Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"GFJ - Sun King"

Ain't nothin like ah cold ass beer! I gives ah fuck! 

Muh fuckahs talkin bout skunky beer and shit!

What?! Y'all beer drinkin snobs! Them muh fuckahs makin that shit overseas and shit! Droppin that shit tah ah liquor store near US, where US sorry broke ass can semi-affordably buy it! God damnit! Appreciate some shit!? Ain't evah tasted ah skunky beer! Don't know what them muh fuckahs yappin about! Unless y'alls asses goin tah thah breweries around this firmament, tah drink that shit, drink thah 'swill'! God damn! Them muh fuckin breweries tryin like ah muh fuckah tah bring US that True fresh taste! Anyway.... 

The best shit is fresh beer!

Shit, buy a sixteen ounce tall-boy quad to-go at Sun King Brewery of Grapefruit Jungle!? Fuckin delicioUS! But shit! Drink that shit at thah brewery!? Without all that cannin and packagin shit! Yo sorry ass finally tastin what that muh fuckah 's s'posed tah refreshingly deliciously satisfyingly taste like! And will bang that muh fuckin head propahly! Just ah suggestion, drink two you'll be propahly anesthetized! But three of GFJs? Will set yo ol Black sorry broke ass free at thah brewery!

"Well, what do they have to eat?"

Eat? That will bring yo shit down times ten!

Fuck it! Uber, Lyft...and yo righteoUSly hazy ass shall enjoy the ride 


With thah backdrop of IN US fall muh fuckin colah changin scenery!...

God damn!

Makes my ol Black sorry broke ass smile every muh fuckin time!

I do thah shit about once every three months!

"I thought you said thah shit was ill as fuck!"

Yeah! But this ol niggah's broke!

Them joints hit that pocket at seven dollahs ah pop!

If, takin my suggestion, that's twenty-one muh fuckin dollahs, for three sixteen-ounce beers! Plus tip? Us talkin twenty-five and some change some shit! That's an hours pay and then some! Y'all muh fuckUS know what US puts up with for an hour's worth of pay! Shit! Fuck!...

Ergo, once every three months!

If US is ah beer lover?

And loves kindah hoppy shit!?

That shit is thah muh fuckin 

Crack, of muh fuckin 


But I'm ah functionin crack beer lovin muh fuckah like that!

I mean hit that shit when thah muh fuckin money 's right!

Fuck that shit, when thah muh fuckin money's tight!...

Whatevah gets US 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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