really would have loved tah say tah her sorry IPhone carryin ass! An ol niggah needs thah muh fuckin gig! Fuck that noise! Next!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

No NiggUS!? Cool! And Thanks For The Heads-Up!

 Some muh fuckUS think it's cool makin enough change just tah subsist, owin their own shit!

Long as they got enough of ah nut comin in, that they can take three or four vacations ah year; live in a quasi-affluent neighborhood; live in a good school system...them muh fuckahs happy! Fuck it! I'm doin my thang! Coolah than muh fuckin cool!

But I'll tell yah this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, I don't eat at "Denny's'" no fuckin more!

Fuck that! Though thah law says differently, y'all White muh fuckin ownahs of them ill shits gots thah right tah say no tah US niggUS! Fuck yes! US in thah US-A baby! Shit! It's yo shit! Let thah muh fuckin word out God damnit!

"We don't like niggers patronizing our fine establishments."

See how easy that was?

So, this ol Black sorry broke ass niggah don't need tah evah eat at a "Denny's" evah in my short ass lifetime! Can't tell yah how many times in my ol ass life fuckin "Denny's" about every three years or so got some niggah shit happenin! Fuck! What ol JJ say, "The first one is a mistake. The second one is a misdemeanor. And the third one is a felony."? God damn right about that! Them some felonioUS business ownin muh fuckahs! But that shit's cool though! For real! Anyway...

US should try that shit on all these othah muh fuckahs still stuck in thah muh fuckin '50's and shit'

US Muh fuckUS don't have tah picket and shit!

Fuck all that noise!

Just don't go no more tah that ill ass muh fuckah! Nor any of its subsidiaries if any!

God damn!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Unwelcoming Housecalls

 Daddy told me a long time ago, 

"If a man or woman tells you to get out of their house, their place of business, their car...? Meredith. You better get Out!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 25, 2023

WHO? What!?

 Muh fuckahs like,

"WHO's who?!"

For real!

Only two muh fuckin nations ain't in that muh fuckah, "The Holy See/The Vatican" and Palestine.

That means that's one of thah greatest muh fuckin organizations in this firmament!

And them evil muh fuckahs bout ready tah show how much disrespect 

US done gave them sorry ass muh fuckahs!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Just For Ah Muh Fuckin Hit!?

 "What is thah magic code?"

One, two, three, four, five.

"Too slow?"

"Try again please!"


Red turns tah



Everything is going to be all


(Peace! More to come....)

And It's Still Some Fucked Up Rationale! And The Mean Vaccines!

 US all thinks what US thinks is special, is special!

"I have the hands, feet, body, mind...of God!"

What?! Cause yo sorry muh fuckin ass creatin some ill shit tah kill muh fuckin people!

Not muh fuckin





And that's supposed tah be





(Peace! More to come...)

Dual evil Complicity

 Them evil muh fuckahs can't get thah real 


Without real


(Peace! More to come...)

NSA, CIA, FBI, NASA, IRS...Spy Convergences

 Whatever US posts!?

They are there!

Whatever US views!?

They are there!

Whatever or whomever they want to surveille!?

They are there!...

Shit! My ol Black sorry broke ass is here sorry as evil muh fuckahs!

Bout ready tah be gone for good!

So, fuck it!?

Now what?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Red Pill" And EndlUS Possibilities

 I mean riddle me thah fuck this?

How can so-called

"Truthers" believe in






Shit, if US's is doin thah damn thang right!?

 US real.muh fuckin 

Truthers shall be


(Peace! More to come...)

Richard Peter Weiner (Global World Chef to The elite) circa 2025

 "Well, I love to eat food you know? I mean when you cook the food, the seasonings, the Human meat, the vegetables... come alive! But when you eat that same food at room temperature or refrigerated, our chewing along with our body temperature makes the food come back alive!"...

Embrace That Crazy Shit!...Well Muh FuckUS...To A Certain Point!?

 I was talkin tah my wife jUSt awhile ago and shit! Talkin bout life as usual,

'Well. You know to me. Good is a constant! It doesn't go anywhere! It stays there like,

"What, muh fuckahs?!"...

"Did you just make that shit up yourself? Or did you read some shit? Now quotin some shit?"

'Far as I can recollect? We were talkin bout some shit. I gave my response to some shit! And yes, those are my words my dear.'

"Big ups!" she said to me smiling!

She must think I'm ah total dumbass muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come....)

mRNA To Change Human DNA?! II

 Well, for some fucked up reason!

Them evil muh fuckahs actually believe their sorry muh fuckin asses can 




Fuck no!

Thah Human shit gets even more 







Now, that's some bad ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pull 'Em!?

 Muh fuckahs talkin that shit

"Pull all of those vaccine shots off of the shelves!"

US didn't have to!

Ain't nobody but thah clueless takin them ill shit-shots


Governments' like,

"We paid for thah first few hits muh fuckahs! Fuck that lookin at us bullshit! Paid with their sorry ass broke muh fuckin own money! And y'all got y'alls shit too! Your turn mister pharmaceuticals! But we evil muh fuckahs shall demand our cut! Or else!?..."

Can US envision them muh fuckahs absorbin them in 

WHO's Codex Alimentarius when they can't meet thah vig?!

Oh, shit!

They fuck this firmament's countries!

They sho nuff can fuck pharmaceuticals!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father Doesn't Know Until We Pray! IV

 I've found out through prayer this shit ain't evah been about lil ol me!

Quite tah thah muh fuckin contrary!

US gottah pray for


Then thah rest of this ill evil ass shit shall be


(Peace! More to come...)

US Creators

 Let me help US out ah lil bit!

I would say at around twenty-seven muh fuckin years old!

Overstand some shit Sonshines!?

If your parents don't approve of yo sorry ass and nevah have?!


They nevah will approve of

Yo sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

So fuck it!

Time tah find


(Peace! More to come....)

Our Father Doesn't Know Until We Pray! III

 "Well, it just feels stupid! Who am I praying to?"

And I undahstand Sonshine!


(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father Doesn't Know Until We Pray! II

 "I kneel before no man!"

And I definitely undahstand that 'Right On!' type of shit!


You're not!

That's why 

US should follow thah Gospels,

'And pray in thine closet to Our Father in secret!'

Where no Man, Wo-man or child shall


Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father Doesn't Know Until We Pray!


Feel it and


Stop, confess!

US being a part of this mess!

This fuckin absurd nonsense!

God damn!


And finally 

Bless thah

Rest of 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Follow Your Line - Heiko Voss"



Muh fuckin


"Just to win! Just to win!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Multiple Pinging Attacks! II

 Why is it if those evil muh fuckahs aren't plannin killin US with these multiple frequencies in this

EAS alert? 

I've read at least three headlines writin that thah shit 's


By addressin thah shit that means tah shut US's shit off from 2pm to 3pm on 04Oct and 11Oct!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Multiple Pinging Attacks!

 Okay so some shit's out about these FEMA muh fuckahs on Wed-04October2023 @ 2:00pm!

Oh, it ain't no bullshit! Research thah shit! Them muh fuckahs claimin they are goin tah test thah

EAS/Emergency Alert Service system!

Well, you know muh fuckahs gonnah connect thah dots some shit!

Now them muh fuckahs talkin bout thah backup date bein

Wed-11October2023 @ 2:00 pm!

Turn yo muh fuckin cellphones, modems, televisions...


From 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm eastern standard time on them muh fuckin dates!...

Let's get this evil shit poppin God damnit!

But without 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

mRNA To Change Human DNA?!

 Do US realize how long them degenerate evil muh fuckahs been at this ill ass shit?!

Shit, too fuckin long!

Gettah clue evil muh fuckahs!

I mean, God damn!?

Y'all will always be evil ass sore muh fuckin


Fuckin always!

Now, that losin shit is in y'all's sorry ass evil historical




Fuckin evil ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Beiden administration is poised to allow Israeli citizens to travel to the US without a US visa - The Associated Press"

 US gettin where this US fed run shitshow is fastly movin


(Peace! More to come...)

US Simplistic Life


I don't know about all that shit!

But it sure as fuck ain't this muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 23, 2023

US Depopulation Kill Zones

 Shit! Them some evil muh fuckahs!

Get shot up!

Now, converge this firmament's population into different 

Massive frequency modulated kill zone segments!...

October's gonnah be ah muh fuckin

US blast!

For US broke assUS!

But shit...

US 'll still be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

MDC Complicity! InnumeroUS Broken US Cities. And A Pretest Conversation.

 So what do you do for a living?

"Oh. Right now? Nothing. I'm pregnant. And he doesn't want anything to go wrong with our baby."

Oh, so the both of you are married?

"Well, no. But we are a couple."

I understand. What does he do for a living?

"Well. He works odd jobs. You know? Making money under the table when he can. So, we can have more money to ourselves."

