Sunday, October 13, 2024

Then All College Football Teams Should Be One-Loss To One-Win?

 Got all these God damned evil coaches in football, volleyball, tennis, basketball...or whatevah thah professional, college or high school sport!

I mean, shit!

Please tell an old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin niggah?!

Why muh fuckUS still losin and shit?! Got all these God damned, Offensive Coordinators, Defensive Coordinators, Special Teams coordinators...and shit! And muh fuckUS still losin and shit?!

"Well, someone has to lose! Old ass sorry Black muh fuckah! And the other teams have the same coaching structure!..."

I undahstand!

But God damn!




Payin thah Head college football coach three million USDs for that sorry ass shit?!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass ain't got no coachin experience and could get those young men at this point, 0-6! But cha evil asses goin tah break an old ass Black sorry broke muh fuckah at least 


Fuck that!

God damn!

I mean, shit!

Some muh fuckUS need tah be fucking



Not today!

Fuckin yesterday, God damnit!



CaUSe them sorry ass "coaching" losin muh fuckUS don't give ah fuck! 


Thah fuck's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

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