Thursday, September 28, 2023

US Comparable Aging Categories

 I look at old muh fuckahs like my age, give or take five years, all thah God damned time thinkin,

'The fuck muh fuckah! Yo ass is my age!?' 

And not in ah good muh fuckin way!

No fuckin way!

US wannah feel at peace with US old ass selves!?

Quit thah fuck lookin at thah twenty-five years old You!

Look in thah mirror! Yeah that's my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Ain't evah gonnah look thah same as when my fit self was twenty-five! Fuck it! Anyway...

And start lookin around at sixtyish


Ain't nothin nice!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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