What are you all having?


I'm sorry? Boy or girl? Or do you know yet?

"Oh, a girl. But we're going to keep trying because he wants a boy."

Oh so you all have your own spot?


You all have your own residence?

"No. Not right now. We've filed some papers with the state. They should be getting back to us soon. We live with my Mom. She can't wait for this baby to be born!"

And I understand. Well, Kristina. We're going to do three pretests today...

(Fuck it! I'm done!)...

(Peace! More to come....)

A Housing Shortage?

 Shit! They got studios out there God damnit!

"But I have five children man?! For a three bedroom they're wanting 

Thirty-five hundred some shit!"

Please forgive me!?

Y'all broke muh fuckUS were thah ones that decided tah have all these muh fuckin 

Children! What? Y'all broke muh fukcin assUS actually thought those big ass voluptuoUS State and Fed fake ass titties had an endless amount of muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"More than 8,600 migrants cross US and Mexico border in 24hrs. - CNN"

 So sad it's funny as fuck!

Beiden?! The Senate! The House! NSA! CIA! FBI! SEC!...


All them muh fuckahs are fuckin


But fuck it you evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Let US get this evil shit poppin!...

But just an aside,

This evil ill dramatic play's closin act ain't gonnah fare well for y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs at thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 22, 2023

What's With This, Meet "In Person" Bullshit!?

 Muh fuckahs talkin that 'Green House Emissions" bullshit!

But my entitled ass gots tah meet yo muh fuckin entitled ass

In person! Havin tah fly all ovah this 'In Crisis"



Kindah evil shit y'all gottah discuss

"In person" evil muh fuckahs?!


US can't be privy to?!

Y'alls sorry asses evah heard of 'Zoom' some shit?!

Oh! The NSA!? I perfectly overstand!

Cause yah know US 's y'alls sorry ass employUS!



Don't y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs dare raise an evil sorry ass voice tah me!?

You sorry worthless evil ass lowest of thah low ungrateful


Welfare recipients!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What?! They're, "The Good Guys"?!

 evil elite muh fuckahs tryin tah tell US how tah live and shit!?

How tah live?!

When's thah last muh fuckin time yo sorry evil elite ass, had tah clean thah muh fuckin clean toilet you, now, made a mess out of?! Iron your own clothes?! Fix your own meals?! Take care of the evil bastards you've made?!...

But shit!

US don't make evil ass muh fuckin elite


Cause evil ass sorry muh fuckin elite got that money!

"I dare any of you Human Heathens to question



(Peace! More to come...)

"Predictive Programming/The Revelation of the Method - Reese Reports"

 I become more ignorant every single muh fuckin




But don't stop there my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Take that muh fuckin 

Red pill!

Makes all thah muh fuckin difference in this 

Firmament God damnit!...

But shit!?




If not?

Blue is cool!

But soonah than soon,

Then it's 


(Peace! More to come....)

US IN Just Another Asleep State!

 The alarm IN US ringin like ah muh fuckah!

But thah sad thing about that shit is...

Them evil IN State representatives done hit muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

An Influx To Fuck US! II

 I mean it's quite easy tah see thah evil elite shit!

They had lot numbahs when they were tearin muh fuckahs up with this COVID vaccine shit! Based on thah muh fuckin lot number, is based upon thah ill formulation contained within 'em! Given thah lot numbers given tah different societal regions in this firmament! 

Now here's the muh fuckin rub!

This shit is airborne! Once thah various vaccine doses given intermingle societally!?

A lot of 


Are going to 


Fuckin masks!

Or not!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs

Don't give ah fuck!



(Peace! More to come...)

An Influx To Fuck US!

 Started reading my past blogs tryin tah catch ah vibe! Looked on yahoo! Nothin! Looked on MSN! Nothin!...

So, what say you Mister man?!

Shit! I've been peepin this shit!

Think about these native tribes that were horribly muh fuckin decimated by foreign interaction withIN their home!

Bringin shit tah our asses we are not used to! But shit! Our now innumerous dead asses didn't overstand some shit back then? 

This shit is now! 

And them evil elite muh fuckahs exactly know what they are doing with

Stirrin this

US meltin pot!

Now gettin pottier!...

(Peace! More to come....)

All You Want Is Fame? Uhm! Got A Deal For Your Broke Soon To Be Unbroke Ass! III

 I mean God damn look at Ronald Isley! Still wearin them inappropriate stupid ass flamboyant gay ass type of shit and shit! 

Thah fuck niggah!? You do know there is quite ah distended belly one is showin every-muh-fuckin-body?!

And thah shit looks gay as fuck!

"Listen niggah! If you knew how much pussy I have gotten! And still gettin God damnit! I mean fine foxy ladies! You know what I mean? I'm a Great Lover!? All these Hos' know that!"

So...ah muh fuckah gots tah look gay tah get some 


Fuck I'm talkin tah this muh fuckah for?!

His host has long since passed!

"Between the sheets"?!


Bro! Leave that joint thah fuck alone!...

(Peace! More to come...)

All You Want Is Fame? Uhm! Got A Deal For Your Broke Soon To Be Unbroke Ass! II

 I mean look at thah 'Rolling Stones' God damnit?!

Octogenarian on stage singin some sad awhile shit:

"You can start me up!..."

Niggah! Without them blue pills muh fuckah!

Ain't shit gonnah happen with y'alls old pitiful makin ah deal with thah devil

Sorry old shameful muh fuckin asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

All You Want Is Fame? Uhm! Got A Deal For Your Broke Soon To Be Unbroke Ass!

 So they make thah shit look all cool and shit!

"Oh! Wouldn't you want to be a part of us! The filthy rich!"

Muh fuckahs buy intah that evil ass bullshit!

"Are you sure this is what you want, just fame?! We can make that happen! But...I have another contract you must sign once the first is agreed upon."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Eletrical Impulses Bounce Off of The Aether...And Back To US!

 Thah bad thing about this muh fuckah like all thah othah shit US 's witnessin!

US can't trust our eyes!

Nor ears!

But trust those muh fuckin ill ass


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Serially Alive! And The evil ones Are Picking Their Brains!

 We broke muh fuckUS don't get no muh fuckin respect!

God damn!

Shit, look at Bundy, Dahmer, Gacy....

All brought in without incident! Uhm!...

Niggah steal ah muh fuckin bag of "Cheetos"?

"Stop nigger!" Bang!...

And all of them sorry evil ass muh fuckahs are still living!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Project Blue Beam"

 Look at thah muh fuckin shit in Maui!?

And Serge Monast shit?

Lookin at some shit that made it through thah "wildfires" bein combustible painted thah muh fuckin colah blue that suffered minimal or no damage!

Brings ah lil more perception in this muh fuckin evil matrix!

These muh fuckahs gonnah destroy


And while doin thah ill ass shit!

Gonnah blame it on thah projected

Alien invasion!

But shit!

Start paintin thah whole muh fuckin hoUSe

Cobalt blue and shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Fed Did This Dastardly Shit To US!

 "AHIP said in a statement, 

"The new vaccine formulations mark the first time that the COVID vaccines are available without being purchased/distributed by the federal government.""


(Peace! More to come...)

Next Up: Prick "Peter Popoff" Portrays Piousness?

Pimpin Our Father!!!

God damn! 

Thah muh fuckahs name is

Dick Pop Off!

Thah fuck wrong with


And thah evil muh fuckahs

Jizzin in US's 



Can't make this shit up Sonshines!

Fuck no!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Just Say No" To Any Injection! Unless Yo Broke Old Black Ass Is At The Dentist! II

 I'll be shit!

God damn!

Numbing agents in Dentistry!

They could just put thah shit in that shit easily!

I mean fuck, who really reads those six muh fuckin pages and thah last three bein some shit yah got tah sign tah release blah, blah, blah...Sign here! And most of US muh fuckin signs thah fuck 'here'!

And who thah fuck is goin tah go and get a dental procedure done without gettin numbed?! Fuck that shit! Put thah hammer tah it Doc! I don't want tah feel shit! Shit, watch "Marathon Man" with that dentistry shit in it!? Shit! And some of US done had ah muh fuckin toothache! God damn! Them evil muh fuckahs got my ol Black sorry broke ass on that one! But fuck it! I's gives ah fuck! Shoot me muh fuckah!...

God damn they're evil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Just Say No" To Any Injection! Unless Yo Broke Old Black Ass Is At The Dentist!

 "Joanne Epps, President of Temple University, collapsed and died on stage while...!"

Droppin like flies!

Don't take no more of

Any of these othah muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

"Stylo (feat. Mos Def & Bobby Womack) - Gorillaz"

 God damn!



Muh fuckin!


(Peace! More to come...)

Reaching Inside of US! Works Every-Muh-Fuckin-Time!

