Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Druids?! Celtics?! Crazy ass White folks?! Thah fuck?!

I mean, shit!

Brings ah whole new meanin for that,

"Trick or Treat" evil complicit US


And have US noticed thah amount of money generated from US Halloween is getting very close tah


ChristmUS and shit?!

What thah Holy fuck!

my old Black

Ign'ant sorry broke ass learnin somethin new every-fuckin-day!

I mean, shit!

Who thah fuck else

US knew about this evil Commie Coup shit?!

But my old Black sorry broke ass has tah give it tah these 

FED Commie evil US muh fuckahs!

Y'alls's shit kindah tight!

And US Commie evil...


Shall forever


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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