Sunday, October 13, 2024

It Is What It US Is! Until It US Ain't!

 US muh fuckUS listen tah this muh fuckin shit but 


Reseach and/or

Read for shit!

"Well the preacher said," "Well, the law enforcement official said.", "My Momma said!," "My Daddy said!."...or whatevah thah blamin muh fuckUS that US wants tah muh fuckin

Blame! God damnit!

Most of US muh fuckUS have reached thah age of majority in this US bitch!

US are some grown muh fuckin assUS!

So, I mean, shit!

US can't absolve US selves in this FED fucked up Commie US Coup!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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