 Just suggesting some shit?

I mean stretch the fuck out of your arms and hands!

Almost like trying to separate the arms from the body!


Then stretch that shit again 

Times two!



This muh fuckah ain't no thang!...

(Peace! More to come....)

God Damn!? For Real?!

 So I'm pre-testin this thirteen years old muh fuckah!

Asked, "Do you know when the last time you saw your Primary Care Physician?"


'Within the last year?

"Oh yeah!"

'Are you taking any medications that you know of?'

"Oh, no!"

Well I'm writin all this shit tah her responses! Then she asks in bewilderment,

"What are you writing?! I've never seen that before?! Something foreign?"

'I'm sorry. It's called cursive writing. They don't teach that in our public schools any longer. Sorry?!'

And my cursive writing is for


But for some fucked up reason,

Thah muh fuckin doctah can 

Decipher my jacked up cursive muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The COVID evil Vaccines and The COVID evil Vaccine Boosters!

 Them evil muh fuckahs kickin ass and takin muh fuckin


All becaUSe of muh fuckin


I mean?!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come,,,,)


 My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass listens tah this shit!


Burn this

Bitch thah muh fuckin shit


US will be jUSt fine



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"I'll Be Loving You (feat. Imar) - Kraak & Smaak"

 Don't evah put 'Youtube' on auto-play!

A slippery muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come....)

"The Seed - The Roots"

 "...I don't beg/ From some rich man/ And I don't scream and kick/ When his shit don't fall in my hands man/ Cause I know how to steal!..."



Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The CIA/Hollywood Are Just Muh Fuckin evil, Crazy and Muh Fuckin Lazy!

 "Matlock - S8-Ep7"


"Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery"!

What thah fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Fire For You - Cannons" IV

 Is that short kindah Roly Poly muh fuckah sorry ass muh fuckin

Duff Goldman's, from The Food Network, doppelganger or fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Fire For You - Cannons" III

 So I'm watchin thah shit for thah muh fuckin umpteenth time and shit!

Thah Sistahs on skates flowin like ah muh fuckah!

Ain't no thing!


Then they showin this White woman all robotic and shit!

Thah Holy fuck!

Get back tah them flowin groovin Sistahs' skatin


And thah Brothahs tearin that shit up


(Peace! More to come...)

Migratory Necessities In US's Human Minds

 I have memories in snippets!

They formulate! I write them shits!...

But thah weirdest muh fuckin thing starts happenin!

My ol ass broke Black ass memory starts tah


Oh shit!

Where thah fuck am


(Peace! More to come...)

Healthy Bourbon Drop

 2 ounces Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey

2 ounces Aloe Vera Juice

2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

2 ounces Grapefruit Juice

Shake well with crushed ice



And you can thank my ol Black sorry broke ass in thah mornin!

If...US knows what I muh fuckin mean?!

God damn!

Thah oldah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gets!

Thah more muh fuckin difficult thah natural Human



(Peace! More to come...)

Federal Taxes IV

 "Ol ass niggah you just mad yah gottah pay 13-34!"


Yah think?!

And an ol Black sorry broke ass niggah had tah only pay thah muh fuckin "State of

Indiana" two muh fuckin dollahs!

How thah muh fuckin shit that evil shit work?!

Fuckin damn skippy I'm shitty!


(Peace! More to come...)

Federal Taxes? III

 I mean shit! I don't live all ovah


My ol Black ass livin in US Indiana!?

So, why thah fuck should US IN pay thah vig on these othah




I mean US IN can do

Evil all 




(Peace! More 

US's Human Electricity! Well, Shit! It's A Stone Cold Blast!

 He stretched his hands out as far as his mind could go and beyond! Shoulders popping! Elbows doing the same! His hands spreading out over this firmament! Reaching! Reaching!...

Then he saw the sparks form...

(Peace! More to come....)

Thy Must Smote Thine evil Ass Will!



And wring this US evil ass 





Chop the 


(Peace! More to come....)

The End?!

 You know why this shit's so muh fuckin 

Beautiful my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!

BecaUSe US knows!




There shall always be...

A muh fuckin blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

Federal Taxes? II

 Thah only reason US IN has tah pay muh fuckin federal taxes is because:

Thah powers that be US IN don't have thah muh fuckin balls tah tell them sorry fed muh fuckahs:

"We cool! We don't need your evil ass shit!"

And secede this evil fed run 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Better Start Recognizing?

 US knows, 

If US works in an industry that serves thah muh fuckin US homeless, US welfare...shit!

Most of those muh fuckahs don't appreciate shit!

Once US witnesses thah shit? Thah muh fuckin light goes on and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!?

US can't 


Thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Federal Taxes?

 So thah muh fuckin evil fed IRS finally sent me thah vigorish on my shit!

First them evil IRS muh fuckahs sent me some shit sayin,

My ol Black sorry broke ass owes thah sorry ass fed,


Hold thah fuck up! Thee Holy fuck! Who thah fuck taxes y'all evil muh fuckahs lookin at! So my Black ass sent some inquiries! Them evil fed IRS muh fuckahs send my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass ah correction lettah! Now,

My ol Black sorry broke ass owes thah sorry ass fed,

$1,334!? Evil muh fuckahs, this ol broke Black ass muh fuckah ain't got that kind of ends?!

Niggah ain't even beakin thirty G's and shit!

How thah Holy fuck I owe that evil fed ass any muh fuckin thing?!

And these same fed muh fuckahs done sent thah sorry ass non-US-tax-payin muh fuckin

Ukraine more than ninety-nine billion US taxpayin dollahs!

Shit, just throws non-US-tax-payin 

Israel more than three billion dollahs ah muh fuckin year!?

And takin care of all these muh fuckin migrants invadin this muh fuckin US en masse daily?!...

Thee Holy fuck!

And I owe taxes on y'alls evil fed muh fuckahs obvioUSly fuckin up US taxpayin sorry asses money thah fuck up!? Sendin thah shit over-thah-muh-fuckin-seas! Not thah fuck helpin


God damn!

How thah Holy fuck that work?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Propagating? If Your Broke Ass Can't Afford Children? Quit Fuckin! And Start USing Masturbatory Measures If It's That Deep!

 Thah fuck wrong with muh fuckahs inhabitin this muh fuckin firmament?!

God damn!

Keep fuckin and makin lil muh fuckahs!

Muh fuckahs yah broke! Thee Holy fuck!

Do y'all sorry broke asses not see what thah fuck 's goin on!?

And y'all still fuckin makin these lil muh fuckahs???!!!



Tell yah what!...

Quit fuckin!

Or get muh fuckin 

Fixed before yo sorry broke asses


CaUSe none of 

US, who are payin for thah outcome IN hard working state and federal taxes,

Had any of thah muh fuckin ejaculations and muh fuckin orgasms when them lil muh fuckahs y'all produced were muh fuckin conceived!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fiat Money II

 Research thah shit?

Then look into eurozone crisis? Argentina? Cuba? Haiti? Dominican Republic?...

And read, "The Confessions of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins"?...

Shit will wake USs' sorry broke assUS up real thah fuck quick!

Them some evil ass sorry degenerate muh fuckahs!

Cause thah Global World been makin steps!

Them evil muh fuckahs been preparin for US with these third world countries and shit! Seein how US will respond tah that ill ass dastardly shit! All I can tell them worthless evil muh fuckahs:

Them sorry ass countries don't own that serioUS casualty shit US be ownin!

And them evil muh fuckahs steps done led...

That shit! 

Right on

US's doorstep!


Many of US will die IN


But God damnit!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs shall muh fuckin fail and shall muh fuckin righteoUSly


(Peace! More to come...)

Fiat Money

 Muh fuckahs talkin that shit,

"I wannah be stupid rich!"


That rich shit bettah not be in USD's

Muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Fetterman Hoodie

 If I was as butt fuckin ugly as that busted muh fuckah!?

Muh fuckUS!!!

Yeah! Muh fuckah! Covah that butt ugly ass shit thah fuck



Shame before 

Our Father!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come....)

The Trackers and Gatherers: Fed Ties II

 "Pero, mi esposa y mis hiyos?"

'What did he say Pedro?'

'He said, "But , my wife and my children?!"'

'Oh! Like thah millions of others? Tell his ass we'll file a report like all of the rest," The Female Border Patrol Captain said tiredly!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Don't Call It Love - Zero 7 (12" Version)"

 So I had auto-play on and shit!

I was writin some shit, heard thah ubiquitous pause!

Damn, should 've replayed "Swimmers"!

Then all of thah muh fuckin sudden!

My right old ass shoulder jumped up tah thah muh fuckin beat!

Then my left old ass shoulder jumped up tah that muh fuckin bad ass muh fuckin beat!

Now, I'm noddin my head!

