Monday, September 11, 2023

"Prime Time"

 I absolutely muh fuckin love 

"The Transfer Portal"!

Have Y'all noticed what has happened tah Clemson, Alabama et al...?!

Shit when ol Stupid muh fuckin Dabo fucked ovah Kelly Bryant and put White ass Trevor Lawrence as starter, ol Dabo fucked thah fuck up!

When ol Saban put ol Tua in tah start ovah Hurts! Ol Saban fucked thah fuck up! Does Tua drop muh fuckin dimes?! Fuck yes! But shit! That ain't what your, lyin I USed tah think tellin thah truth muh fuckin ass said! Yo ass said, "Be patient! Wait your turn!"

I waited my turn muh fuckah! And jUSt got my sorry, believin in yo sorry ol, ass


US gots tah appreciate thah wondroUS college football world these young muh fuckahs doth experience!

When ah team can go three deep in every position and still contend for ah national title, somethins muh fuckin wrong! Yah got muh fuckahs two three deep in every muh fuckin position on Clemson's, Alabama's...teams! And each one of those benchwarmers would be starting for any othah D1 school they decided tah go to! Othah than this muh fuckah! Can't be housin this US college football talents! If yah can't USe them! Yah gonnah lose them...Now!

Yah see! Them sorry ass muh fuckahs would tell them thah truth back in thah day,

"Wait your turn! This is the greatest football team to ever play for! Just be patient! And wait your turn!"

Then thah muh fuckin boosters were like,

"Fuck that shit! We want Trevor! We want Tua!..."

So thah sorry ass muh fuckin coaches lied tah these young impressionable men!


Wait my turn! My ol ass wrinkly Black ass nuts!...


The fun started in college football!

Oh, yes!


My niggah!

"Must be the money" muh fuckah!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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