Sunday, September 17, 2023

Coffee City, TexAss (2023) (KHOU-11 'Investigates' Jeremy Rogalsky, Reporting)

Some muh fuckahs finally doin some real "reporting" and shit! Anyway....

 Population: 249

Full-Time Police Officers: 50

Fines Collected: 1,075,000 (per year)

Tickets/Citations: 5,123 (per year)

Chief of Police: John Jay Portillo (Recently terminated)

(See, 'The Rockford Files - Pastoria Prime Pick' S02E11)

Shit 's been goin on for-muh-fuckin-


So...what thah fuck!

God damn Indianapolis!

Get ah muh fuckin clue God damnit!

And muh fuckin Law Enforcement Officials wouldn't even be doin anythin illegal what, thee Holy fuckin terrible lack of fucked up drivin etiquitte, my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 's witnessin! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

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