Thah fuck?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Preparing For The Inevitable! Before WHO-CA Steps Thah Fuck In!

 Stockpiling supplements for thah coldest winter evah in US history!?

Bet yo bottom US dollahs!

And here we go:

Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

Oil of Oregano





Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin B

Milk Thistle

Hawthorne Berry


Digestive Enzymes of Choice (American Standard 600 tablets)

Vitamin E



Salt (iodized)

Pepper (Piperine/BioPerine) 


Aloe Vera


Beet Powder



Stinging Nettles Root

Ginger Root

Pumpkin Seed Extract






Barberry Bark



Muti-vitamins (If US finds a sale? Sold!)

Probiotics (If tolerated.)

Apple Cider, White, Cane...vinegars...

And plenty of muh fuckin alcohol

God damnit!

And hunker thah fuck down for ah piece!

Fuck food for ah muh fuckin time!

"Well, what about water?!"

That ain't no God damned supplement!

Can't speak on it!

But it's plentiful now God damnit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Muh Fuckin Place Like Home! Unless US's Home Was/Is Fucked Up!

"Oh! In my country!..." Don't give ah fuck! Why thah fuck are y'alls sorry asses here then?! 

I mean God damn! 

Shit! I've been tah varioUS parts of Oklahoma, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri (Misery)!

Been tah New York City, Toronto Ontario-Canada x's three (Beautiful muh fuckin people! For real! Talkin bout ah meltin beautiful Northern US Pot!?), London-Ontario-Canada, Salt Lake City-Utah, Fresno, Las Vegas-Nevada, New Orleans x two, Amarillo-Texas, Clovis-New Mexico...Shit...I think that's it...?! Anyway...

I smile all thah while!

CaUSe no mattah where my young now ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass has been!

There is no place like muh fuckin

Home muh fuckUS!

I'm one of those muh fuckahs that is quite

Copacetic of where I've been raised! And still ain't busted ah muh fuckin move any othah place! US IN is cool! Anyway....

What say 

You of




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Swimmers - Zero 7 (feat. Jem Cooke)" V

Take me!

Don't break me!

A fucked up nonsensical.

Palindrome of home's chrome?

Emoh Emorhc is not thah way tah go jUSt tah US's...

Complicating thah



To and fro 

Bro and evil 


Didn't US know?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Swimmers - Zero 7 (feat. Jem Cooke)" IV

It works everytime I click!

But before that shit!

 I put thah buds in!

Click on thah shit!

Y'alls assUS got me for 4:05?

Thah heavy bass comin intah my right bud!...


Oh, and here we go my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Visit To The Doctor's Office (Thirty-Three Years Old, Tamika ToNiece Tyson (nee, Blight), Recently Awakened US Citizen) Sunday, 02Oct2023 @ 11:53am

 "It looks like you are due for your flu shot," the nurse practitioner suggested.

No, thank you.

"It looks like you are also due for a Shingles vaccine."

No, thank you.

"Well, the booster for your tetanus is important!"

No, thank you.

"Covid and RSV season is upon us! We have the vaccines and boosters for those too."

No, thank you. Are we finished here?

"Yes, Ma'am."

(Peace! More to come...)

The Trackers and Gatherers: Fed Ties

 So US wonderin, "What thah fuck is goin on with these evil ass muh fuckahs lettin all these foreign muh fuckahs in US and shit!?"

Well, they got some evil shit conjured up so they can get their evil meals undercovah!

I mean shit, US muh fuckUS done caught on tah their evil ass shit! thah borders! Fresh meat, Adrenochrome and Children!  And them evil muh fuckahs have muh fuckahs track their appealing future meals and playthings tah gather! I mean, it might be ah slow muh fuckin winter for them evil ass sorry muh fuckahs! Gots tah stockpile for them evil ass muh fuckin needs! Uhm!

Them evil muh fuckahs gonnah sit back and drink bourbon in their cold toasty rooms, looking at thah varioUS Human cages on their innumerous monitors! Pick and choose their Human meals! And pick and choose their Human entertainment!... Thee Holy fuck!? 

God damnit! Thah fuck wrong with them evil muh fuckahs?! Fuck!...

But for US!?

This wintah 's gonnah be 

Cold as fuck for


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Why Are So Many Young Athletic Men Dying? - Microsoft Edge Homepage"

 Didn't even click on it!

Askin some fucked up muh fuckin question like that, so muh fuckahs can click on thah shit and find written more stupid ass excUSes?!

God damn!

Them some evil foul ass degenerate muh fuckahs!

That vaccines killin muh fuckahs! Straight up!

All them muh fuckin athletes had tah get shot(s) in ordah tah

Participate, professional and amateur!


God damn!

Them some evil foul ass degenerate muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

All Woe-Men!

 Barabara Bush; Laura Bush; Lauren Bobert; Michelle Obama; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Marjorie Taylor Green....

Should make real US women,



And fake titties don't make ah muh fuckin male,



(Peace! More to come...)


 In Hebrew means:

To beguile or to betray; to lift....

US has tah 

"Learn! To Relearn!"

(Peace! More to come...)


 What thah Holy fuck really envelopes this flat ass


(Peace! More to come...)

US Sanctuary Cities?

 Them muh fuckahs gettin tore thah fuck up!

Oh, y'all muh fuckahs didn't think them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs wouldn't fuck with y'all


Shiiiought! Get a fuckin clue, God damnit!

Y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs been takin thah hellacioUS, 


All these muh fuckin years! 

Time tah USe all those illegal funds grafted to y'alls sorry asses, "For the greater good!"

Oh?! "There's no money!" You say?


Don't look at our evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs!?

Fuck no!

"Make it evilly work!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Coming Sooner Than Soon! Amen!

 If US have eyes tah 


Ears tah


And are muh fuckin


US bettah start perparin for thah muh fuckin


But shit! Ain't no thang!

We'll be fine 


Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

Coffee City, TexAss (2023) (KHOU-11 'Investigates' Jeremy Rogalsky, Reporting)

Some muh fuckahs finally doin some real "reporting" and shit! Anyway....

 Population: 249

Full-Time Police Officers: 50

Fines Collected: 1,075,000 (per year)

Tickets/Citations: 5,123 (per year)

Chief of Police: John Jay Portillo (Recently terminated)

(See, 'The Rockford Files - Pastoria Prime Pick' S02E11)

Shit 's been goin on for-muh-fuckin-


So...what thah fuck!

God damn Indianapolis!

Get ah muh fuckin clue God damnit!

And muh fuckin Law Enforcement Officials wouldn't even be doin anythin illegal what, thee Holy fuckin terrible lack of fucked up drivin etiquitte, my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 's witnessin! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Y'all Evil Muh Fuckahs Started This Ill Ass Shit!

 Well, I read today there's this mass exodus happennin with thah muh fuckin middle class in New York City! Because of thah hellacious influx of migrants! I read they had this "Law" in place which really isn't ah muh fuckin law that, "Any immigrant shall be entitled to food, to shelter and to healthcare." Okay?! Which means y'all muh fuckahs weren't payin attention tah current world events! Anyway....

But yah witness what them evil muh fuckahs said?! A mass exodus with middle class muh fuckahs!

Not thah muh fuckin evil elite muh fuckahs! Fuck no!

Thah sorry ass evil elite are protected, secured, insulated...from this life's bullshit they have created!... 

But US ain't protected, ain't secured, ain't insulated...Ain't muh fuckin shit!

God damnit!

How thah Holy fuck does that muh fuckin shit work?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Netanyahu?! Et Tu Muh Fuckah!?

 Muh fuckin trial been goin on for some three years some shit! Still ain't finished with that ill ass shit! That muh fuckah be like "I will name, names!" Cracks my ol Black sorry broke ass up! Fuckin snitches that don't get stitches! But they show thah fuck will come up dead though! Anyway.... Them evil muh fuckahs still tryin tah figure out what tah do with that ill ass muh fuckah!? Without offendin thah Zionists Jew tribe! Or for God's sake, "Naming names!"

But God damn!


The Zionist Jews own this US media!?

Why ain't I heard about his on-going criminal trial and shit?!

CaUSe it show nuff reads like that muh fuckah's goin 


(Peace! More to come...)

You Sorry Ass Evil Muh Fuckahs! Y-WHO!

 It's ah muh fuckin Tribal sorry ass muh fuckin thang happenin globally amid thah sorry ass evil elite!

Shit! Them evil muh fuckahs don't give one fuck about 


As long as their sorry ass nothingness of ah 

Tribe can continue to 


(Peace! More to come...)

WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: A Real Niggah Jew!

 Beta-Ethiopian Israelites!

Zionist White Jews won't touch that muh fuckin real

Judaist niggah tribe!

And here this Black muh fuckin real Jew


(Peace! More to come...)

Tribulation Is Upon US! And Our Father Has Jetted! US Is All US's Got!

