Saturday, October 5, 2024

Migrant US Homes?

 Muh fuckahs, US transplants, havin all types of Daddies and shit!

But, dreamin of another Momma's 

Home and shit!

I mean, shit!

You fucking sorry ass bastard


Your muh fuckin 

"Home" is thah muh fuckin country yo broke ass

Mommy fucked your muh fuckin sorry ass migrant


And here yo sorry broke ass chose tah 

Be! Wherevah thah fuck in this firmament!

Now, that shit shall always be

Called your broke ass


Othah than that shit!

Yo broke ass is thah fuck here, ah muh fuckin visitor and shit, for whatevah thah fuckin reason and shit! 

But, I mean, shit!

Shut thah fuck up!

US labor!

Save some fuckin USDs!

And find thah fuck your sorry broke ass way back thah fuck

Home God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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