 Why thah fuck would US hear so muh fuckin much about thah muh fuckin

WHO says shit!?

The World Health Organization! WHO thah fuck left y'alls sorry asses in charge!

But them muh fuckahs gots some ill ass powerful evil juice that's for damn show!

And why thah Holy fuck should US care!?

US is US! Not thah muh fuckin world!

But shit...US are witnessin

Indoctrination tah this

New World Order in 

Real muh fuckin 


Oh, and them evil elite muh fuckahs are comin for


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"They Be Killing me and Y-WHO? - Filthy Fine Lines" @ 0430, Sunday 25August2024 (Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana)


That WHO!

What are we gonnah do?

They, be lookin at you!

Me, baby I know their truths!

Take thah cellphones back to the booths!

US knows its true!

They be killin me and




DR. Stephen Malthouse: A Canadian Trying To Save US?! God damn!

 Watched this interview on Bitchute with this muh fuckin family physician named,

"DR. Stephen Malthouse"! 

That muh fuckah is one of thah few takin that medical ethics bullshit and thah sorry ass medical community tah task!

Any one of US thinkin bout gettin these COVID vaccines and COVID vaccine boosters need tah watch that shit!?

Just ah muh fuckin suggestion is all?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bicycle Industry In US

 Six point nine billion dollah industry annually!

Will make close to 100 million bikes by thah end of this year!

Agenda 2030 et al with its sorry ass "Green Initiatives" and shit!

And every muh fuckin US city gettin these sorry ass muh fuckin

Bike Lanes and shit!

Pretty soon, fuck these gas stations!

They gonnah have 

"Bike Service Stations" along the side thah muh fucin bike lane!

Shit, they'll fix yo muh fuckin flat tire! Or put thah right amount of psi's if yo shit is low! US can stop there for a cup of coffee before gettin back in thah bike lanes for ah casual pleasant ride to work! Pay by CBDC and shit!...Uhm!

Yo ass may get tah work sweaty and funky as ah muh fuckah!

But jUSt remembah,

US sorry assUS didn't leave one carbon footprint!...

Fuck that bullshit!!!

(Peace! More to come...)

More God Damned Irritating Four Letter US Fucked Up Words!

 So if yo broke ass needs tah go anyplace?

Yo sorry muh fuckin ass gonnah have tah eithah



Ride ah muh fuckin 


Shit yah evil elite muh fuckahs

US was doin that shit in thah muh fuckin 

1920's God damnit!

How thah fuck is this shit muh fuckin progress for


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, September 15, 2023

Mark Harmon = Tom Cruise

Modern day 

Cloning is ah muh fuckah!

How did ol Oscar Goldman say on "The Six Million Dollar Man",

"We can make you better than what you are! Better! Stronger! Faster!"

And thah muh fuckin kicker,

More handsome!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Michigan basketball coach has heart surgery...Yahoo news"

Thah muh fuckah 's fifty years old God damnit!

I wondah how thah fuck that used tah be athletic ass could have befallen such ah muh fuckin ill unnatural


(Peace! More to come...)

American Football's Selective Cutting Privileges Only Goes So Far!

 If you've nevah played football!

Undahstand some shit!

Thah worst thing invented in American football was artificial turf!

Ah Natural playin field is thah only way tah go! Thah shit gives! Unless yah playin in freezin or close tah freezin temperatures and shit!

Look at thah MCLs, ACLs. Achilles injuries, turf-toe... and we ain't got time for that concussion shit that's happenin on an alarmin level!

When yo ass is ah quick muh fuckah on these artificial surfaces, it actually nullifies yo quickness!

"Uh! Why?!"

Because on these unnatural surfaces, when yo muh fuckin ass tryin tah break some ankles, instead of puttin 5,000 per square inch of pressure on those cuts, that artificial surface bullshit multiplies it times one point five or two! Then these stupid non-American football playin muh fuckahs wonderin why thah run game isn't as effective as it was in thah muh fuckin past!? Uh, the lack of Natural surfaces! 

Natural surfaces absorb US's energy produced! Unnatural surfaces resist that muh fuckin Human shit; ergo, thah plethora of American Football injuries have arisen! Anyway....

Shit! Yo warmin up ass gonnah check that ill ass shit before gametime! Surface stiff as shit! And I have tah do ah forty-five degree or ah ninety-degree cut?! Ain't gonnah happen today! My ass gonnah keep runnin out of bounds! Unless...shit...yo sorry ass wants ah blown knee, God forbid ah breakage and/or ah muh fuckin blown ankle tah boot!? 

I mean ah flat Human tire for real!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 "Dropped off immigrants demanding food, shelter and water."



God damn!...

That means those evil muh fuckahs had a verbal contract with them misplaced sorry ass muh fuckahs?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lay's Dill Pickle (Salt & Vinegar) Flavored Potato Chips"

 Tasted them shits! They're delicioUS! But of course, I love their Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips!

Shit, this "Dill Pickle" shit is one and thah muh fuckin same! Like their "Frito's Scoops" and their "Tostitos Hearty Dippers"! Same muh fuckin thang! Just thah muh fuckin packagin 's different! Anyway...

Looked at thah ingredients! Ain't "Dill" no place tah be muh fuckin seen!


It's jUSt ah Salt & Vinegar Flavored Lay's Potato Chip, with green packagin and shit! Makin ah dill pickle lovah like myself bein misguided by suggestively advertisin this shit havin ah muh fuckin, "Dill Pickle Flavored"!? Shiiiooought! I'm an ol Black sorry broke ass dill eatin and lovin dill pickle muh fuckah, muh fuckahs!

No muh fuckahs!

Ain't no dill no muh fuckin place! I'm ah dill pickle muh fuckin tastin mastah muh fuckahs! Fuck that dill advertised shit! Cause there ain't one sprig of dill in that flavoring! Not fuckin one!..

Salt & Vinegar?! 

Fuck yes!

But that ain't what y'alls sorry asses advertisin for this shit tah be!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Mandela Effect Is Still An US Ill Affect

Yeah! That muh fuckin Nelson Mandela died in muh fuckin prison in thah 1980's and shit!

His clone! 2013! Shit, US witness that shit on ol' Rodham?! Makes US think? Anyway... 

My fuckin God!

Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines!

Fuck no!

Do US not see what evil sorry ass Beiden et al are doin?!

"...In earth, as it is in heaven..." them evil muh fuckahs done even changed that shit!

"...In earth, as it is in hell..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Give These RighteoUSly Armed US White Folks A Reason To Utilize Their US Proud Shit! II

CaUSe that's what them evil muh fuckahs want from US!


Then shit, they bring in thah US military, then NATO, then UN!...


Welcome to this New

Global World 

Muh fuckUS!

So glad you could finally join us!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Give These RighteoUSly Armed US White Folks A Reason To Utilize Their US Proud Shit!

 Them evil muh fuckahs can do this shit! But let me tell yah about some real hardcore shit?!

US White Americans, with all that military grade artillery! Them muh fuckUS will only take so much!

Until they've had enough! Set up camp around thah bordah! Ships, planes, trains, buses...start arrivin?!

It's immigrant poppin time at three hundred or more yards! 

Droppin like immigrant flies!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck Y'all evil Muh Fuckahs Doing?!

 Have yah witnessed thah shit goin on thah bordah in Cali?! I mean US bordah patrol just lettin muh fuckahs in like, "Welcome to the US!" type of shit!

God damn US!

Them evil degenerates really tryin hard tah implode. 


Fuck that!

US still got ah lil time left my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

But just ah lil!

Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

RFID Is Reality! And A Lot of US Meek Are Going To Die! II

All of US can tell thah muh fuckin future! Shit! Just look behind US! Take notice! And learn? Anyway....

I mean they're offering these multi-generational welfare recipients' true freedom!

And guess what?


They got chipped! Took all them fucked up vaccinations!

And were dead within three weeks!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RFID Is Reality! And A Lot of US Meek Are Going To Die!

 I mean serioUSly!

What thah fuck is ah broke ass muh fuckah gonnah say when thah muh fuckin fed states:

"If you are not chipped and are not up to date on all previous, current and future vaccinations! You cannot receive any public assistance!"?

I mean,

What thah fuck is yo three, four...welfare generational recipients gonnah


(Peace! More to come...)

US Idle Time Muh Fuckahs?! Pas De Probleme!

 Watch these muh fuckahs actin ill as shit ridin on thah hood and on thah top of a muh fuckin vehicle!

Muh fuckahs near street cornahs drinkin all convivial and shit at eight o'clock in thah muh fuckin mornin! And them same niggUS not undahstandin why White muh fuckahs can't stand 'em?! Hide that ill ass shit niggUS! God damn! "Fuck that shit! I be me muh fuckahs!" Uhm! Anyway... Lookin at US goin tah muh fuckin work like, "What y'all sorry asses lookin at!?" You! You non-productive waste of life muh fuckahs! Fucking You! God damn!

There is some shit that's for real called being ah muh fuckin: functioning alcoholic! Got tah control that shit! But fuck it! I'm gettin that fed crazy check! Uhm! Anyway...

Y'all muh fuckahs need tah get tah muh fuckin


Or y'all broke sorry muh fuckin asses jUSt takin up

Human fuckin


And need tah be murdered!...

(Peace! More to come...)

2030: The Future For US

 All US sorry assUS has tah do is weathah this evil ass storm my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

If any of US are still witnessin in thine year of


Them evil elite muh fuckahs done got murdered!

Genesis has begun!

Or them evil elite muh fuckahs are about tah be



Pushing back


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck It! The Rapture Is Gone! And Tribulation Is Upon US! Time For The Gnashing of Teeth!?

 US are some fascinating fucked up muh fuckUS!


Look at US's shit and US can't help but muh fuckin


I mean God damn! Y'all still kickin rocks?! And some muh fuckin body round that muh fuckin cornah bout tah run that clueless ass ovah!...

(Peace! More to come!...)

Foreign Broke Muh Fuckahs Can't Get Over IN US By Their Own Broke Ass Means!

It kills my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass that: White people for some sorry ass reason, thinks niggUS done got their own shipping vessels, buses, airplanes and shit, with their rich sorry asses, and came thah fuck ovah here in US!? With no muh fuckin ends tah speak of?! How thah fuck that work?!

"Oow! We get by with a little help with Beidens! Oh, we're going to be fine with my Beidens!"...

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil Sorry Ass fed!

 How thah fuck can "The Impossible"!

Now be

"The Possible"!?

Excuse me? Doesn't "im" mean "not"!


But it's the impossible!?

"Now your old Black sorry broke ass is looking at semantics!


(Peace! More to come....)

No Frills Grapefruit Bourbon Drink

 In chilled 5.5ounce highball glass add:

1 ounce of Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey

2 ounces of Grapefruit juice

Add crushed ice to almost rim

Gently stir.


(Peace! More to come...)

"I Got That Shit! - Filthy Fine Lines" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, IN SUN25August2024 @ 0420


I got that THC-A!

What you say 


I got that HHC! 

What you say


You can smoke for free!

What you say 


I got that shit!...

Bananas Are Fucking Weird As Fuck!

 Got ah lot of health benefits! "The perfect food" some argue!

Shit! Do I like bananas? Not really!

Do I love thah taste of bananas?

Fuck yes!

I can only eat one at one snackin! 

When I've tried ah second one,

I start thinkin about thah textures goin on:

Soft, kind of milky, catchin some slime goin on...then, that gag reflex goin on and shit, I swallow and think:

God damnit! Did I jUSt ingest congealed nasty ass muh fuckin sperm!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Seroquel V

 After which; 

It started three days later on an early 0330 Saturday morning,

I experienced what he meant!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just...God Damn!

 It amazes me tah see broke ass muh fuckahs havin children times two or more!

But them broke assUS loves them some fuckin! Talkin bout some hardcore ill ass "Misery loves company" bullshit! God damn!

Thah Holy fuck!

What? Thah more children yo broke ass has thah more that's gonnah help y'alls barely hangin on sorry asses?! Then sorry broke ass muh fuckahs wannah talk that shit, "My legacy"!? 


Niggahs yah broke! God fuckin damn! Kindah counterintuitive shit is that fucked up rationale!?


Well, unless yah havin all those lil muh fuckahs, yo muh fuckin asses can't provide for, tah 

Slave 'em


(Peace! More to come...)

Eric Adams & Barack Obama! Uhm!

 Talkin bout two sad ass muh fuckin ill niggahs!

God damn!

Niggahs gettin intah some White muh fuckin mess!?

How thah fuck y'alls black asses think that 's goin tah work out for y'alls sorry muh fuckin asses!?

Shit I mean look at Colin Powell's Black dead ass!?

Them evil muh fuckahs USed thah fuck out of 'im!

Shot him full of that COVID vaccine shit!

Now, his black ass jUSt anothah dead sorry ill...muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

"Crabbie's - Strawberry & Lime Alcoholic Ginger Beer"

 Get them 4-Pack bottles chilled nicely, of course with ah frosted 

Pint Glass!

Two frosty quads latah won't be no thing!

And of course:

"Ginger influences a gut healthy biome!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Seroquel IV

 I haven't bailed on thah Chauncey story and shit! Just an aside some shit! This shit made me overstand thah power of pharmaceuticals! I do some intake/pretest shit sometimes! Ask muh fuckahs about medications? Them muh fuckahs got Chauncey's list of prescriptions! Like for real! 

Ain't no fuckin way that muh fuckin shit 's


(Peace! More to come...)

What Cide Is US On?!

 I mean these evil muh fuckahs pushin: homicide, suicide, genocide, patricide, feticide...

God damn! You clueless evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

From Genesis to Revelation to Genesis...! Muh fuckin evil absurd stupid ass 



Y'all evil supersilly muh fuckahs really want tah take 


Back through that muh fuckin painful shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Seroquel III

 Yeah man!

"Hey! You want a beer?!"

Ten o'clock in thah mornin? 

'Does ah monkey eat red peppers?!'

He laughed at that! 

"Stroh's it is!"...

I miss him!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I'm writin, titling this drug so I can get back to this story later. After


(Peace! More to come...)

US Inheritance

 Do I know every-muh-fuckin-thing!



And will nevah!

Our Heavenly Father!

US jUSt gots tah stay with thah meek!


US is sho nuff

Gonnah get muh fuckin


Aftah their evil lil shit is


(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't know why thah shit popped intah my head jUSt now, but here it go!

I was watchin this shit on Food Paradise one time! I know! It's fucked up! I watch that cookin eatin shit! Fascinates thah fuck out of my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass for some fucked up reason! Anyway...

Thah muh fuckahs been usin some of thah same muh fuckin "aging cooking grease" since muh fuckin 1912 some shit! Strain thah shit and kept it movin up until now!?

That's some heated up sludge yah fryin them burgers in!

God damn!

How thah Holy fuck ain't no Tennessee Department of Public Health ain't shut this shit down! Or fuck it! OSHA!

And thah muh fuckin shit is named

"Dyer's Burgers"! Can't make that one up my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Noooo! Does US realize how many trans fuckin fats in that sludgy fryin liquid?! God damn!...

And muh fuckahs still patronizin that fatal prophetic burger choice!

I mean seriously?

US gonnah pay market price for ah hundred years old muh fuckin prostitute tah eat her pussy?!

Kindah fucked up shit is that muh fuckin shit about?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Seroquel II

 I told him,

Man you know I'm not like that. I ain't gonnah take shit! So how many are you going to gift to me?

"Meredith! You would have done fine in the Oklahoma State penitentiary! Cause you have never asked for shit! And you have never taken shit! Oh, you'd be all right! But here." He found an empty Marlboro Lights empty cigarette box on his desk. Flipped up the top. Poured maybe thirty pills into the cigarette hard pack. Flipped it closed. "Man. Listen? Remember what I said?"...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Back in thah day! My brothah Chauncey (Deceased) would get this shit because of his PTSD! He was in 'Nam! Fucked up like thah majority of that evil ass shit! Anyway...

They gave him all this shit tah try! One of 'em bein the blog title! Well, we were talkin one time and he said, "Look at this shit Meredith? I ain't takin all that shit! Fuck that!" I looked at ten maybe fifteen prescriptions on his dresser! "And most of them will put your ass out! I mean for like eighteen hours straight and shit!"

Eighteen Hours?! Come on Chauncey?

"Okay?!" He came over tah thah top of thah dresser and looked for ah second and said, "There it go!"

"Take as many as you want! But don't your ass dare take more than one in ah muh fuckin twenty-four hour period! In my opinion, if you are going to take the shit! Take half or a quarter! That'll probably only knock yo ass out for about eight hours! Take all of that hundred milligram tablet! You'll see what I mean?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Story Time

 Have I evah told yah how much I hate workin now! I mean I hated workin before! But shit not like now! Don't know what thah fuck is wrong with muh fuckUS! Anyway. I'll get tah that!

If I haven't told yah, oh, I'm sorry? My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass just babblin on and shit! 


Do you have ah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 What do you see for US future young man?!

"Shit Bro I jUSt live day by day! Grindin it out! Makin that hustle change! Yah feel me?! I mean! Fuck it!"

God damn?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Come On Now?!

 Pitch the yeast 

And feast in the 




What ah muh fuckin MANmade



Pile upon 




If we are still of 




US gots tah get muh fuckin 




Dirty evil sorry ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Swimmers - Zero 7 (feat. Jem Cooke)" III



Muh fuckin ethereal muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)


 "Maybe I should cry for help?! Maybe I should kill myself!? Blame it on my ADD baby/ Maybe I'm a different breed/ Maybe I'm not listening/ So blame it on my ADD baby...Sail...."


RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"When The Cat 's Away"

 When my wife goes on vacation, girls daytrip...whatevah thah fuck!

I go on muh fuckin vacation  or whatevah thah fuck aussi! 

Unbeknownst tah her of course!

Shit! I love thah muh fuckin crib! And!

US read that shit? 


Fuck that "Spousal Honey Do List" shit while my lovin ass is gone!

I do nothing! But piss, fart, shit, drink beer and belch!

"What about eating?"

Shit! When I can fit it in God damnit! On such ah busy muh fuckin tight ass schedule!?

"Well what about your daughter!? You still see her?"

Every muh fuckin second of every muh fuckin day in my mind's eye! I'm ah non-custodial Black broke ass muh fuckin non-custodial parent! Thah Holy fuck! 

If she was here on that "Parenting Guidelines" muh fuckin bullshit! Shit! I wouldn't drink as much! Worry as much!...CaUSe yo sorry non-custodial ass witnessin thah muh fuckin truth!... Human emotional pain is ah muh fuckah!

"Well that's jUSt an excuse to keep drinking!"

Perhaps!?But my ass was ah sorry ass worrier before! And drinkin! Thee Holy fuck!... But, is US asses feelin that shit?! If not?! Then my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass shall have tah write: 

Whatevah gets US by! Anyway...

And, of course, I write on this shit!...

For thah rest of my short days in this muh fuckah!

I don't have tah witness anothah muh fuckin country, state, city, historical landmark...!








Fuck it!

Make do! my

Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

This ill shit gets much bettah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"CDC: All Americans 6 months and up should get new COVID booster. - Yahoo news"

 My sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass

Still laughin at that evil ill ass absurd shit!

But 6 months old?! Muh fuckahs?! God damn! They tryin tah kill US muh fuckin children

Too! Them evil muh fuckahs don't give ah fuck!

Muh fuckahs are just some evil sorry ass muh fuckahs! That need tah fuckin die!

Within thah next six-sixty minutes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Story of Jericho

 "Who were our first Ant Sisters?!"

Ant Sisters?

"Yes. In history class they asked us to ask about our Ant Sisters!"

Oh, yeah! Ancestors!


The first. Young Lady, was a woman named:


(Peace! More to come....)

"Prime Time"

 I absolutely muh fuckin love 

"The Transfer Portal"!

Have Y'all noticed what has happened tah Clemson, Alabama et al...?!

Shit when ol Stupid muh fuckin Dabo fucked ovah Kelly Bryant and put White ass Trevor Lawrence as starter, ol Dabo fucked thah fuck up!

When ol Saban put ol Tua in tah start ovah Hurts! Ol Saban fucked thah fuck up! Does Tua drop muh fuckin dimes?! Fuck yes! But shit! That ain't what your, lyin I USed tah think tellin thah truth muh fuckin ass said! Yo ass said, "Be patient! Wait your turn!"

I waited my turn muh fuckah! And jUSt got my sorry, believin in yo sorry ol, ass


US gots tah appreciate thah wondroUS college football world these young muh fuckahs doth experience!

When ah team can go three deep in every position and still contend for ah national title, somethins muh fuckin wrong! Yah got muh fuckahs two three deep in every muh fuckin position on Clemson's, Alabama's...teams! And each one of those benchwarmers would be starting for any othah D1 school they decided tah go to! Othah than this muh fuckah! Can't be housin this US college football talents! If yah can't USe them! Yah gonnah lose them...Now!

Yah see! Them sorry ass muh fuckahs would tell them thah truth back in thah day,

"Wait your turn! This is the greatest football team to ever play for! Just be patient! And wait your turn!"

Then thah muh fuckin boosters were like,

"Fuck that shit! We want Trevor! We want Tua!..."

So thah sorry ass muh fuckin coaches lied tah these young impressionable men!


Wait my turn! My ol ass wrinkly Black ass nuts!...


The fun started in college football!

Oh, yes!


My niggah!

"Must be the money" muh fuckah!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Treme - 2010" And US Propaganda Is A Mother...!

 I watched this shit on HBO awhile back!

Why my ol Black sorry broke ass thinkin about it now?!


CaUSe that's how US fucked up minds work! Anyway...

Aftah awhile thah shit started gettin kind of sugar coated and shit! And I stopped watchin thah muh fuckin shit! Eventually they cancelled thah muh fuckah!


CaUSe at ah muh fuckin certain point, that shit got ah lil too muh fuckin


I mean shit! Them evil muh fuckahs wants tah tell some shit! But not all their evil ass shit!...

They scaled back on some righteoUS truthful shit! Aftah that! Then no thing!...

And what ah muh fuckin surprise?!

Thah muh fuckin shit went tah...well...


(Peace! More to come....)

9-11 And The Towers!

 Of course it was ah muh fuckin fed demolition of those shits!

But shit,

I done read and saw ah bunch of shit!

Ain't no muh fuckah done said really,


From thah evil horses' mouths!

US jUSt specualtin for


Shit! Get Soros and waterboard that ol ass sorry evil muh fuckah!

Guaran-fuckin-teed he'll talk!

Snitch on alll these ill ass evil elite degenerate muh fuckahs!

CaUSe Soros damn sure knows,

Certain ill ass Human tortures fuckin

Humanly work!


He's ah muh fuckin alien!

God damnit!

Fuck it!

Couper la tete!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Star of The County Down - Bela Fleck And The Flecktones" III

It builds! It builds! Then... 

Yah see here, I listen tah thah shit!

And here is thah way I hear thah shit that makes thah shit beautiful tah me! Thah first part is thah evil! Thah second part is thah good gettin in that evil ass!...

That muh fuckin evil ass muh fuckahs tryin tah convince this entire firmament that this here is thah best for US!

Then that banjo starts pluckin and harmonica, high-pitching! Screamin at them muh fuckahs!Tellin them evil asses off! God damn! Y'all sorry ill asses are fuckin fucked up! Thah fuck wrong with y'all evil muh fuckahs!? Y'all fuckin wrong as two left shoes muh fuckahs! Fuck naw you evil muh fuckahs! Sound as good as yah want in your bobbin head evil melodic tunes! 

But this is thah real fuckin deal righteoUS sound for US! Like it thah fuck or not!

Now choose!?

Muh fuckUS!...

God damn!



Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

"Avenue - Paul Taylor" III

 I listen tah this shit!

I start shufflin with my ol ass legs!

Glidin tah thah muh fuckin shit!


Fuck that!

My ol Black sorry broke ass ain't gonnah need anothah hip becaUSe of my old Black sorry broke ass stupidity!

Fuck that!

I stay my ol Black broke ass on thah ground!

Glidin tah this




(Peace! More to come...)

"Get By - Talib Kweli" III

 "Even when the condition is critical/ When the livin's miserable/ Your position is pivotal, I ain't bullshittin' you/ Now, why would I lie just to get by..."

Come ohn nah?!



Muh fuckin


If? I must say so my God damned ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Fuck It!" : Alas, My Broke Sorry Old Ass Gots Tah Go Tah Work!

 Thah muh fuckin days doth not begin!

Until US sorry broke assUS succumbs tah that ill ass truthful

"Amen" type of Human muh fuckin beautiful shit!

Tah start thah sorry ass innumeroUS

Work sorry muh fuckin fucked up



(Peace! More to come...)

"On Writing - Stephen King" III

 I've always loved tah write! But I'd read thah shit and be like,

"That shit don't scan tah thah muh fuckin populoUS! You should be ashamed of writin some shit like that!" Tear thah muh fuckin shit up! Yes, tore it thah fuck up! Cause muh fuckUS we had pen, pencil and muh fuckin paper! Or ah muh fuckin typewriter! And back in thah day ah muh fuckah was an ill ass typin muh fuckah! I mean shit! I'm close tah sixty! I mean shit, I guess yo sorry broke ass could have USed ah muh fuckin tape recorder! But that's not thah same muh fuckin thing as written thoughts! I would deduce?! Anyway....

Then I read this shit! 

By thah muh fuckin

King of Human thoughts!



Been cured ever since!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Junctures of Thought

 There are!

I can write some shit! And dependin on how I end thah sentence/thought, and dependin on how thah muh fuckah flows tah this voice that 's been with me all of my life, that juncture will stay open until I say,

"Closed! Until Further Notice!"...

(Peace! More to come....)

Fuck Driving!? But Shit...With This Green Initiative Shit... Well I'll Be God Damned!...Maybe That's The Muh Fuckin Rub!

 I hate muh fuckin drivin now!

God damnit!

Muh fuckUS!


Thah Holy fuck!

Muh fuckahs be drivin fuckin nuts yo!

Buggin like ah muh fuckah!

Where is thah muh fuckin ISPD?! God damnit!

The IMPD! God damnit!

Muh fuckin Sheriffs and shit?! 

God damn!?

If they don't stop this ill ass drivin thah fuck soon!

Shit! There's gonnah be ah shitload of US IN that's gonnah fuckin die on these supposedly patrolled Indiana highways and byways!

And ah horrible winter in US IN is about tah muh fuckin arrive?!

God damn!

Y'all just some evil ass sorry ass muh fuckahs! You sorry degenerate muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beiden Is The Same As Sandusky!

 Beiden, that ol ass muh fuckin pedophile muh fuckah! Unlike ol Sandy, ain't spent one second where his sorry degenerate evil ass belongs, behind bars! Or shit! Even bettah, his old ass ugly fucked up wrinkly fuckin neck, in thah muh fuckin guillotine! Couper la tete! Ain't that thah way thah french says that mered?! Anyway....

Ain't no more readin needs tah be fuckin done!

Aftah awhile yo sorry broke ass jUSt starts realizin thah shit is true!

Beiden ain't muh fuckin shit!

Nor was Obama, pedophile!

The fuckin Bush's, pedophiles! Clintons' pedophiles!...

All them muh fuckahs need tah go tah prison or

Get Murdered!


And exclamation!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Humans Were Not Created To Be Isolated

 Muh fuckahs wannnah talk all that muh fuckin bullshit about livin around nature! Not being around people any longah!

I undahstand!

But when yo sorry without people and without US heathcare resources, havin assUS start gettin intah trouble!?

Let's see how that muh fuckin heart attack gonnah go with, yo livin off thah muh fuckin grid at least three hours helicopter emergency assisted sorry indignant muh fuckin assUS!

CaUSe when them muh fuckahs hit that sorry ass with that first close tah emergency helicopter medical bill of $60,000 yo muh fuckin medical insurance eats ah muh fuckin third! But oh! US assUS will move closah tah medical emergency services subsequently!


US sorry assUS show nuff gonnah have medical insurance no fuckin mo!

Them evil muh fuckahs are goin tah cancel that sick broke sorry muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

US Compartmentalization Simplified In US Life

 So you take a block of memory!

Whatevah thah block yo sorry ass tryin tah make neat and house! Anyway....

For example:

"I need to get some gas before tomorrow's workday!"

The process goes thusly:

Don't need that thought right now! And push that shit tah thah muh fuckin fringes!

Got that shit squared away!

Bills are due!

Push that shit tah thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Real Human US Truth of US Matters

 US can find thah muh fuckin answahs in US's muh fuckin minds!

Them muh fuckahs do still work!

I would Our Fatherly hope!

If thah muh fuckin shit don't make muh fuckin 

Human sense!


It's all muh fuckin

Humanly senseless!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mila & Ashton" Major Fuck Up! Cosigning For A Rapist!

 "We are aware of the pain that has been caused by the character letters that we wrote on behalf of Danny Masterson...."

I laughed my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass off!

They don't give ah shit!

"Well! That's Hollywood!" Muh fuckahs!

'But really Mil? How do you think we did?' Ashton asked after the video recording.

'We killed it! Script on point! Don't worry! Let's go fuck!!" Mila said.

'Shit! Okay!" Ashton acquiesced!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Got To Do Some MurderoUS RighteoUS Shit On US Own!

 I love Trump!

But I ain't caught up with that ill ass shit! Muh fuckahs ain't gonnah tell me that muh fuckah ain't ill! Are thah democrats illah?! Damn skippy!

Muh fuckahs on Trump's team tryin tah act like shit didn't happen! Shit niggah! Were thah photos with you and Epstein true?! Or did they masterfully photoshop some shit?! And I don't give ah fuck what anothah muh fuckah tells me! That muh fuckah ran in thah same muh fuckin evil elite rich circles! And thah evil sorry ass evil rich circles knew what that ill sorry ass Epstein muh fuckin ass was about! And them muh fuckahs didn't take no picture with 'im!?...God damn!

What thah fuck is this ol Black ass broke muh fuckin ass missin!

And what

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

IN US Chicago, Illinois II

When I converse with niggahs from "Chi", them muh fuckahs say

"Oh! It's bad niggah!"

Talk tah White muh fuckahs from thah same US city,

"Oh! I love Chicago! My job just moved me here in Indianapolis! As soon ass I can I'll be moving back Home. I love Chicago!"

God damn!

Somebody's lyin!

Or somebody's tellin thah muh fuckin truth!?


Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

IN US Chicago, Illinois

 Shit! Them evil muh fuckah's plannin that demise!

But shit! The shit ain't that muh fuckin bad! They can kiss my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass with that foolishness!

My ol Black sorry broke ass still seein White Christians and White Jews complainin, livin in that muh fuckah!

Commerce and shit still goin on and shit!

State and city government corrupt as evah! But still kickin muh fuckin rocks!...

Thee Holy fuck!

Ain't no muh fuckin way! If thah shit got that muh fuckin bad,

Ah White Christian or ah muh fuckin White Jew gonnah live within sixty-six miles of that supposedly ill ass muh fuckin niggah chaos!?

But there them "pitiful" White muh fuckahs still


(Peace! More to come...)

TexAss Governor - Greg Abbott! And Fuck TexAss! III

 Yo ass can't be ah muh fuckin border state talkin that ill ass shit:


Thee Holy fuck muh fuckUS!?

Y'alls assUS on thah muh fuckin borders!

Which means thah exterior of this muh fuckah!

Not insulated inside thah muh fuckah, 

Like Indiana that is goin tah secede successfully soon! If we can kill thah fed titty! And I'm fuckin damn show, all of US loves some good titty! But like Dave Chappelle said in that Rick James skit, "The milk's gone bad!" Anyway...

Fuck no!

Y'all muh fuckahs on thah muh fuckin fringes!

And on thah muh fuckin fringes!

Y'alls sorry muh fuckin secession ex-US-TexAss US are 

Susceptible as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

TexAss Governor - Greg Abbott! And Fuck TexAss! II

 I don't appreciate muh fuckahs with dual citizenship!

What did it say Biblically in Revelations 3:16:

"So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth."


Them Texans are some US lukewarm muh fuckahs with 

Dual muh fuckin citizenship!

Thee Holy fuck!

Fuck that shit!

And I demand my part of all federal taxes I have paid intah US that is/has been sent tah Texas fraudulently apart of US, back to me and every single one of US federal taxpaying US citizens immediately!...

(Peace! More to come...)

TexAss Governor - Greg Abbott! And Fuck TexAss!

Have US evah met muh fuckahs that were born and raised in Texas? Them ill muh fuckahs act like Brits and shit with that muh fuckin arrogance! 

"I love TexAss!"

Then why thah fuck is yo TexAss lovin ass in Indianapolis muh fuckUS! And my sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass ain't evah busted ah move tah anothah state tah live for muh fuckin shit!

Thah fuck this ol Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass missin?! 

And, why are all Governors ugly as fuck!? Oh, shit! That's right! They're evil elite muh fuckin sorry ass minions! Anyway...

They sent thirteen more buses tah Los Angeles filled with migrants!? Thirteen is what the press caught them muh fuckahs sendin! Probably close tah sixty-six!

Now I sho thah fuck ain't mad at ol sorry ugly Abbott!


Do y'all know they call this muh fuckah 

President of The Republic of Texas?!

Oh, it gets bettah!

And in TexASS, it is courtesy tah call the muh fuckah

His Excellency!!!???

In this muh fuckin


Yeah! Give that muh fuckin state back tah muh fuckin


And they don't evah have tah bus one more muh fuckin migrant any place fuckin else, in this US cause them muh fuckahs would already be home!

Fuck yes, let them backwards muh fuckahs secede from US! Cause, they ain't evah did ah God damned thing for US nor want tah be a part of US! Them non-fed and non-US states backed muh fuckahs be overtaken within six muh fuckin months by foreign interests! Shit a lot of those foreign interests muh fuckahs ovah half-way tah that goal and shit in that bitch! 

Shit! Texans, now, beatin on thah muh fuckin US's border wall talkin that shit, "But I am an American!" 

Fuck no!

Yo sorry ass chose tah stay ah muh fuckin sorry ass, bout tah be fucked hard, 


Fuck 'em!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

"Daniel Masterson" So, Dan (Mastery of defense)-I-El (God) Peter (Dick) Master's-Son!? Thee Holy Fuck!

 He got convicted of rape times two!

And I'll be God damned!

His middle name is


US can't make this Hollywood bull-absurd-muh-fuckin-shit up my

Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Ain't no muh fuckin way!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)